With more favorable weather recently, the south portion of O Avenue NW was paved from the Nedderman Farms entrance west of 27th Street to the west project limit near Edgewood Road. Most pavement on the north portion was placed Monday, May 9. The remainder is expected to be completed this week.
Side street intersection returns were prepared for pavement previously, so those will be paved when O Avenue pavement can carry construction traffic. After intersection returns are constructed, driveways and sidewalks will follow. Finish grading and topsoil placement in disturbed areas will occur as driveway and sidewalk construction progresses. 
Except for sodding and placement of permanent pavement markings, we expect to complete all construction by the end of June. Sodding of disturbed areas will begin shortly and continue until mid-June when temperature restrictions take effect. Sodding will resume mid to late August. 
As always, if you have questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact a member of our project team