An Update from UUCM's Re-Opening Implementation Team (RO-IT)
From Peter Arian and Rae Dumont, Co-Chairs of the RO-IT

The emergence of the COVID Delta variant, breakthrough infections and asymptomatic transmission is disappointing, and has required that we modify the reopening procedures we were looking forward to.

We are committed to attending to the congregation’s spiritual needs and to the hunger for connection. At the same time, we will continue to follow the science and the CDC guidelines, and keep your safety foremost in our minds. We may all too often have to change the procedures which made so much sense just a week or two ago. We hope you will bear with us in this process.

We ask that all who attend services be both masked, and vaccinated, while also recognizing that children under twelve cannot yet be vaccinated. This presents a difficult problem. In order to welcome families with young children as safely as possible, we will now have a separate section reserved in the front of the sanctuary, which will be clearly delineated. Social distancing will be maintained, for which you can register. You can find registration on Realm, or by clicking on on the front page of our website, at the top, on the words "Register Here." Adequate ventilation exists in the sanctuary. Streaming in Fletcher Hall is not yet operational.

If you feel unsafe attending worship in person, whether on your own behalf or out of concern for a loved one you have contact with, streaming continues to be available. If these procedures leave you feeling disconnected, please reach out to the care team, a member of RO-IT, or to the ministers. 

Religious Education
  • Our plans for resuming RE remain unchanged. OWL is taking place in the Peierls room. 
  • The remaining children will start in October. This will entail as much outdoor time as possible, social distancing, masks will be worn, and adequate ventilation is in place.
  • All personnel and volunteers are required to be vaccinated.
  • A multi-platform Zoom option will be available.

Montclair Emergency Services for Hope (MESH)
In person dining is delayed. Until it resumes, Grab’n Go meals are provided.
All volunteers are asked to be masked and vaccinated.

Together, we will emerge.