February Newsletter
Hello TAF Family!

February was a busy and magical month for us! Our Executive Board moved some action items and brainstorm conversations forward, the Marketing Team is gearing up to roll out some new (and fun) things for TAF, Cigar Night Committee met and starting the discussion on how we can bring you an unforgettable event to honor both Aubrey Pappas and Anthony Raspa, and the Scholarship Committee finalized the Aubrey Pappas Memorial Scholarship prompt and shared their excitement as they prepared for our 6th year of awarding such a special scholarship to North Brunswick Township HS Seniors!

This month we also celebrated and honored Aubrey on her 42nd birthday. The stories shared on social media really brought to light the impact she continues to have and the love that is shared between all of us.

We continue to be so thankful for all of your support. We hope to see you all soon - in person - but until then we would love for you to join one of virtual meetings, interact with us on social media, or hear your TAF inspired stories by sending us an email!

We miss you TAF Family!
Stay Safe and Stay Connected!

-All of us at The Aubrey Foundation
Our Events
Purple for Pappas 5K

North Brunswick friends & family come together for a morning of fun, encouragement and community – all ways we strive to #LiveLikeAubrey!
Cigar Night

Where family & friends gather for an afternoon of endless music, dancing, food & fun to celebrate the lives of
Aubrey Pappas & Anthony Raspa.
The scholarship committee is responsible for selecting recipients for the 2021 Aubrey Pappas Scholarship. The scholarships are awarded to deserving Seniors at North Brunswick Township High School. This year we are happy to announce that we will be awarding $7,500 in scholarships to deserving NBTHS High School seniors.
The first Scholarship Kick Off Meeting was held on Monday, February 22, 2021. We are so excited to get this scholarship season underway. NBTHS Seniors will receive information in March on how to apply for the 2021 Aubrey Pappas Scholarship. Be on the lookout for upcoming scholarship information! 
Scholarship Campaign

You can help fund one of our Aubrey Pappas Memorial Scholarships!
Marketing Committee
Help Us Spread the Word!

Our Marketing Team is already hard at work for our 7th year! Want to join as we expand our TAF Store, reach new audiences, and continue to evolve our marketing plan? We would LOVE some extra hands! You don't need any experience to join - just a willingness to be a part of the team!
Fundraising And Recruiting
How FAR can we go?
Our FAR initiative (fundraising & recruiting) was established in an effort to expand our Aubrey Foundation family. Expansion can come in many different forms with the intention, always, to spread our mission, touch more people through our service, and grow our partners. Partners could be new participants at our events, new sponsors, new vendors, new board members and/or new volunteers: all of which are critical to our growth & sustainability. This month we want to spotlight & celebrate our 2 newest RECRUITS in the form of new General Board Members.