We just entered the historical shift of Pluto's entry into futuristic Aquarius after a 15-year run in traditional Capricorn. This is a monumental rewiring, as we'll ultimately be propelled through the "looking glass," into a surreal new reality, asked to embrace innovative perspectives and operating systems that are foreign to us now.
Because we only have until mid-June when Pluto retrogrades back into Capricorn for the rest of 2023, consider this a "taste" or preview of our evolving world that will unfold over the next 20 years into a reality we can't even fathom - yet...
March 25 - Mars enters Cancer, after being in Gemini since late Aug '22. Mars is how you get what you want, your drive, passion and aggression. Gemini loves info and is easily distracted by the next tidbit or bright, shiny object - and with Mars Retrograde from Oct 30 - Jan 12, it was challenging to get anything successfully off the ground or moving forward smoothly.
Mars in emotional Cancer is motivated when it's in the mood and is fluctuating all the time. Also, resistance to conflict and confrontation is a hallmark of Mars in Cancer, that wants to connect, not fight. That's why Mars is considered to be debilitated in the sign of Cancer, the caretaker/nurturer. However, Mars in Cancer can show you what you need and give you the impetus to get your needs met. I highly recommend it!
Mars in Cancer rules your home, family, ancestors, lineage, traditions and your personal life - and it will give you energy to focus on these areas. As Mars enters Cancer, it's in harmonious connection to Saturn in Pisces, supporting you in building new structures and taking methodical actions to create something lasting and stable. This is a gift, after being on the hamster wheel in mental Gemini (with the Retrograde) for 6+ months!
There was so much activity in the past week with the Equinox / New Moon in Aries and Pluto entering Aquarius, it felt like being shot out of a cannon! This week there are fewer aspects and it's an opportunity to slow down and integrate what you have just encountered. Self-care is primary (Mars in Cancer goes to this) - and the spaciousness between cosmic connections allows for the flakes in your personal "snow-globe" to settle a bit.
March 26 - Mercury conjoins Chiron, a healing aspect that supports forgiveness, processing hurtful thoughts and words (from you or others) or healing critical / toxic beliefs that have colored your view of your Self, allowing for more nurturing, compassionate perspectives. This is a beautiful time to make amends and do therapeutic process work to allow for a lighter heart going forward.
March 27 - Mercury conjunct Jupiter, generates bright ideas, big visions, high ideals and expansive perspectives, as well as positive communications and connections. You may be inspired to engage where you were reluctant before, feeling a total "Yes!" - but Saturn in Pisces requires you to have a plan or structure available to support your enthusiasm in practical ways.
March 30 - Mars trine Saturn is exact, supporting decisions and actions that align with your needs and well being. With Mars in Cancer (action & nurturer) and Saturn in Pisces (structure & intuition), you can attune to feel what you need and take grounded actions accordingly - or wait. You'll know when the time is right, as Saturn offers you restraint and discipline in the moment.
Also on March 30 - Venus conjuncts Uranus, impelling you to shake things up and express wild or hidden desires regarding your style, a pursuit, your values or how you appear in the world. This is likely some aspect of your Authentic Self emerging, ready to come out of hiding, daring to be real in our changing world. The Mars-Saturn aspect is operating in tandem, keeping you in check so you don't go overboard. Trust your impulses and use your good judgment to express your evolving Self and feel the freedom it brings you!
What a shift energetically and in consciousness, as you pause to consider where you are, all that's unfolding and how you want to move forward, even when you don't know the outcome of the path you're on. This is an adventure; a spiritual practice of living in faith with purpose. If you're not clear about your purpose, let your personal evolution be enough for now and more will be revealed...
* Having a purpose offers you a focus that will call you forward;
* Move into the higher realms of service that's right for you and watch your experience of life transform;
* Find your community; you aren't meant to do this alone and your soul family will embrace you with loving support.
You have a big mission and we need you to be your best and highest Self Don't underestimate the revolution that's happening within YOU!
"When your thoughts are connected to Divine Wisdom, even the simplest of actions become holy.” ~ The Baal Shem Tov
As always, I am grateful for your presence on our journey together.
© 2023 Lisa E Zimmerman. All rights reserved.
Lisa E Zimmerman is an Intuitive Astrologer and Coach, and Creator of Awakened Life Retreats, helping seekers discover who they came here to be and how to create an evolving, empowered and meaningful life. It is a joyful, heartfelt journey. ❤️