September 16, 2021
Online Worship Number:888-655-8086
September 19, 2021 12:00 PM
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Service Times

Trinity (in person) - 10 a.m.
Keizer Clear Lake (in person) - 10 a.m.
Morningside (in person) - 10 a.m.
Salem First (online) - 9 a.m.
Open Door Churches (online) - 10 a.m.
Music Monday
Every Monday we will release a new video on YouTube featuring one of music groups that contribute to our worship music!
Sermon Series
Prayer at Godmother Kulia’s House
I grew up an inquisitive child. I believe I would have loved smartphones and Google. I was the second child and first daughter but I became daddy’s little girl six months after my first birthday, when my next brother, Limoni was born. I had the coolest father who listened to my questions and stories. He was very patient and generous with his time for me.

As we grew older, at the age of five, our father took us to board with his paternal aunt Kulia (my godmother) for elementary school. At Kulia’s household, we learned a new weekday family norm that was different from ours. There was mandatory morning prayer at six in the morning and evening prayer was at nine before bedtime. Here, at my godmother Kulia’s family, I learned daily stories about Jesus and sang beautiful hymns, and heard prayers led by Grandpa and Grandma (Kulia’s parents). The children didn’t have any speaking privileges so here we all learned the importance of listening, hearing, meditating, and wondering in the scripture. I was convinced since a young age, these stories in the Bible are more than what I could understand; I was yet to understand the full story.

Now, having read the Bible and spend some years in the theology school of Iliff, in Denver University, I admit the mystery of God is profound. But we learn and know God's mystery in some part through our reading of the scriptures. Paul in his letter to Timothy reminded him that no matter what he heard and what was going on in the community, he must trust what he was taught in the scriptures and the teachings of his family. “But as for you, continue in what you have learned and have become convinced of, because you know those from whom you learned it, and how from infancy you have known the holy scriptures, which can make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus.” Timothy 3:14-15. The significance of reading the scripture is it teaches and makes us wise for salvation through faith in Jesus Christ. Then Paul also went on to say that, “All scriptures are inspired by God and are useful for teaching, for reproof, for correction and training in righteousness, so that everyone who belongs to God may be proficient, equipped for every good work.”

But we must not lose heart yet for I believe these encouraging words from Paul to Timothy speak to us too, “In the presence of God and of Christ Jesus who is to judge the living and the dead, and in view of his appearing and his kingdom, I solemnly urge you: proclaim the message; be persistent whether the time is favorable or unfavorable; convince, rebuke, and encourage, with the utmost patience in teaching.”

While I was at Godmother Kulia’s house at the age of seven, I experienced my first major hurricane with a tsunami warning. But I was not scared at all for while the strong wind battered our big hut, the soft sound of Grandpa Faiva’s prayer calmed our hearts to sleep. We woke up to the dim light of our storm lamps to sing hymns together and offer prayers of thanksgiving. To a little child, it was a normal day because we still prayed together at six in the morning and again at nine in the evening before we rested for the night. We must not allow our fear and frustration to blind our views from the pleasure of enjoying some of the norms in our lives, especially the lovely weather we have had this summer. My favorite thing to do is to call someone to visit and pray together. We can all do that with one another and then say the Lord’s prayer together. Amen.

Pastor Kalina Malua Katoa
Listening Sessions
To: Members of Keizer Clear Lake UMC
From: Open Door Churches Board
Date: September 15, 2021
As the Open Door Churches (ODC) of Salem-Keizer continue the process of returning to in-person worship and other ministry activities, the ODC Board is coordinating a process to create a clear, understandable, and responsive system that enables the relationships between our congregations, our pastors, and the ODC Board. Our purpose is to empower us all for ministry in our community and to create a pathway for vibrant, growing ministry in the future. The ODC Board feels strongly that we cannot accomplish that goal without broad input from all our congregations.

Invitation: You are invited to attend a “listening session” at your home church and/or another Open Door Church. These are open sessions, and you are encouraged to attend in person or participate via Zoom. 

Planned sessions are as follows:
  • Keizer Clear Lake UMC, Sunday September 19, 3:00 pm at Keizer Clear Lake (in person only)
  • Salem FUMC Sunday September 26, 3:00 pm (Zoom only)
  • Morningside UMC Wednesday, October 6, 6:30 pm (format to be determined)
  • Trinity UMC Sunday, October 10, 3:00 pm (format to be determined)

Session Objective:
  • To receive broad input on the Leadership Framework for the Open Door Churches. 
  • To listen for hopes, concerns and constructive feedback on how to improve the Open Door experience and ministry

Questions to be discussed: 
  • How do we best support five worship services and four churches with three pastors?
  • What are our ministry priorities?
  • How are our priorities reflected in how our pastor’s time is allocated?
  • How do we provide capacity to do new ministries and strengthen outreach?

Listening Session Format:
  • Leadership Framework and Discussion Guide will be distributed in advance of the meeting. 
  • 90-minute meeting
  • RSVP not required. Contact your church office if you need to provide an email for a Zoom link (if available at the location you are attending)
  • Meeting will be facilitated by Lynn Egli, a consultant hired for this purpose
  • Major themes across all four listening sessions will be summarized and made available after the meetings

Christian Education
Educating Ourselves About Racism -
We're Back!

Goodbye summer! Hello fall!

Kim and I have been making plans for our upcoming class season. And we’re glad you’re a part of it!

While we had hoped to have an in-person social, the Delta variant has made that impossible for now. Ugh.
We’ll be Zoom gathering again beginning Monday, September 13 from 7-8pm PST. Here’s the first thing we’ll be doing:

September 20
Being a Racial Ally - Lori Murphy

As we commit more and more to challenging the system of racism and its effects on others and ourselves, we likely will come across the idea of becoming and being a racial ally. This session's topic is based on the work of Anneliese Singh, PhD and LPC.

September 27
Raise Your Race Consciousness - Lori Murphy

Race-consciousness means that we are aware of how racism works as a system. We'll discuss how we can do things that help us claim an antiracist identity and expand our knowledge about our own race and the race of others. This session's topic is based on the work of Anneliese Singh, PhD and LPC.
Lori Murphy Cole had the joyous career of working in education at Chemeketa Community College. Since her retirement, she's continued teaching and working with a variety of communities on equity issues. She has been class participant over the past year.

And there’s more. We look forward to being together again and sharing with you. Let us know if you have any questions. We’ll send out Zoom info in the next email. See you soon!

“But let justice roll down as waters, and righteousness as a mighty stream.” Amos 5:24

- Cesie and Kim
Tuesday Evening Book Study
Tuesday Evening Book Study begins September 21, online. Contact Jennie Pitney at to connect with this group; or email and we can get the info to you as well.
Youth Group
Youth Group Changes

All youth 6-12th grade are welcome to join us.

We shift our meeting time back to Sunday afternoon and this week we will meet in person from 1-2:30 for our third installment of frisbee golf. We'll play the course at The Oregon State Hospital (2600 Center St). The golf course is across the parking lot from the Old Building/Museum. We'll meet at the first tee which is a big red pole. Bring your frisbee or Jeff will have ones for each person to use. Bring water and be sure to wear your mask. Even though we are outside we will be wearing masks for this activity.

Join us this evening(Thursday) on Zoom for Jackbox Games. 7-8:30 the link is below. It's good to be back together on Thursday nights.

Open Door United Methodist Churches Youth Group will meet every Thursday via zoom, 7-8:30. This week we will meet at Clearlake from 1-2:30, outside and masked for game time.Contact Jeff for information.

If you would like more information contact Jeff Lowery at for more information and to get signed up for our weekly emails.

Contact Rev. Jeff Lowery: for questions.

You may also contact Kelly Mason: for more information.
Young Adult Group
Open Door Churches Young Adults - September

What: A time of fun in community with one another. We'll be reading and discussing "Doers of the World."

When: Tuesday September 28 at 7pm

Where: Archive Coffee and Bar
102 Liberty St NE

Please contact Pastor Alyssa Baker for information about upcoming meet-ups!

Open Door Church Young Adults on Instagram

Are you following Open Door Young Adults on Instagram?

Check out the Instagram page to see what is happening with Young Adult Group and to see what some of our Young Adults are up to!
Attention: All Open Door Churches Wanna-be Bell Ringers!
Good news! Though we aren’t yet allowed to use our voices to sing our praises, “ringing” them is another way to lift our spirits on the wings of music.

To that end, Mission Bells is now organizing for the coming year, 2021-2022. We will be holding our first full meeting in person on Wednesday, September 22, at our a rehearsal time of 9:30-11:30 AM. This will provide a golden opportunity to learn what “ringing” is all about and would be the perfect time for anyone who might be eager to join us as a regular member to come and see what we’re all about. We are open to all Open Door worshipers including middle and high school students. A “nodding acquaintance” with music elements is a bonus, but many of our current ringers started with NO music background and are now competent bell musicians.

If you decide to join us at the tables, we rehearse weekly on Wednesdays, 9:30-11:30AM observing COVID masking guidelines, and we will hope to be playing on a regular schedule for worship services at least once each month (usually on the 3rd Sunday). We also ring for special events at FUMC as needed.

We hope to see some new faces (and even some who may have rung with us in past years) at our meeting. If you have questions, or need more information, please free to contact me.

Glenda Serex 
Opportunity to Give
Open Door Churches Worship
Together we continue to reimagine how we worship in the middle of the pandemic while following our call to Do No Harm, Do Good, and Stay in love with God. As we continue to create spaces for worship costs come up and we need your help.
If you would like to financially support Open Door Churches Worship please make checks payable to Open Door Churches with Open Door Worship in the memo line and mail your check to our Open Door Churches PO Box. 

Open Door Churches
PO Box 4489
Salem Oregon 97302

You can also give online
Pastor Alyssa Baker
Pastor Kalina Malua Katoa
Pastoral Care
Pastor John Fleming
Pastora Zaida Huereca
Rev. Jeff Lowery
Open Door Churches | Website