8th graders Lennon, Izzy, Charleigh, and Riley helped clean up the leftover clothing from the yard sale and get it to H.O.P.E.

We are so glad to have McKenna, Heather, and our preschool program back this week, we have dearly missed their smiles, energy, and curiosity.

Happy Monday!
Thank you to everyone who donated items and worked set-up, sale, and clean-up shifts for our yard sale, it was another great success! Not only did the parents raise more than $5000 (we still have to account for those volunteers who owe for their items and receive the bills for advertising) for Riverside's programs, but we all got to clean out our own clutter and help others find what they need, and we connected with the broader community.

An extra message of gratitude goes out to our organizing committee: Anna Crytzer (4th grader Fiona), Katherine Harris (and her aunt and uncle Marilyn and David who spent the whole weekend with us!) (kindergartener Lauren), Heather Linehan (preschooler Marta, 2nd grader Cedric, 5th grader Louisa, 8th grader Maceo), Molly Moghari (1st grader Bryn, 3rd grader Emmett, 6th grader Kellan), Ellen Moore (8th grader Macy), Anne Patoine (1st grader Paul, 4th grader Lilyahna, 6th grader Rosa), Nelia Rath (kindergartener Cora), Arcelie Reyes (kindergartener Cassius, 4th grader Phoenix, 7th grader Kingston), Carrie Stahler (4th grader Victor, 7th grader Moxie).
School picture day is this Friday, October 8. Order forms must be returned in advance of picture day. Even if you don't want to order any prints, we ask that you return the envelope with a note on it.
Please inform us as soon as possible if your child will be regularly missing school time during this year. That might be because of regular counseling appointments, athletic training such as ski race practices, or a passion pursuit of another kind. We ask that you let us know by emailing Krystal, Roy, and the relevant teachers, or by filling out this Repeated Planned Absence form and returning it to Krystal or a teacher. Thanks for being clear and proactive with us, so that we can support each of these cases individually.
K-8th grade Parent-Teacher-Student Conferences are scheduled for this week: Wednesday and Thursday, October 6 and 7. Students will be dismissed at 12:30 those days, and virtual conferences via Google Meet will begin at 1:00 pm. You can sign up for an appointment at the relevant link below. Students are welcome and encouraged to attend these meetings, especially at the middle school level. We look forward to hearing from them about what's going well so far in the year, what's been challenging, and what questions and goals they have.

Preschool Conferences are postponed, considering the closure of the program last week. October 6 and 7 will be full days in preschool next week. McKenna will offer conference appointments on Monday, November 22 instead.

The Extended Day Program will run on October 6 and 7 until 5:00 pm, but not any clubs. If your child does not usually attend, but will that day because of the unusual schedule, please email Sean in advance to let him know and what time you expect to pick your child(ren) up, so that he, Lucia, and Zane can plan accordingly.
Stay Home Guidelines and Testing: If your child has any symptoms at all, we are asking you to keep them and their siblings home ,and have the ill student tested, regardless of vaccination status. They may return to school with a negative test result and improvement of symptoms (including 24hrs fever-free).

Support for Elementary Remote Learning: Because we understand the challenge of learning loss from school days missed due to our enhanced stay-home policy and because of the effect the multi-year pandemic has had on elementary students’ learning, we have hired an Instructional Assistant Emily Dunn to help coordinate at-home learning with elementary teachers, students, and families. She will also work with John Trocchi to supplement our system of interventions. Please give her a warm welcome if you see her around campus.

Positive Case on Campus: If this happens, we will do a school-wide robo-call letting you know there has been a positive case, and that you should check your email for specifics. There will be three categories of emails: a message to students who were close contacts and exposed; a message to students who may have been exposed and need to await our more careful contact tracing; and a message to students who are “all-clear."

Test to Stay: In order to reduce the number of precautionary absences, it is our intention to enroll in the Vermont A.O.E “test to stay” program. The details of that are just coming out but in essence, it looks like the state will provide us with tests (rapid antigen, in-school PCR, and at home PCR) to use in a variety of scenarios to reduce or eliminate the need for exposed or potentially exposed students to miss school during quarantine. We are waiting for further details on the timeline for this to be available, and whether this supersedes or works in parallel with our surveillance testing.
If you are interested in learning MahJong, or if you have played before and would like to play again, alumni parent and former board president Rebecca Hill Larsen will be leading a MahJong beginner’s game on Tuesday at 5:00 on campus. We will play outside unmasked, or if the weather is bad we’ll play inside masked. Because of the complexity of MahJong (it can take several sessions to learn how to play), this is probably a best fit for adults and middle schoolers. This may become a series and develop into a regular game. Please bring a MahJong set if you have one.
Students may order slices of pizza on Wednesday mornings from the choices of cheese, pepperoni, sausage, green pepper, mushroom, or pineapple. $1.75/slice will be added to your family's School Store account, which is billed monthly. If you want to limit your child's order in any way, please make those agreements at home (and younger elementary families may want to inform teachers as well).
Here is the handout that explains parent involvement at Riverside, and includes a calendar of specific parent-focused events. We hope your child brought one home earlier, but if not, you can view and print it at the link above.
We will only release students to their parents/guardians, the other names you added on the signed pink biography form, or someone you call and tell us about verbally for a specific day or tell us to add to the list. If you'd like to update your list, please reach out to Krystal. This policy includes when your child is carpooling to soccer or another after-school activity; please call us to let us know.
Last year, we upgraded our house air filtration system to include a UV filter. The barn has modern, state-of-the-art air filtration. Both systems run all day every day. We also anticipate receiving several more portable HEPA filtration systems from the state. Like last year, Roy will look at the wind direction in the morning and strategically place vent fans and crack windows to ensure maximum cubic feet per minute of air exchange, in addition to the circulation and filtration systems, which will also be running. This will enable us to run the heat while ensuring maximum ventilation as it gets colder. As the seasons change, we will be closing more of our windows, as we did last year.
Practice this week: no practice Tuesday because of the game or Thursday because of the early dismissal for conferences.

Games this week:
  • Tuesday, Oct 5 - @ Good Shepherd (United Baptist Church) - 6-8th grade at 5:30

Directions to this week's game: Good Shepherd plays at the field on Route 5 across from the Weidmann factory.

Remainder of Game schedule:
  • Tuesday, Oct 12 @ Home vs Waterford - 6-8th grade at 5:00 pm.
  • Thursday, Nov. 4 @ BMA - time TBD
Adventure Club begins today! New members are welcome. Students will be exploring the stream and should be prepared to get wet. Pick up at 5:00
Crazy 8s club will not meet this Wednesday because of the early dismissal for conferences.
Nature club will not meet this Wednesday because of the early dismissal for conferences.
Mountain bike club will not meet this week because of the early dismissal for conferences. There will be 3 more meetings before the last one on October 27.
We know the Monday Memo is long, there's just so much good stuff going on at Riverside for you to know about! If you read the Memo on your phone, it's likely truncated, with a small "View Entire Message" link at the bottom. Be sure you click on that to read through all our notes AND to find the green buttons at the bottom that link to the specific classroom information teachers want you to know.
30 Lily Pond Road, Lyndonville, VT 05851
phone: 802.626.8552
fax: 802.626.4156
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