It's great to see so many car shows include a toy drive. It got me thinking about my first toys that I remember. So much of what I played with influenced my life now. I don't recall asking for them, they just appeared under the tree. Santa knew what I needed.
My favorite toys were the Lincoln Logs, Tinkertoys, and the basic Legos. These helped develop my mechanical abilities and created a vision in building and decor. I used these skills in creating a successful artificial floral design business.
My next favorite toy was my collection of Matchbox and Hot Wheels cars. I don't remember how it started but I had a case full of them. The best part was the plastic track with the loop in the middle. I would attached them all together, down the long hallway, and drape them over the couch cushions to simulate hills. Cars would go flying and bounce off the hallway walls. Of course, that was the beginning of may love affair with classic cars.
So it is important to put some thought into the toy giving process because that toy may influence the direction of the child's life choices, as it did mine.
Happy Holidays
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Daytona Turkey Rod Run 2020
It was touch and go for a while but with the perfect weather the event was a smashing success, at least from Russ Muller's point of view.