As it Turns Out, Pandemics Can Be Stressful....BREATHE, DANCE, LAUGH AND KNOW IT WILL BE OK!

Media is mentally exhausting so turn off the news and stay positive. We are 8 months into this pandemic and more than half way to better times. While numbers pf cases are increasing the actual mortality rate is decreasing. Vaccines are available and doctors have more resources to manage this illness. We expect a rise in COVID19 cases, but this is not a surprise. As with Influenza, we anticipate a rise especially after holiday gatherings. Hospitals have been preparing for this winter. Your job is easy. Mask at any gathering, distance 6 ft and limit your social contacts. I recently told a health professional that her group photos make me uncomfortable. I reminded her that we need to lead by example. She immediately agreed and I was pleased by the pleasant exchange. Kind reminders can work. Just remember that you cannot control others and your job is to protect your loved ones.

Need a mental health check in? Join local mental health experts on Wednesday, November 18th at 8:00 pm to learn about Supporting Your Child's Mental Health And Wellness This will be followed by Q and A.
  • Cough
  • Difficulty Breathing
  • Loss of Taste or Smell

  • Fever
  • Congestion
  • Nausea/Vomiting
  • Headache
  • Sore Throat
  • Body Aches

If you are my patient, you can now come in for a nasal PCR swab before 1 pm M-F and get results same evening. I also like to send out a complete respiratory panel. The panel can identify the actual infection and tends to really help in decision making for the rest of the family.

Free Antibody Testing with referral from your doctor.
400 Newport Ctr Drive
Ste 204
Newport Beach CA 93660

Call Pathlab for more information:
How much should my child be eating?
Whether your child gained the COVID “19” or just cannot keep weight on, it is important for you to know your child’s metabolic needs by age. You should also have a general understanding of your child’s body mass index (BMI) percentile starting at 2 years of age. Read More.....
New Research at UCI says COVID-19 MAY BE nearly 7 times more prevalent in O.C. than previously thought. Their study suggests that 11.5% of residents have antibodies in contrast to previous estimates of < 2%. But how does this help us and for how long are we immune after an infection? 

We don’t know.

I tested positive for a past infection in mid-October. Like other scenarios, no one else in my family tested positive for a past infection. I retested as negative one week later and negative again 2 weeks later. 

So now what? I act like I never had it.  The local Quest Medical Director agreed that COVID19 antibody tests are not scrutinized to the same level as other antibody tests. They were released early for use for COVID19 monitoring. Luckily, the University of Washington did a study on the accuracy of the Abbott test.  "We tested 1,020 serum specimens collected prior to SARS-CoV-2 circulation in the United States and found one false positive, indicating a specificity of 99.90%." So my positive antibodies were likely real but a short lived phase. I have no way to know when I had the infection and nothing left to show for it.

All you need to remember:
  1. Nasal PCR- positive is positive for a recent infection. 
  2. Nasal PCR - negative may have missed a real infection. Follow the Symptom Tree Flier above if you were exposed or having symptoms. 

Everything else needs to be sorted out.... and I promise to get back to you with any news on this front.
Who is at risk for complications of Influenza? 
-Children younger than 5, but especially children younger than 2 years old.
-Adults 65 years of age and older.
-Pregnant women (and women up to two weeks postpartum).

 The pediatric flu death count per year in OC ranges from several children to over a dozen. Flu is more of a risk to your child than COVID19.
The flu shot, is approved for over 6 months and contains an inactivated virus or components of the virus.

The nasal spray is approved for people ages 2 to 49, and contains live, attenuated flu viruses (doesn't cause disease) like measles.

Per a recent NPR article, there's a chance the nasal spray could offer some protection against COVID-19 itself. Scientists believe the inherent advantage rests in how the vaccine primes different parts of the immune system.

We have both the flu shot and the nasal spray. Parents can get vaccinated at our office. Please call us to reserve flu for your family and schedule.

Meet Devun Orr. He has spent the last 2 years adjusting to Type 1 Diabetes but he has not allowed it to slow him down for a second! He makes sure to live life to the fullest!

Devun maintains straight A's at school, loves almost every sport and enjoys helping others. He brought Easter eggs to the lawns of all the little kid’s in the neighborhood soon after the COVID19 pandemic arrived. He didn’t want the children to be sad that the pandemic had cancelled their Easter egg hunts. He knows all of his carb counting by a glance and can tell exactly how much insulin he needs for his meals. He has a great attitude about his life challenges and loves to hang out with family and friends (and his dog teddy)! He has been a particular blessing to my family using FaceTime to help my son overcome his fear of needles. This world is lucky to have such a smart and caring person such as Devun. We are excited to tell him her is our hero!
It’s Diabetes Awareness Month
We all know someone with Diabetes, but did you know that children comprise up to 10% of this population. This is the month to ask a few questions and learn how proud many Diabetics are to share their other world with you. Read More Here

Common Signs of Type 1 Diabetes:
• Bedwetting
• An increase in thirst
• Fatigue
• Weight loss

Tutoring Club - See their special promotion if you mention my name.

Huntington Leraning Center - Offers great bimonthly webinars. Click here to save on their ADHD program.

Fusion School is offering a $5000 scholarship for select patients. Please let me know if you are interested and I can connect you with their admissions office.
The office will be closed
11/26-11/27, 12/24-12/25,
and 12/30-01/01.
Dr. Vivi is always accessible
 for any urgent visits.