Is Cannabis Effective in Dealing with Anxiety?

It’s not as straightforward as you might think.

By Dan Reich

Anxiety is one of the most pervasive and hard-to-treat mental health issues of our time. More than 40 million people in America suffer from one or more forms of anxiety, which can take many guises, from generalized anxiety to post-traumatic stress disorder. Panic attacks affect 6 million people, whereas phobias are a problem for more than 19 million. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) manifests itself in 2.5 million, and Social Anxiety Disorder (a spectrum of behaviors from fear of public speaking to agoraphobia) affects the social activity of 15 million.


CBD for Dental and Oral Health

- Synergy Staff Member

Our dental health is paramount, we need our teeth for eating, speaking and smiling and yet dental issues are one of the most frequent non-communicative diseases that we humans suffer from. Tooth decay and gum disease are degenerative disorders which are unfortunately commonplace and tend to drag down our general state of well being. Tooth decay and gum disease are implicated in serious conditions like heart disease and unpleasant conditions like halitosis.

Recently research into CBD as a useful agent for oral health has yielded some very encouraging results ...


A Synergy Testimonial: CBD Tincture for Oral Health

I have always been concerned about my dental health, I was scared of dentist visits as a child and it always made me good about cleaning my teeth and flossing.

My teeth are in pretty good shape as a result but many years of smoking have made my gums vulnerable to shrinkage and inflammation.

My dentist had advised a waterpik as a way to pay special attention to my gum health and I added a waterpik workout to my daily teeth-cleaning regimen. 

Since I started working at Synergy Wellness I’ve been trying out their range of CBD tinctures ...


CBN and the Quest for Sleep

By Billee Sharp

Medical research has identifIed 113 cannabinoids existing in the cannabis plant and of these cannabinoids, less than ten of them have been subject to any substantial scientific study. CBD and THC have received the lion’s share of research attention and clinical studies have shown many ways that these two cannabinoids work with our endocannabinoid system (ECS) and improve our health.


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