September 30, 2020
Baldwin County Schools Celebrate National Dance Day
The students of Oak Hill Middle School and Baldwin High School's Dance classes came together to celebrate National Dance Day. Established in 2010 by American Dance Movement co-founder, Nigel Lythgoe, and Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton, National Dance Day is an annual celebration dedicated to dance, that encourages Americans of all ages to incorporate dance into their lives. By creating a focused day of celebration to show support for dance as a valuable form of exercise and of artistic expression, American Dance Movement aims to educate the public about dance and its many benefits, as well as make dance accessible and inclusive to everyone. This year, the annual artistic celebration was held on Saturday, September 19th.
The dance programs at OHMS and BHS are part of the Baldwin County School District's stellar fine arts education program. The school district has made considerable strides toward seeing every student at every grade level is exposed to the fine arts curriculum during their time in our schools.
BCSD Holds Remote Learning Parent Information Meetings
The Baldwin County School District is hosting two virtual parent informational meetings on Thursday, October 1 at 12:00 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. The meetings will be held via Zoom. Parents of elementary and middle school remote learning students will be provided information on the option of returning to in-person instruction or continuing with remote learning. Parents will also have an opportunity to ask questions. It is very important for parents to submit the instructional model selection form, which has been provided by the child's school, by October 2. School administrators will use this information to prepare for the return of additional students to the classrooms on Wednesday, October 21.
Upcoming Early Release Day, Parent-Teacher Conferences & Fall Break
The first Early Release Day and Parent Teacher Conference Day is scheduled for Friday, October 9. Students will be released from each school at the following times: GNETS - 11:00 a.m.; The Early Learning Center - 11:15 - a.m.; Baldwin Success Academy - 11:30 - a.m.; Academy & Primary Schools - 11:45 a.m.; Georgia College Early College - 11:45 a.m.; and Oak Hill Middle School & Baldwin High School - 12:00 p.m. Teachers at each school will contact parents regarding the format and time of parent-teacher conferences for that day. The following week will be Fall Break, slated for October 12-16.
Baldwin High School's Baldwin Grows Learning Garden Receives New Solar Panel
On Saturday, September 19, the Baldwin Grows Learning Garden on Baldwin High School's campus received a new solar panel, donated by Hannah Solar. Georgia College professor Dr. Hasitha Mahabaduge and a few of his physics students came out to install the solar panel on top of the garden shed, which was donated by Southeastern Buildings. According to Susan Nelson, Baldwin County School Nutrition Director, the Baldwin Grows program has big future plans and the solar panel will help out greatly to bring those plans to fruition. "We have big plans to introduce solar as an alternative and sustainable source of power in the garden. It can power our irrigation system, lighting, and in the future aquaponics and hydroponic gardens," stated Susan Nelson.
Summer Meal Program Returns to Baldwin County Community
On Wednesday, September 16, the Baldwin County School Nutrition Department Summer Meal Program returned to provide nutritious meals to children in our community. United States Secretary of Agriculture, Sonny Perdue, decided to allow schools to restart the free meal program in an effort to help children and families in each respective community to continue to receive access to meals during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. The mobile meal deliveries take place on Wednesdays. Any child 18 or younger in our community is eligible to pick up a 5-day meal kit with milk. Children do not have to be present in order to receive meals and parents do not have to fill out a pre-ordering form. Meals will be given out on a first-come, first-served basis. For a copy of the mobile route locations and times please visit the following link.
Baldwin High School Class of 2020 Graduation Highlight Video
Although they have graduated and moved on to the next journey of their educational destination, the Class of 2020 proved that greatness can be achieved through perseverance and determination. No matter where each graduate has gone, they have been empowered with a high-quality education and the sky's the limit. The Baldwin County School District has prepared them to be successful in life and have empowered each graduate with the knowledge and skills to overcome any challenges they may encounter. They have proven to be intelligent, resilient and hard working. The future is definitely bright for these young men and women. The best is yet to come!
Please click below and take a moment to view a graduation highlight video that showcases what true commitment and hard work can achieve. Once again, congratulations Class of 2020. We look forward to hearing about all of your successes!
Georgia College Early College Students Make Use of Blended Learning
Blended learning is an instructional model that Georgia College Early College students have been participating in for quite some time throughout all of their courses. Blended learning is achieved by students working independently and collaboratively through the use of Schoology, Google Sites, and Zoom platforms. In-person students are seen working in their classrooms while remote students are at home, working on the same task. Recently, students worked on collaborative projects that required them to build a website depicting their learning. Eighth grade physical science students in Ms. Harris’s class are learning how to classify matter, more specifically how to separate mixtures. The creation of the website helps them practice how to build their websites for spring capstone project presentations.
Oak Hill Middle School Honors Students of the Month Receipients
Administrators at Oak Hill Middle School Recognized middle school students of each grade level for being chosen as Students of the Month for August. Teachers from each grade level choose a student from class who demonstrated the word of the month to the best of their ability. The August word of the month was Responsible. In lieu of holding an in-person recognition ceremony, each grade level created a video, highlighting students of the month, as well as providing teacher quotes on each child which explains their reasoning behind their selection. Student of the Month winners were chosen from both in-person classes and remote learning classes at Oak Hill. To view each grade level presentation click on the links below.
Midway Hills Academy Student Gives Back to the Community
Midway Hills Academy student Nathan James proves that you can always find a way to lend a helping hand. For Ms. Riley's 4th grade gifted class August/September community service project, Nathan chose to donate a big bag of clothes to help others in the community who are in need.
Midway Hills Primary Students
Count on Success
Mrs. Bracewell and Mr. English's first grade class have been working on their counting skills by organizing their hundreds chart. The hundreds chart is a tool for students to explore and think about the number system. Students can use it in a variety of ways to help build understanding of place value, number patterns, skip counting, addition, subtraction, and multiples of a number.
Fall has Arrived at the Early Learning Center
Tuesday, September 22 marked the official first day of Fall for the year 2020. In observance of the dawn of the new season, Mrs. Tripp and Mrs. Callaway's students went on a leaf hunting expedition around the Early Learning Center.
Lakeview Academy Students Get
Creative with Cells
Fifth grade students at Lakeview Academy created some imaginative cells. Ms. Taylor's fifth-grade students, both in-person and remotely, presented their creative projects depicting the parts of a cell. Some of the in-person students whipped up edible cell models in the form of dessert.
Lakeview Primary Students Learn and Teach
Lakeview Primary students are learning more about shadows as well as learning how to teach each other. As a part of their shadows unit, Mrs. Miller's students drew shadows in the morning and in the afternoon to see how the shadows had changed. Students used what they have learned about Venn Diagrams in first grade to teach other students during recess. We may have some future Baldwin County School District teachers!
Baldwin Success Academy Scholars Learn about Perseverance & Handling Stress
The Baldwin Success Academy character word for the week of September 17 was PERSEVERANCE: working hard without giving up. Scholars discussed different ways in which they can demonstrate perseverance in their lives. Antonio Ingram, Director for the Baldwin Success Academy, said with the Word of the Week, a student who shows that character trait the most throughout the week receives a certificate and rewards such as a gift card to their favorite store or restaurant.
The social/emotional lesson for the week dealt with learning of positive and productive ways to handle stress. "We watched two short videos on characters working for others and how it took a toll on them. We discussed stressors and how we deal with stress. We also discussed their personal skills, qualities, achievements and values during small group work sessions," said Mr. Ingram.
BCSD Announces Upcoming Family Engagement Activities
According to research from the U.S. Department of Education's Family and Community Engagement Team, family engagement is an essential component of a child's educational development. The positive outcomes of engaged parents include improved cognitive development and academic performance, better social-emotional development, and improved family well-being. Of all the factors that determine student outcomes, family engagement is at the top of the list. Partnerships between schools and families can improve students’ grades, attendance, persistence, and motivation. Research shows that this is true regardless of a family’s race or income.
The Baldwin County School District has scheduled several Parent University sessions, but due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the upcoming family engagement events will be held virtually. To download a copy of the schedule click the link below.
Donate Now to Support our Schools!
The Baldwin Charter School System Foundation serves as the primary fundraising tool to fund the REACH Scholars program, providing thousands in scholarship opportunities for students who represent the first of their families to have the opportunity to attend college. The foundation also supports employee and student recognition programs. Please support our schools, students, and teachers by making your tax- deductible contribution today.
Infinite Campus is the Baldwin County School District's new student information system and gaining access is easier than ever before. Simply follow the link to two videos that provide step by step instructions on how to create an account and login. You can also find this information by clicking the "Infinite Campus" link under the parents tab on
Download the MyStop App Today!
Never worry about where your child's bus is ever again! Thanks to the new and innovative technology that the Baldwin County School District has invested. As a result, parents of our students can now get real-time updates of their child's bus location through the MyStop app, which is available for download in the iTunes or Android marketplaces.
MyStop provides parents, and parents only, a live look at their child's bus while in transit using GPS technology. Parents can see the exact location of the bus as it's moving along its route and can even provide an estimated time of arrival.
District Social Media Links
Follow the links below to all of the social media networks for our respective schools in the district. Our Facebook and Twitter accounts are the best ways to stay up to date with the latest news and happenings in all of our schools. Give us a like or a follow and help share all the good news that is happening in the district every day!
Click the link below to access the Baldwin County Board of Education Board Meetings, Policies, Communications, and About Us. Our District Strategic Plan/School Improvement Plans are currently being revised for 2018-2023.
Georgia College Early College