Action Alert
The Voice of Adult Education in Massachusetts

November 14, 2020
Senate Proposes Level Funding for ABE
Amendment 113 Would Match ABE Increase
Adopted by the House

On Thursday, the Senate Ways and Means Committee released their draft budget for fiscal year 2021, with level funding for Adult Basic Education (line item #7035-0002) at $40,606,883. The Senate Ways & Means proposal is $5 million less than the House budget, which passed Thursday evening.

Amendment 113 introduced by Senator Jamie Eldridge would raise the Senate level to match the level adopted by the House: $46,045,000.

Call your state Senator today and ask them to support Amendment 113 by:
  • signing on to the amendment as a sponsor (Senate staff should contact Michael Carr in Senator Eldridge's office)
  • pushing for the amendment to be considered by the full Senate
  • voting for the amendment when it reaches the floor

The Senate's overall proposal assumes a pandemic-related revenue shortfall of $3.55 billion, and includes using $1.5 billion from the state's "rainy day" fund.

What's next?
Debate in the Senate is scheduled to begin Tuesday and conclude quickly. With the House bill through debate, the two chambers are expected to quickly reconcile their two versions and send a final bill to the Governor's desk by Thanksgiving.

Your voices matter!
Thanks to our collective advocacy, House and Senate members recognize that your work is more important than ever. MCAE has been telling your story at the State House, but they need to hear from you personally!

While programs are showing incredible resourcefulness and resiliency during COVID-19, more state investment is needed to enable programs to acquire and distribute technology to programs and students, for staff training and professional development and to adhere to state and local public health guidelines and restrictions. Lawmakers understand that sustaining ABE programs will help the most vulnerable residents contribute to our collective recovery and is a good investment in the Commonwealth's future.

Thank you for your continued dedication and advocacy for ABE!
Want to make sure issues you care about are on the MCAE legislative agenda? Email for more information about joining the Public Policy Committee.