Update from our Health Committee
Dear Shir Chadash Community,
We are happy to report that things have improved dramatically on the COVID-19 front. Over the last three months, infection and hospitalization rates have decreased ten-fold. As a result, state and local mask mandates have been lifted. In addition, with the recent approval of vaccine for children ages 5-11, there is much reason to be hopeful. However, we have been here before, and then the Delta variant struck. So while we are cautiously optimistic, we still need to remain vigilant, especially as we enter the winter holidays and flu season.
Our goal continues to be to safeguard our community, while allowing for as much in person involvement as possible. We have a large number of vulnerable congregants: children who are not yet fully vaccinated, people over 65 with underlying health conditions who may have imperfect immunity, and people who have not yet received their booster dose whose immunity may be waning. In addition, we have upcoming events like a b’nai mitzvah and Hanukkah, which may attract more out of town guests.
In fighting this pandemic, we have two primary mitigation tools at our disposal – masks and vaccines. Therefore, we have decided to continue using both of these tools to their optimal potential for the time being. Our vaccine requirement remains in effect, allowing only those who are fully vaccinated (and masked children under the age of 12) to come to synagogue. Parents should note that once the pediatric vaccine becomes widely available locally, children ages 5-11 will have three months to comply with our vaccine requirement. In addition, we are keeping our mask mandate in place, requiring everyone in the building to be masked. These decisions were presented to our board on Monday night and received overwhelming approval.
On the bright side, due to the significant decrease in community disease levels and the resounding success of our mitigation efforts thus far, there are some things we can relax. We can once again return to more “normal” ritual practices such as allowing those taking Aliyot the option of standing by the amud, having a “traditional” Torah procession, etc. We’ve also slowly started expanding our indoor dining options for limited gatherings with all-vaccinated attendees, such as Men’s Club breakfast, Sisterhood class, and Lunch & Learn.
We appreciate your continued cooperation and understanding. You can find our current reopening guidelines HERE.  Please contact us with any questions or concerns.  If you have not yet received your flu vaccine or a COVID booster (if eligible), we strongly urge you to do so.   
Julie Finger, MD, MPH
Chair, Health Committee
Ken Klein