Our mission is to bring nature closer to people, and people closer to nature through hands-on experiences in community based habitat restoration and environmental education
Scroll down to learn more about our upcoming events, fun plant facts, and more!
This Month's Highlights

Busy days at the greenhouse! We had 68 individual, 15 gallon Coast Live Oaks delivered. Check them out in the photo!
Some exciting news! This month a small group of our RONs DONS who are our nursery volunteers are finally returning! Yay! Welcome back RONs DONS, oh how we've missed you!
We've also had a few wildlife sightings from deer to bobcats (pictured), blue birds and swallows, juncos and some Lawrence goldfinch! Pretty cool!
Volunteer of the Month
RON thrives on public volunteers and we love to give our thanks for their awesome work! This month we highlight Saul, a local college student who worked with us this semester. Here's what Saul has to say on volunteering:

This semester was definitely one for the history books. It was my second semester at CSUMB and unfortunately it was online due to the global pandemic. I decided to take a media service class simply because my counselor told me I needed it to graduate. When I asked what it was about I was told it was about serving the community and I wondered exactly how that would work since we were not allowed to do anything in person. After I began the class I learned that our objective was to obtain a community partner and help them out by using our media skills. As I scrolled through all the service partners I came across “Return of the Natives.” Their name sounded familiar because I had actually worked with them in a clean up about 5 prior for community service. I decided to email them and see if they needed any more service learners and sure enough they accepted me. 
My experience with RON was really a great one! There was always back and forth communication with them about the work. What I most admire about the team at RON is that they had great patience, understanding, and empathy. I had a cool idea about making a short nature documentary but due to work, school, and the general chaos of this pandemic I was unable to even start until really late in the semester. Despite my late start the people at RON provided support and feedback for my project and I was able to make a video I was proud of and complete my hours with time to spare! Volunteering for RON provided me with valuable work experience as an aspiring filmmaker and it helped me learn more about the local environment. This experience gave me so much and all the while I was able to do a small part in helping the local habitats.

Thanks so much Saul! How cool is it that Saul has a pet duck?!
Nature joke: What do you call seagulls who live by the Bay? (answer near end of newsletter)
What's new?
  • Our service learners finished up their work with us a couple of weeks ago and we are sad to have sent them off but so thankful to them for their work! Be sure you follow us on our social media accounts so you can keep up with all their awesome work we upload on a nearly daily basis! Link to our accounts at the end of the newsletter.
  • Back on May 8th we had a bird count at Carr Lake and Gabilan Creek area in Salinas. We had quite the group of expert birders including Shawn Wagoner, Mike Stake, RJ Adams, Tim Amaral, and Steve Rovell. There was a total of 721 individual birds counted with 68 species total. Since 2005 there has been a total of 169 species of bird accounted for! How cool! There were three new species counted this time around: White Faced Ibis, Tropical Kingbird, and the Yellow-breasted Chat. Pictures of these three species below! (All images from the Cornell Lab)
White Faced Ibis
Topical Kingbird
Yellow-breasted Chat
The RON & BANFF fundraising is still going! Tickets are available for purchase until October 2021. The perfect gift for nature and outdoor lovers! Give the gift of a lifetime made available right at your fingertips to view from the comfort of your own home! Or give yourself a much deserved treat. Thank you to all our RON friends for helping to support our small non-profit! Click on the image or click this link.
Click on the image to be directed!
Kid Science and Nature Podcast Recommendations
Kid Science and Nature Book Recommendations
Science and Nature Podcast Recommendations
Science and Nature Book Recommendations
RON YouTube Channel

Check out Return of the Natives Watershed Institute YouTube Channel to learn more about native plants, crafts, and more!
Restore-ers Program
We are seeking motivated individuals interested in:

  • in-depth training in restoration and Monterey County native plants

  • leadership positions

  • on-going volunteer work through our Restore-ers volunteer program.
Restore-ers will receive twice annual training on topics ranging from native plant care, leadership skills, planting techniques and outdoor safety.

R.O.N.’s Restore-ers program follows the academic year from late August to late April.

Members of our Restore-ers team make a commitment to:

  • Attend two trainings per year

  • Attend at least 1 Greenhouse work day

  • Attend at least 4 weekend community events

  • Attend at least 1 weekend community event in Salinas and 1 weekend community event in Monterey or Seaside

  • Attend at least 1 tabling/outreach event

**Due to covid-19 restrictions, there are currently no tabling or community events, will be strictly planting events for time being.**

email if interested or if you have any other questions!

Nature joke answer: Bagels
Check out our social media sites!
Learn more on native plants and invasive species through our social media accounts! Be on the look out for special projects created by service learners joining us this semester!
Return of the Natives