May 3, 2022
Please welcome Jon Landrum to The Alpha Group! Jon is our new
HR Generalist!
Keegan Flint has been promoted to Supportive Employment Coordinator! Responsibilities include overseeing the planning, bidding, and execution of new opportunities.
Emily Clark is our new Development Coordinator! Responsibilities include sponsorships and community partnerships. Fun fact: she completed the Cap City Half Marathon this past Saturday!
THANK YOU to everyone who participated in The Alpha Group’s 2021 Zoom Duck Derby presented by Medical Mutual!

After expenses, $33,788 was raised to help fund programs and services for individuals with disabilities. A portion of these funds supported our sister nonprofit agency TAG Community Living, Inc. (TAG) with their new community housing project. On December 15, 2021, TAG had a ribbon cutting and open house for their first two homes! These homes will house individuals with disabilities. All residents/members will participate in Alpha’s many programs and services, including home care through Alpha’s Supportive Living services.
We are excited for another fun derby on Sunday, July 17! This year, proceeds will help fund programs and services for the 700+ individuals we serve in 13 counties in Ohio!

Every duck counts! So adopt your duck(s) today to support individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities.

The first three ducks to cross the finish line win cash up to $1,500! You do not have to be present to win.
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