Important messages, dates and news from the Faculty office.
Important Dates

Wednesday November 18 from 12:00pm to 1:00pm EST
Virtual Convocation Celebration - Class of 2020

Monday November 23 from 2:30pm to 4:00pm EST
Undergraduate Chairs and Assistants Meeting

Friday November 27, 2020 from 3:30pm to 4:30pm
Faculty Board Meeting

Thursday December 3, 2020 from 10:00am to 10:30am
Coffee Break with the Dean

Thursday December 3, 2020 from 1:00pm to 3:00pm
Let's Take a Break and Celebrate

Sunday December 6, 2020
Commemoration Day (exams will not be held)

considerationAcademic Consideration - Additional Supports for Students & Instructors

As we approach a busy exam period, the Academic Consideration team has set-up office hours to support students. Please direct students to contact our office at 613-533-2470 and select option 4 to speak with a staff member about accessing the Academic Consideration Team. Office hours will occur at the following times: Mondays from 2:30 - 3:30pm, Wednesdays from 1:30 - 2:30pm, and Fridays from 9:00 - 10:00am. This service will begin on Monday, November 23rd, 2020.
Instructors are also able to call the Consideration Team during our office hours. However, we recognize that you may need more timely support, so please feel free to call us directly at 613-533-2470 x78998. We will do our best to be available; however, in the case we are unable to take your call right away, we will respond to voicemail messages within 24 hours.
If you have further questions about Academic Consideration, please see our Academic Consideration for Instructors page. Our team can also be reached at
examsTimed Non-Proctored Final Exams

Need help setting up your final exam in onQ? Check out the exam resources on the ASO Remote Teaching Support webpage, under workshop series recordings. Also, the ASO team is available at to answer your questions.


Arts and Science has designated January 13 to 16 as a common deferred exam period.  If you wish to use this period for your deferred exams, please contact by December 10 with a copy of the deferred exam and provide with the list of students writing deferred exams by December 23 at noon or sooner. The IT Support Centre will be working extended hours during the deferred exam period to provide just-in-time technical support to students.

projectsProjects for Students

Do you have any students wanting to take an independent study course but need a project? Are you looking for projects that you could embed within your curriculum? We have over 50 community, industrial, government and not-for-profit partners who have identified projects that they are looking to collaborate with our students now! Interested, please let the FAS Experiential Learning team know via email at
convocationFAS Virtual Convocation Celebration

Our Virtual Convocation Celebration is taking place at noon today, Wednesday, November 18th. It's not too late to join us.

Our event will be available for viewing at

We look forward to celebrating with you!
celebrationLet's Take a Break and Celebrate

On December 3take a break and celebrate! Join us for day of fun to celebrate the end of the year and the upcoming holiday season.

Coffee Break

From 10:00am - 10:30am EST, join the Dean for a coffee break on Zoom, and chat with your peers and colleagues, including those who may be unable to attend the afternoon portion of the celebration.

To join us, add this link and passcode to your calendar:

Meeting ID: 897 2916 8492
Passcode: 687953

Afternoon Celebration

From 1:00pm - 3:00pm EST, join your fellow members of the FAS community virtually for a variety of events and opportunities to win prizes, including Queen's trivia, a recipe exchange, and a decoration contest!

In addition to saving the date and registering, there are two ways you can prepare now to join the celebration:
  • Email a favourite holiday recipe to Kate Clarke by Friday, November 27 at 4:00pm. Feel free to include a short description or blurb about why the recipe is special to you if you wish.
  • Start making plans to decorate your space for the contest - this can extend to dressing up yourself/pets as well.

There is a vacancy for the Associate Dean (Teaching and Learning) in the Faculty of Arts and Science beginning July 1, 2021.
Faculty members within the Faculty of Arts and Science are invited to apply for this position which involves collaborating with the senior leadership team to realize the vision of the Strategic Plan.
The Associate Dean (Teaching and Learning) is responsible for leading and coordinating enhancements in teaching and learning, in particular enriching the student experience by expanding opportunities for interdisciplinary and experiential learning and incorporating anti-oppression education and practices. We are interested in candidates who are excited by the possibilities of remote, hybrid, and face-to-face learning and being part of a creative and dynamic team.
Experience in all aspects of teaching and learning, including curriculum development, course design, blended and online teaching formats, as well as pedagogical innovation and evidence-based practices, is important.  In addition, applicants should be familiar with the Cyclical Program Review Process (Quality Assurance). 
A curriculum vitae and a covering letter, outlining the applicant's motivation and qualifications for the position, should be sent to Dean Barbara Crow at by November 20, 2020. Interviews will take place mid-December.
contagionContagion Cultures Lecture Series
This series is a Faculty of Arts and Science collaboration which helps to make sense of this pandemic through the expertise and insights of Arts and Science faculty members.

The series is live-streamed on Zoom every Tuesday at 4:00 PM EDT.

Upcoming events:

November 24 - Political Litigation Regarding COVID - Gregory Tardi, Institute of Parliamentary and Political Law

December 1 - Precarious Intimacies in the Microbiological City - Carolyn Prouse, Department of Geography and Planning

For more info on the series and to register please visit: 
studentStudent E-Newsletters

For the latest student eNewsletters, please see You can find our emails to students in the bottom right corner of our homepage.
TwitterFollow Us on Twitter!

Don't forget that we have a Twitter account for Arts and Science Faculty and Staff! Get news and updates from the Faculty and the rest of the University, as well as another place to access the Staff & Faculty E-newsletter. Follow us @QUASfacultynews.