The natural world is preparing for a long winter's nap. And while we humans can not hibernate like the bears, we can make winter a time of regeneration -- by getting more rest and shoring up our immune systems. To get started, see "Recommendations for a Healthy Life" at

And, for extra "nutritional insurance" add Standard Process/Mediherb's general multiple/vitamin Catalyn (product code: 2160) and their Immune System Health Pack (product code: 13070) or the vegetarian version (product code: 13090). This is so easy to do, and yet so powerful! If you have any questions about these products, please feel free to contact me.

And it's always a good idea to have the Herbal Throat Spray on hand (product code: M4465).

Standard Process and Mediherb are sister companies offering vitamin/minerals and herbal formulas, respectively. The Immune System Health Packs include products from both companies.

See the note below for some tips on choosing a good general multiple vitamin/mineral supplement.


You will need to register on the Standard Process/Mediherb site and will need to be authorized by me to order. Send me an email to get the authorization code and ordering details. I will also send you, on request, a "Cautions and Contraindications Guide" and an "Herb-Drug-Interaction Guide"-- so you can check any potential concerns.


In Biological Medicine the "bugs" are important, but less so than the state of the "terrain" -- our personal "internal garden" -- commonly known as the human immune system. (Biological Medicine is the general term used in Western Europe to describe non-drug-based medicine.) The key concept is that the state of an individual's immune system is predictive of adaptive capacity -- to infections, toxins, stress, and nutritional deficiencies -- in other words, "LIFE."

In light of the current adaptation demanded of humans, we may want to ponder perhaps the most famous quote in the non-conventional medicine world:

“The microbe is nothing. The terrain is everything.” Louis Pasteur (1822-1895)

As has been discussed in many medical histories and essays, this recantation by Pasteur, whom we identify as the "Father of the Germ Theory," is a reminder that how we face the world -- which will always hold challenges to our adaptive ability -- can have a substantial impact on our health.

For references on the recommended immune support product ingredients, see the links at the end of this email.

And for information on Standard Process/Mediherb go to:

How to choose a good general multiple vitamin/mineral supplement:

  1. Look for a food-based product. Some products, most famously Flintstone Vitamins, contain more chemicals that deplete Vitamin B6 than B6 itself. And B6 is essential for healthy, happy children (and adults). There is some evidence that B6 deficiency alone can cause significant mood and behavior problems.
  2. Check the form of Vitamin E. If it is "dl", it is pretty much assured that the entire product is worthless, and, for some people, can actually cause more harm than good. So look for the Vitamin E to be labeled as "d" only.