March 7-13 With St. Martin's
Fourth Sunday in Lent Service
Here is a link to: Sunday's Bulletin.
In-Person Worship
The diocese has given us approval to resume in person worship with safety precautions in place, and very limited seating capacity. Last Sunday the Vestry attended a "test" service to try out the protocol and they will do another test this coming Sunday. Although the Vestry will be present at the Mass, we are not yet reopened. Please continue to worship with us online, either on zoom or Facebook live on Sundays at 10:30 am. We will keep you apprised of developments as we get closer to being able to welcome worshippers for in person worship. Thank you for your patience. We want to make sure that everyone will be safe once we begin to regather. 
March Madness Squares
Just like our Super Bowl Squares, we will also be doing NCAA March Madness Squares. The final game won't be played until April 5th, so the squares will be available to place your name in after next Sunday.
Lenten Study
Thursdays in March
Zoom Link for Lenten Study:

Meeting ID: 886 2555 7684
Passcode: Lent
Job Opportunities
Engineer I and II - Manufacturing Industry (Job Descriptions) Contact Howard Stamato for more info.
Bridgewater-Raritan School District: teaching positions, cafeteria aides, special education assistants, and secretarial positions. We are especially in need of substitute teachers (you need a 4 year college degree; does not have to be in teaching). Contact Alison for more information.
Prayer Concerns
and Blessings
  • Guzman, Fausto's brother-in-law in Venezuela, died from complications of Covid, and his sister continues to suffer from Covid. Condolences can be sent to the rectory.
  • Pray for Jane Linn and her family in their grief.
  • Lorna, a mutual friend of Jack & Barbara, is in hospice.
  • Elsie Francis fell last week, broke her leg and has a bleed in her brain.
  • Len Cacciatore requested prayers for Peggy Irwin, in hospice.
  • Anne Marie asked for prayers for the Langone family who lost their father of 58 years from Covid,
  • and thanks for a baby girl born to her cousin Jen.
  • Philip asked for prayers for Bob Murray whose melanoma has metastasized to his lungs.
  • For Mary Irwin in her recovery.
  • For Linda Virtue in her recovery.
Church Office
Yvonne Comeau will be volunteering in the office on Monday mornings, and Barbara Butler will be volunteering on Friday mornings. Please let them know how grateful we are for their service to the parish.

If you need to contact Father Rob, please feel free to email him ( directly, or call/text him on his cell (336.264.5185). As the office remains open part-time, this is the best way to ensure that he gets your message in a timely manner.  
Keeper of the Light
There is a light at St. Martin's that never goes out. We call it the "Sanctuary Light". It reminds us of the presence of Christ who is with us always. During this time when we are not able to be in our building, members of the parish have been taking turns caring for the light in their own home and then passing it on to another member for the next week, until we can all be together again in the church building. If you would like to be the "Keeper of the Light" for a week, email Philip with the subject "Candle" at
St. Martin’s Episcopal Church
1350 Washington Valley Road,
Bridgewater, NJ 08807
Call Us: 908-526-1350
Contact information for Fr. Rob or