September 2021 MASS Flash
Welcome September!

Here's to more peace, joy, and laughter! As always we have incredible things in store for you, so stay tuned!

As always, keep reading kings & queens!
Kamisha's Corner!
The Youth Leadership Forum was from June 14, 2021 to June 28, 2021. This year, I participated in the forum as a collaborator.

In 2013, I was fortunate to have the opportunity to participate in the Youth Leadership Forum as a delegate which was great!

Part of that experience was painting the new accessible icon at Bridgewater State University which was amazing because I got to dip into my creative side a little more!

Did I mention I love all types of art? My new saying is “What’s life without getting a little dirty?” and I still standby this statement a million percent! Being at Bridgewater State definitely woke me to growing my independence more and gave me the experience of what college life looks like for my future.

Again this year, I learned something new and was able to connect with and meet some amazing people!

The Youth Leadership Forum is one the greatest ways to get connected with the community and with different communities as well!

I enjoyed being a part of the team!
Words of Encouragement!
Live life like there’s no tomorrow because at the end of day tomorrow is not promised!💙

September Birthdays
Calling all September babies out there! It’s time to show the world what you are made of and that you mean business! Live it up!
Meet Brenna Elizabeth!
Why do you advocate?

I advocate to speak up about what my needs are, and what my accommodations are so that other people can understand my genetic medical condition called Prader Willi Syndrome. Also I do this because to show other people who have my medical condition that they can do it.

I advocate for what I need when it comes to finding a job for me that is food safe. I’m really good at advocating when it comes to food when I see it, and ask them to put it out of sight for me so I’m not too tempted to eat it since with PWS I could die if I eat too much.

What does self-advocacy mean to you?

Self-advocacy means to me is speaking up for what you need in life regardless if you have a disability or not.

Another example of what self-advocacy means to me is that when you advocate for yourself you will get a good outcome no matter if you have a disability or not.
The Self Advocacy Leadership Series (SALS)
MASS is now offering the Self-Advocacy Leadership Series (SALS)!

The Self-Advocacy Leadership Series (SALS), is an eight-class series that focuses on the fundamentals of leadership.

The SALS is designed for young adults with ID/DD between the ages 17-22, and is also available for older adult groups.

Classes are taught by a self-advocate peer trainer.

For more information and to request a training, please visit the Self-Advocacy Leadership Series page or click the blue button button below:
If you have any questions, please reach out to Adrienne at
Join us for MASS Legislative Advocacy Meetings!
Starting this month, MASS will have monthly legislative advocacy meetings!

These meetings are open to self-advocates and people with disabilities who are interested in learning more about important legislative advocacy and participating in upcoming initiatives!

We will be meeting the following days and times through the end of 2021:

Monday, September 20th, 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Monday, October 18th, 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Monday, November 15th, 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Monday, December 20th, 4:00PM - 5:00 PM

We will use the same Zoom link for all meetings:

If you have any questions or would like more information, please contact Valerie at
Project Updates
MASS rights for Changge/Office on Violence Against Women (OVW)

The MASS Rights for Change/OVW Grant team continued to be busy following a successful webinar presentation hosted by the VERA Institute in late July. We will be continuing to make our Survivor Support Packet more accessible for everyone. You can find it now, including our self-care videos, on our website.

During August and continuing into September, the MASS team gave feedback to the Victim Rights Law Center on making some of their great, graphic information sheets more accessible. We are also working on a peer-to-peer advocate training booklet to be able to provide better support to victims of abuse.

Thank you to John Mullaly, Pauline Bosma, and Brian Kelly, as well as all of the supporters on the team, for your commitment to the work of helping survivors of abuse!

Stay tuned, because our MASS team and our partners, Pathways for Change and Victim Rights Law Center, have also come up with other great ideas and useful tools that we can offer in the future, to make services more accessible for sexual abuse survivors with intellectual and developmental disabilities.

R Cubed (R3)
Our MASS R3 team of consultant John Mullaly, Brian Kelly, and Melissa Beauregard, has been hard at work over the past few months. We continue to make progress in developing our R3 app which is designed to help individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) more readily recognize, report, and respond to abuse and neglect.

Back in June, the consultant team completed the process of creating structured lessons for the R3 app based on the existing Awareness and Action (A&A) training developed by the Disabled Persons Protection Commission (DPPC). By breaking down the existing training into smaller structured lessons, the team hopes to make the content more accessible and easier to understand. 

The team would like to especially thank Sierra Weiss who helped us organize and compile the lesson materials.

During the months of July and August, our team has also begun a new pilot study based on the latest version of our R3 app. Our goal in this latest study is to get additional feedback on the R3 app from persons with IDD. 

The pool of participants for this study includes individuals who have previously taken the A&A training as well as those who have not. We hope that this study will give us valuable information as we continue to improve the R3 app.

Our team would like to thank our partners DPPC and DDS as well as Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI) and the University of Rhode Island (URI) for their continued collaboration on the R3 project.
Regional Coordinator: Sue Moriarty
Upcoming Meeting Dates
Click the link next to the date you want to attend. The link will bring you to the MASS Events Calendar where you can find the Zoom link.
Regional Meeting Dates for Central:

Tuesday, September 14th, 3:30 PM - 5:30 PM:

Tuesday, September 28th, 3:30 PM - 5:30 PM:

Looking for Central Regional Updates?
Now available in large print! Click the green buttons below to view the full Central Region update as a large print Word Doc or PDF.
Lead Regional Coordinator: Bridget Crowley
Upcoming Meeting Dates
Click the link next to the date you want to attend. The link will bring you to the MASS Events Calendar where you can find the Zoom link.
Regional Meeting Date for Northeast:

Wednesday, September 22nd, 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM:

Looking for Northeast Regional Updates?
Now available in large print! Click the yellow buttons below to view the full Northeast Region update as a large print Word Doc or PDF.
Regional Interim Coordinator: Oscar Hughes
Upcoming Meeting Dates
Click the link next to the date you want to attend. The link will bring you to the MASS Events Calendar where you can find the Zoom link.
Regional Meeting Date for Metro:

Thursday, September 23rd, 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM:

Looking for Metro Regional Updates?
Now available in large print! Click the pink buttons below to view the full Metro Region update as a large print Word Doc or PDF.
Regional Coordinator: Valerie Horn
Upcoming Meeting Dates
Click the link next to the date you want to attend. The link will bring you to the MASS Events Calendar where you can find the Zoom link.
Regional Meeting Date for Southeast:

Thursday, September 9th, 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM:

Looking for Southeast Regional Updates?
Now available in large print! Click the orange buttons below to view the full Southeast Region update as a large print Word Doc or PDF.
Rainbow Group
Rainbow Coordinator: Pauline Bosma
Rainbow Support: Oscar Hughes
Upcoming Meeting Dates
Click the link next to the date you want to attend and it will bring you to the MASS Events Calendar where you can find the Zoom link.
Rainbow Group Meeting:

Tuesday, September 28th, 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM:

Looking for Rainbow Group Updates?
Now available in large print! Click the purple buttons below to view the full Rainbow Group update as a large print Word Doc or PDF.
Activism and social change work have always been part of the
self advocacy movement. Whether it is advocating for the use of inclusive language or fighting to ensure that all people have access to quality healthcare, brave and committed self advocates have never been afraid to stand up and use their voices to make the world better. If you’re interested in continuing this tradition We have an opportunity for you!

Massachusetts West Region Self Advocacy is proud to announce
the launch of a new project! A hands-on experience in which self advocates can learn and feel the power of social change communication by creating activism campaigns from the ground up. Self advocates will be a part of monthly meetings where they collaborate to create campaigns that effect measurable and sustainable change.

Interested? Consider joining our introductory meeting for more information on how to join please call (413) 535-6999
We Want To Hear From You!
Is there anything exciting happening in your life that you are just itching to talk about? Want to share it with the world?!

If so, great because I, Kamisha Heriveaux, am always on the look out for interesting events, your hobbies, and topics that interest you - so please don't hesitate to reach out!

I can't wait to hear from all of YOU! Have a great day and keep on reading!
~ Kamisha
MASS Advocates Standing Strong |P.O. Box 560100
Medford, MA 02156|