October 29, 2021
We now worship in person with masks at all times, and online for those who aren't able to attend. The Friday Email is intended to inform you about this Sunday's activities and other important and timely items.

As we did throughout 2020 and much of 2021 in the Friday Connected, we will continue to communicate updates to COVID-19-related policies as Illinois deals with higher and lower rates of infection.
The Friday Email
This Weekend at First Christian Church
My fellow believers,

Every Sunday, we gather in the sanctuary and online to worship. We all know that there is a common structure to our worship services--things that we do just about every Sunday. For some, that structure offers a degree of comfort as they know what to expect and there are parts that they find meaningful. For others, that structure is limiting as it seldom changes to any great degree. Either way, whether we realize it or not, there is purpose in that structure. In this Friday Email and for the next several weeks, I am going to describe the various parts of worship and their purpose. Obviously, given the limitations of this email I won't be able to go into great detail. But it will be a beginning.

One of the most obvious aspects of worship is music. The music in our services takes many forms: instrumental (usually organ and/or piano), hymns, music sung by the choir. There is always a difference of preference in musical tastes. They usually get broken down into "traditional" or "contemporary," though in reality it is much more complicated than that. Most of our music obviously falls more toward the traditional category.

One purpose of music is for it to speak to our hearts, to our emotions, to what is meaningful. All of us have hymns--or other songs--that speak to us deeply and are very special to us when they are sung or played. In addition, Christian music, that which is sung, has always been intended to teach as well. One of the hymns that we will sing this Sunday will be "Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise." The words of the first verse are:
Immortal, invisible, God only wise,
in light inaccessible, hid from our eyes,
most blessed, most glorious, the Ancient of Days,
almighty, victorious, thy great name we praise.

More than a mere list of words, those words describe some of the qualities of God. One of the purposes of that verse is to teach us something about God. And the final, and most important, purpose of music is to help us offer praise to God. In the Old Testament, the New Testament, and--according to the book of Revelation--in the world to come, music is one of the primary ways of praising God.

Music is key to worship, but in more ways than we often realize. I hope you join us for worship this Sunday.

God bless,
Bible Study on Zoom (or In-Person)
There are always a lot of questions around the book of Genesis and the Brown Bag Bible Study group is tackling at least some of them with a study that you can join any time. The group meets at 12 Noon, and you can join in-person in the church’s Conference Room or online by way of Zoom. If you would like to join by Zoom, please email Hank for the link. If you want to join in-person, you are welcome to simply come to the church. Either way, the group is open to everyone. Contact Hank for further information.
Who is on the prayer list? Who is Hank praying for on Sunday mornings? Since services are live streamed and can be seen by anyone, for privacy's sake Hank does not mention last names. If you would like to see who is on the comprehensive prayer list, go to the light blue "Supporting Each Other" section below, where each week you can find a link to the Prayer Concerns for the current week.

Incidentally, there is a link to a church directory in that section, as well.
October is Pastor Appreciation Month! We are blessed to have both Rev. Hank Anderson and Rev. Holly Irvin as staff at FCC, and we value them so much! Take a moment to drop each of them a note or find another way to show your appreciation to them this month. Thank you, Hank and Holly!
This Sunday

Our sermon series, "It's Not 2019," (churches are living and ministering in a new age and a new reality) continues this Sunday with "What's Next?" taking a look at Daniel 2:20-23. Hank Anderson will preach and the choir, with Drexler Singers, will sing. See you at FCC or online at 9:00 a.m.

Serving Schedule
  • Registration: Naomi Kosier
  • Deacon (Communion Set Preparer): Kathy Dailey
  • Info Desk Attendant: Karen Crusius
  • Coffee Host: Cindy Rousey
  • Time for Children: Maddie Chapman, next week Matt Chapman
  • Worship & Wonder Greeter: Patti Jamerson
  • Building Lock-up: John Dailey
  • Candle Filler: Deb Bomeli
  • Tech Crew: Dave Phillis, Kevin Kiesewetter, Brian Metz, Austin Metz
  • Recycling: Gary and Patty Thompson, Marty Sallee

Looking Ahead and Ongoing

Calendar Update:
Advent brings "The Journey," our theme for the season's worship, as well as a study for small groups. Signups for the study continue through November 14. Visit the Info Desk to sign up or go to https://www.blmfcc.org/ministries/small-groups/ (this our Small Groups page on our website -- reload or refresh the screen if necessary). There is a $10 donation associated with the study book, but please contact Hank Anderson at handerson@blmfcc.org if you need financial assistance.

Outreach Efforts:
  • for Parkside Elementary families: To help hundreds of local families, FCC is partnering with Parkside Elementary in Normal by collecting specific items that will be given to the families in need: Disposable child size masks, Fruit cups, Peanut butter and Jelly, Single serve mac & cheese,Nutrition bars, Single serve peanut butter or Nutella, Pop tarts, Single serve cereal or oatmeal, Chef Boyardee single serve meals, Cuties, Single serve snacks like chips, cookies, crackers, trail mix, fruit snacks... Thank you for donating as you are able. Please place items on the table in the sanctuary near the piano.
  • for Compassion Closet (BroMenn): We are collecting new clothing for patients who are leaving Carle BroMenn Hospital. Some of the patients who come in on an emergency basis do not have clothing to leave in. A tub is available near the Info Desk for donations. Note this will be an ongoing ministry. Sweatshirts, sweatpants, knit t-shirts, knit elastic waist pants, or shorts for men and women are needed. Items need to be new. The greatest need is for larger sizes.
  • for Bent School: For those times "accidents happen," needed are new underwear for both girls and boys in youth sizes from 5 to 14, as well as sweatpants, jeans, regular long pants, and shorts (in warmer weather) for both girls and boys. Tops that match are also helpful. Please see more details in this document.
  • for Local School Children: The Polycarps small group has organized a “scarf/mitten/ glove/hat tree” drive for the month of November, beginning November 7. Please donate new items for children grades K-12. There will be an artificial Christmas tree in the Centrum (look for this sign!) where you can learn more and where donations can be left. The donations will go to children in need at our local schools. The drive will continue through December 5.
Staying Connected
Worship at FCC or Online: Watch the live streamed 9:00 a.m. service each Sunday morning if you are not in attendance at FCC. Each week, expect wonderful music and a Time for Children, as well as an insightful sermon and communion. Tune in on our Facebook page or on our website homepage.

Supporting Each Other
People at higher risk for illness are described on the Centers for Disease Control website. Some of our members who are at higher risk may not be ready to spend time outside the home. Think of someone you know and reach out by phone, or by email or mail, to check on their well-being or give an encouraging word. FCC members' addresses and phone numbers are in the Church Directory.

You can access a church directory below and reach out by phone, text, email, or US mail to a church friend. Link to Church Directory

Pray for our church family! Prayer Concerns October 29, 2021

If you wish to send cards to those having birthdays (the 90+ ones are listed here weekly), find addresses in the FCC Directory (link above).
Quick Tip: Those making calls in the 309 area code (and the 708 and 618 area codes) must now dial the entire 10-digit phone number.
Current First Christian Church COVID-19-Related Guidelines
Important! Please be aware of and follow continuing guidelines, which could change as numbers of infected increase.

All in the building are required to mask at all times. Note about choir: There are three feet between singers, and all wear masks. Singers are required to be vaccinated against COVID-19. Rehearsals are held in the sanctuary on Wednesdays and on Sunday mornings.
We continue to monitor the situation. Please read future publications in order to know proper and updated protocol. Learn more about COVID-19 numbers anytime at https://health.mcleancountyil.gov/708/CORONAVIRUS-COVID-19
Questions and Answers
How do I make my offering?
If you are not attending Sunday worship at FCC and thus not bringing your offering to church, to ensure your offering is received by FCC in a timely manner, feel free to mail it to 401 West Jefferson St., Bloomington, IL 61701. Interested in automatic withdrawal? Email Debbie Stumm at dstumm@blmfcc.org to find out how. We appreciate your continued giving!
How do I get in touch with a staff member?
The church office is open Monday through Friday, from 9:00 a.m. to noon and from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. Call ahead if you plan to visit the office, at 309.829.9327.

Or send an email to the staff person you want to contact. 
Financial Secretary: Deborah Stumm dstumm@blmfcc.org
Communications Coordinator: Jen Petri info@blmfcc.org
Director of Music and Youth Ministries: Holly Irvin hirvin@blmfcc.org

In case of an emergency or if there is a necessity for pastoral care for yourself or someone you know, you may text or call Hank Anderson, Transitional Interim Minister, at 309.863.5126. His email address is handerson@blmfcc.org.

Staff Meetings

It has long been the practice of the staff to have regular meetings on Tuesday morning. As the church office opens more consistently, that practice will also continue. So that the church staff has an opportunity to focus on their discussion and business, the church office will be closed each Tuesday morning from 9:30 a.m. until around 11:00 a.m. for staff meeting. If you need to contact the church office during that time, you may leave a voicemail or send an email. We promise that we will follow up as soon as we can.