The SHORT Report
Nova Scotia COVID-19 Cases
- Dalhousie Faculty of Medicine Awards
- Nova Scotia Health Making Waves and Quality Award Recognition 2020
- Internal Medicine Resident Retreat
- PGY4 Match Day
- Medicine Matters 2020: Pet Peeves and Unperceived Needs
- Research funding applications due Oct 15
- DoM Virtual Research Day 2020
Annual Report 2019-2020
- Introducing Sherie Hodds and Robyn McIsaac
More items
- MAP: My Administrative Portal replaces ESS / MSS
- Policy - Physician Incomplete Notification - NEW!
- Policy - Healthcare Worker Masking
- Virtual Care options extended
- Influenza Immunization Campaign
- Online appointment booking service
- Changes to visitor restrictions Sep 17
- Libraries reopened
- Discussion with Atlantic Canada's Chief Medical Officers
- Faster Testing for Nova Scotians
- Gargle-Swish Test at IWK
- Federal-Provincial Safe Restart Agreement finalized
- INSPIRED COPD Outreach program expands
Standing items
- Videos - PPE and Masks
- Websites to Reference
Hi everyone,
Nova Scotia Health celebrated staff and physicians with Making Waves Awards of Excellence last week and the Faculty of Medicine presented their leadership awards the week before. As you will see below our department was well represented and I want to extend our congratulations to all the award recipients and thank them for promoting excellence in research, education and clinical care within our department and the greater health care system.
October holds some exciting events for physicians. Our own department will host an Active Hope session for physician wellness on the 30th, Doctors NS will host their AGM, and Doctors NS also announced the call for applications for their next physician leadership development course (due October 16th). Leadership skills have lasting positive impact on everything from our patient care, our administrative and academic roles; and even in our day to day lives. Leadership skills are invaluable and this is a great opportunity to develop them. I encourage department members to consider applying. Enrollment is competitive for 24 available spots. As a department we will continue to support leadership development in everyone.
Finally, I can’t let this newsletter go out without recognizing the passing of US Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg (RBG) on September 18th, 2020. Supreme Court Justice Bader Ginsburg was a huge proponent of women’s rights and the need for women to be an integral part of decision making on all levels. In medicine, there is still a very large under-representation of women physicians in leadership roles and in higher levels of academic appointments. As a department we need to continue to work with each other, the Faculty and Health Authorities to make sure we are creating a culture in our department and the system that fully supports the growth, development and promotion of all of our diverse members.
Keep well everyone,
Christine Short, MD, FRCP(C), FACP
Associate Professor & Head/Chief, Department of Medicine
Dalhousie University / Central Zone, Nova Scotia Health
Upcoming Events:
DoM –
Active Hope session for physician wellness
October 30 @ 1:30 - 3:30
Doctors NS –
October 17
Doctors NS –
total confirmed cases;
(911 in Central Zone)
total negative tests
currently in ICU
due to COVID-19
We welcome the following new physicians:
Dr. Daniel Malebranche ~ Division of Cardiology
Dr. Daniel Malebranche graduated from University of British Columbia and then completed his residency in Internal Medicine at Memorial University NFLD. He then joined University of Toronto for his residency in Cardiology and moved to University of Calgary for training in Interventional Cardiology. Daniel then joined the Swiss Cardiovascular Center for a fellowship in structural heart disease intervention involving TAVR and Mitraclip. He also received additional certification in safety, Quality, Informatics and Leadership from Harvard Medical School.
Dr. Mary Malebranche ~ Division of General Internal Medicine
Dr. Mary Malebranche graduated from University of British Columbia and then completed her residency in Internal Medicine at Memorial University. She completed a fellowship in General Internal Medicine from the University of Ottawa and is currently completing an Academic Fellowship in Social Medicine and Vulnerable Populations through the Unversité de Lausanne, Switzerland.
Dr. Benjamin Whatley ~ Division of Neurology
Dr. Ben Whatley graduated from McGill University and then completed an Adult Neurology Residency at Dalhousie University leading to a fellowship in Clinical Neurophysiology & Epilepsy at the University College London.
Dr. Lindsay Flinn ~ Division of Palliative Medicine
Dr. Lindsay Flinn completed a Family Medicine Residency at McMaster University and a Palliative Care Fellowship at the University of Ottawa. Dr. Flinn has practiced both as a full-time palliative care physician in the community and in-hospital as a consultant.
Dr. Marko Balan ~ Division of General Internal Medicine (locum)
Dr. Harrison Petropolis ~ Division of Digestive Care & Ends (locum)
We welcome the following administrative staff to their new positions:
Shelbie Stacey-Allen ~ Division of Cardiology
Hyen Rosen ~ Division of Clinical Dermatology & Cutaneous Science
Katie Crosby ~ Division of Clinical Dermatology & Cutaneous Science
Victoria Gilks ~ Division of General Internal Medicine
Cheryl Burton-Myles ~ Division of Hematology
Elaine Haines ~ Division of Hematology
Siony Neale ~ Division of Infectious Diseases
Lynn Bystrom ~ Division of Neurology
Chelsie Wiseman ~ Division of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation
Tammy Zoccole ~ Division of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation
Justine Mayhew ~ Division of Respirology
Taylour Stevens ~ DoM Finance Office
Dr. Sultan Darvesh
One of four recipients who received a Dalhousie 2020 Aurum Award
"This is my alma mater, so it means a lot to me. From my undergraduate studies in the Faculty of Medicine to the support of my department, Dalhousie has played a major role in making my work possible."
The annual Aurum Awards celebrate Dalhousie alumni for their outstanding achievements and contributions in research and innovation, community engagement and leadership.
Dr. Lisa Barrett
Received the 2020 Dr. John Savage Memorial Award for Faculty Leadership in Global Health.
As Assistant Professor in the Division of Infectious Diseases, Dr. Barrett has had tremendous impact with marginalized populations in our communities. She is a mentor, researcher, educator, clinician and health advocate who inspires students, residents and her colleagues.
This award was presented as part of RIM Research Day held virtually on Friday, September 11, 2020.
This annual award recognizes outstanding humanitarian contribution to global health by a Dalhousie Medical School faculty member.
Nova Scotia Health Making Waves and Quality Awards Ceremony 2020
Nova Scotia Health held the inaugural Making Waves and Quality Award Recognition event virtually on September 30, 2020. Approximately 280 people watched the livestream event.
Congratulations to the following Department of Medicine members:
Outstanding Researcher Award 2020
Dr. Kenneth Rockwood
Leadership Excellence Award in the Physician Category 2020
Dr. R. Mark Sadler
Award of Distinction 2020
Amanda Tinning, NP
for her work in the Transitional Heart Failure Clinic
Internal Medicine Resident Retreat
Date: October 9 - 11
Location: Virtual
Please release Internal Medicine Residents from service at noon on Friday, October 9.
Medicine Matters 2020: Pet Peeves and Unperceived Needs
(Professional Development Conference)
- Only registered participants will receive Zoom links
Friday, November 13
8:25 am - 4:30 pm
Virtual via Zoom
Leading Recovery from COVID-19
- Dr. Tom Marrie
Be it resolved that all physicians should have social media accounts for public education and advocacy
- Dr. Lisa Barrett
- Dr. Christine Dipchand
- Dr. Shelly McNeil
- Dr. Geoff Williams
Small Group Sessions:
How Internists can improve Cardiology Care
How Internists can improve Hematology Care
How Internists can improve Dermatology/Immunology Care
How Internists can improve Palliative Care
How Internists can improve Geriatric Care
How Internists can improve Gastroenterology Care
Registration required
(open until Nov. 10):
- Open to DoM physicians and residents
This event is an Accredited Group Learning Activity (Section 1) as defined by the Maintenance of Certification Program of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, and approved by Continuing Professional Development, Dalhousie University. You may claim a maximum of 7.25 hours (credits are automatically calculated).
For more information:
Research funding applications due October 15.
- DoM Junior Department Member Grant
- Nova Scotia Health Authority Research Fund (NSHA RF) Category 1 Matching Funding Grant
- DoM Bridge/Pilot Funding Grant
DoM Virtual Research Day 2020
Originally planned for April 16, 2020, DoM Research Day has evolved to a virtual event.
November 3: Podium presentations 8 - 9:30 am
November 10: Podium presentations 8 - 9:30 am
Podiums: Zoom invitations will be distributed via email
We hope to see you there!
Dr. Robin Urquhart
Using Implementation Science to Improve Care Delivery and Patient Outcomes
Tuesday, Nov 3 @ 8am
We welcome Sherie Hodds and Robyn McIsaac to the team to refine our communications and public relations.
We are collecting content for the 2019-2020 annual report. We would like to highlight stories from your division that took place or were initiated between April 1, 2019 and March 31, 2020.
1. Which of the following themes best aligns with your story?
- Provincial system focus and innovation in delivery service
- Access to quality care
- Teaching
- Research and Academic Activities
- Serving and Engaging Society
2. Provide a few bullets about your story – who, what, where, when and why. (Open-ended but short – 200 words)
3. Are there others who would be interested in being part of this story (e.g. patient, family, colleague, student, partner, etc.)
4. Who is the contact for this story? Please include email address and phone number.
5. Do you have any photos that could accompany your story(ies)? If no, are there upcoming opportunities to take photos?
- Sherie is strategic advisor, coach and communicator.
- Robyn is a communications strategist.
Effective September 25, 2020, the MSS/ESS portal has changed to MAP: My Administrative Portal.
Training is available in the Learning Management System (LMS). MAP is used for:
- accessing your pay advice
- updating your personal information
- initiating change of banking information for payroll purposes
- requesting a leave of absence
New policy for NSHA physicians and dentists
- Potential suspension of hospital privileges for incomplete records
Effective November 2, 2020
Discharge summaries require five elements:
- Final diagnosis
- Outcome of care
- Medications on discharge
- Arrangements for follow-up
- Discuss follow-up care with FP
Effective September 10, 2020
Staff working behind plexiglass need to wear non-medical masks.
NS Government is extending access to virtual care options until December 31, 2020.
NS Government / Health and Wellness
News release - September 25, 2020
Physicians’ payment codes for virtual visits will be available until Dec. 31, 2020.
Traditional flu clinics will be much smaller this year to follow COVID-19 public health measures.
This year’s Influenza Immunization campaign begins on October 15.
Nova Scotia Health & IWK Health roll out online appointment booking service for blood collection and diagnostic imaging.
Blood collection online appointments began at:
- Woodlawn blood collection, Dartmouth
- Colchester East Hants Health Centre, Truro
As of September 16:
- Dartmouth General Hospital
- Lloyd E. Matheson Centre, Elmsdale
As of September 25:
- Aberdeen Blood Collection, New Glasgow
- Bayers Road Blood Collection, Halifax
- Eastern Kings Memorial Community Health Centre Blood Collection, Wolfville
- Spryfield Blood Collection, Halifax
- St. Margaret’s Bay Blood Collection, Tantallon
As of October 7:
- Cape Breton Regional Hospital Blood Collection
- South Shore Regional Hospital Blood Collection
As of October 13:
- IWK Health Blood Collection
“Online booking will allow people to self-schedule their appointments and we expect the expansion of our online booking system to have a significant positive impact on patient experience,” said Shauna Thompson, senior director of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine. “We know that since COVID-19 has prevented walk-in service, trying to book appointments by phone has been extremely frustrating for patients. As we continue to add locations to online booking, we expect this process to be much more seamless.”
Blood Collection locations:
Diagnostic Imaging:
IWK Health updates:
Original post on Sept 14 with various updates
Expansion focuses on:
- Blood collection
- Diagnostic imaging
- X-ray
Having loved ones present during hospitalization is important for patient care, experience, safety and outcomes. With the consistently low number of known COVID-19 cases in Nova Scotia, Nova Scotia Health believes it’s time to reintegrate family caregivers as part of our care teams.
Effective Thursday, September 17:
Inpatients may have two support people/family caregivers visit at the same time. Individuals may change daily.
Outpatients may have one primary support person/family caregiver accompany them.
Appointments are no longer required for primary support persons/family caregivers.
- Primary support persons or family caregivers may have contact with the patient, but maintain physical distancing with staff and other patients.
- Primary support persons or family caregivers may be permitted to stay overnight in consultation with unit manager.
Children under the age of 16 may visit with an adult and can be reviewed on case-by-case basis.
Gifts and cards are now permitted.
Process will be guided by the Family Presence Policy ( AD-QR-020).
- Will open to patients and families at a later date.
Library Services staff are on site M-F 8:30am-4:30pm.
Halifax Infirmary Health Science Library
2nd floor, Halifax Infirmary, Summer Street entrance
Dickson Health Science Library
5th floor Dickson Building (opposite the Weather Watch)
All electronic collections, guides and patient pamphlets are available online at:
The MacEachen Institute for Public Policy and Governance and Dr. David Anderson, Dean of Medicine, partnered together to facilitate a panel discussion among the Atlantic Canada's Chief Medical Officers of Health (CMOH) on October 1.
Each panelist presented the lessons learned within their province. Audience members wrote almost 100 comments/questions. It was a positive and engaging session.
Nova Scotians can now do a COVID-19 self-assessment online. This will reduce the wait time to be screened for testing from 12 hours to about 10 minutes. If the online assessment determines that a person requires a test, the Nova Scotia Health Authority or the IWK Health Centre will call them within 24 to 48 hours to book an appointment.
October 1, 2020
Nova Scotia Health employees and physicians should continue to use:
1-833-750-0632 (Monday to Friday)
On October 7, the IWK started using the Gargle-Swish test to diagnose COVID-19 in children ages 4 to 18.
It is a more comfortable test for children. Once they’ve piloted the process, the gargle test will soon be available for children at all primary assessment centres.
Government of Nova Scotia / Health and Wellness
October 6, 2020
YouTube Video from BC Children's Hospital / Provincial Health Services Authority (PHSA) - 2 min 45 sec
The IWK is the second hospital in Canada to offer this test.
"Nova Scotia will receive about $289 million through the federal-provincial-territorial $19 billion Safe Restart Agreement. The funding will be used to protect Nova Scotians from COVID-19 while safely reopening the economy."
Read full news release
September 16, 2020
INSPIRED COPD outreach program helps patients and families self-manage their COPD at home particularly after discharge from hospital.
- Central Zone
- Lunenburg County
- Queens County
- Cape Breton Regional Municipality
- Cumberland County
- Colchester East Hants (newly added)
For more information:
Since its launch in 2010, the INSPIRED program has resulted in over 60% reduction in unnecessary hospital admissions and emergency department visits for eligible patients.
Nova Scotia Health / Dr. Lynn Johnston
Uploaded: March 13, 2020
Video: 10 min
Nova Scotia Health / Dr. Glenn Patriquin
Uploaded: April 3, 2020
Video: 3 min
Uploaded: June 15, 2020
Video: 1 min 25 seconds
Uploaded: July 20, 2020
PDF – 8.5" x 14" poster
IMCU, MTU, SI-ED Schedule
My Personal Directive
(Legal Information Society of Nova Scotia)
Complete online then download or email document. Once signed and witnessed, it is valid.
Spectrum MD
(Antimicrobial Stewardship)
Nova Scotia Health logo needs to be visible in the upper left corner of the home screen to ensure you are accessing local content.
A list of some neighbourly businesses offering convenient, discounted or free services.
NSHA workers experiencing COVID-19 symptoms, contact:
1-833-750-0632 (Monday to Friday)
811 (Weekends)
Government of Nova Scotia
World Health Organization
When you take care of yourself, you take care of others.