February 3, 2023
Thank You to our 2023 Annual Partners!
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New FHWA Buy America Guidance

On February 1, the Federal Highway Administration issued a new “questions and answers” guidance document addressing expanded Buy America requirements under the Build America, Buy America Act (BABAA). Click here for more information.
The MN Legislature wrapped up its first month in session by continuing to pass bills at the committee level and out of the Senate and House chambers to send to the Governor. House Speaker Melissa Hortman (DFL-Brooklyn Park), tweeted out some data points that support the quick pace felt at the Capitol in 2023:
One piece of unfinished business from last session is on its way to the Governor’s desk. HF 26 appropriates $315.5 million from the trunk highway fund in FY 2023 to MnDOT for state road construction work on the trunk highway system. This amount reflects federal funds currently accessible under the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act for the state’s roads. AGC, along with our labor and business partners as part of the Transportation Advocacy Coalition, strongly supported this bill and a letter was distributed to all House and Senate members. The bill passed unanimously, 128-0 in the House and 67-0 in the Senate.
Other bills of interest to contractors that are being fast tracked include Earned Sick and Safe Time and Paid Family & Medical Leave. We continue to discuss the uniqueness of the construction industry as in pertains to these policies and programs with legislators.

These bills and others will be discussed at AGC’s next Legislative Committee. Contact Laura Ziegler to join. 
EPA regulating PVC as Hazardous Waste – Comment Period Open through February 13

AGC of America issued an action alert for members this week. Please read below and click the link to submit a response.

THE LATEST: An environmental group sued the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to require contractors to dispose of PVC as a hazardous waste. The EPA believes that there is not scientific evidence to warrant such a new regulatory requirement.

WHY IT MATTERS: PVC is widely used in many building and construction products – and it contributes to the quality, safety, and cost-effectiveness of construction materials. Before making a final determination, however, the EPA is asking for your input on how this would impact your construction business, projects, and workplaces.

AGC needs you to tell the EPA to oppose this unfounded effort to regulate contractor’s disposal of PVC as hazardous waste.
AGC of Minnesota Celebrates Black History Month: Week 1

Welcome to another year of Black History where we educate, reflect, and celebrate the contributions African Americans have made to this country.

Last year, we focused on past contributions that African Americans made in Minnesota. This year, we will expand our focus on contributions and achievements African Americans have made that extend across the United States and beyond. From achievements in STEM to arts, sports, and politics, African Americans have made an imprint and an impact in all aspects of society for the greater good of everyone.

Over the next few weeks, we will highlight some individual achievements - click on their names to learn more.
the first black American woman to complete the requirements for a doctoral degree.
the first African American to serve on a state Supreme Court.
Mary Jackson, Mathematician and aerospace engineer. NASA’s first black female engineer.
Promoting the Construction Industry to BIPOC High School Students

AGC Director of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Yolanda McIntosh spoke to students last week at Lake Street Works, an after-school workforce development program for students of color from the highest risk, lowest income communities of Minneapolis.

Lake Street Works Director Jess Coykendall commented:

I first met Yolanda in the early stages of planning & fundraising for Lake Street Works. She was an instant ally and resource for us, and has continued to be of tremendous support throughout our launch, our 1st year of programming, and every day since.
Yolanda’s most recent investment into LSW was an hour of her personal time and an incredible presentation to our students who are hungry for wise counsel, industry insights, and personal encouragement. She connected with our students in a way that none of our other guest speakers have, on a personal level. Having lived a childhood so similar to that of many of our students, her authenticity gave her instant credibility with them. She shared her objective view of the trades as a career option, and opened the eyes of our most skeptical students of color. 
Yolanda has been and continues to be an invaluable member of the Lake Street Works family and will be instrumental to helping inner-city youth find their way to the trades well into the future.
Labor Negotiations - Important Notice

If you are an AGC of Minnesota members OR non-member and are signatory with any of these collective bargaining agreements:

  • Carpenters
  • Cement Masons
  • Laborers
  • Operators
  • Teamsters

  • Carpenters Northern MN
  • Cement Masons Northern MN
  • Laborers Northern MN

Be sure to contact Mike to hold the date for the contractors’ meeting this month where we will discuss important economic, industry trend, and issues important to discuss during contract negotiations.
The 2023 Executive Circle cohort met in Mankato this month, learning all about People in the Workplace. Pictured here enjoying a beverage
at Mankato Brewery after a long day of learning.
Save the Date!

Mark your calendar for the following upcoming AGC events:

  • AGC Day at the Capitol: April 12, 2023 (AGC Office & Capitol)
  • Golf Tournament: August 4, 2023 (Keller Golf Course)
  • Sporting Clays Fundraiser: September 13, 2023 (Minnesota Horse & Hunt Club)
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Associated General Contractors of Minnesota 

525 Park Street, Suite 110 |  St. Paul, MN 55103