September 3, 2020

To: All Members
Fr: Stefanie Tuff, Assistant Executive Director
Re: Policy Grievance Update

On August 4, 2020, the NLTA filed a policy grievance with the Department of Education regarding lack of consultation with the Association in developing government’s K-12 Education Re-Entry Plan, and the failure of the Plan to meet the standards expected by the provincial Occupational Health and Safety Act (the Act).

The Association contends that meaningful consultation, as required by the Collective Agreement, did not occur, and that the Plan, which is characterized by a systemic disregard for accepted, sound and oft repeated Public Health advice, fails to meet legislated OHS standards. While the Act sets out the school districts’ occupational health and safety obligations, as employers, government’s Plan directs and limits the districts’ actions and options in a manner and to a degree that has effectively ensured non-compliance with Act. The grievance letter can be viewed here: Grievance Letter.

The grievance meeting took place on August 26 and the Department has since responded, denying any violation of the collective agreement or OHS legislation. NLTA will be moving this matter forward for arbitration, and will keep members informed of further developments in this regard.