Light in the Window - October 20, 2022

2023 Stewardship Theme - Open Doors, Open Hearts

Jacob was left alone; and a man wrestled with him until daybreak...

Then he said, ‘Let me go, for the day is breaking.’

But Jacob said, ‘I will not let you go, unless you bless me.’ 

—Genesis 32.24, 26

Dear Covenant Family,

On Sunday we considered the biblical story of Jacob wrestling a stranger. In conversations afterwards, many of you conveyed you are wrestling with something- circumstances, relationships, even God. I fervently believe that these struggles can ultimately make us stronger, and open doors to growth in faith maturity. We can encourage one another to persevere in faith, to seek and find forgiveness, to open the doors of our hearts to one another and to God.

While preparing for the sermon, I came across a post by Rev. Steve Garnaas-Holmes which illumines the types of struggles we so often face. Maybe you, like me, can identify with the ‘angels’ that confront us. 

Holding on for the blessing,

Pastor Jessie

The angels you'll have to wrestle with most often

are no strangers:

they're your anger, fear, control, defensiveness,

your despair, blame, insecurity, avoidance.

You won't get away without a fight.

They may also be God's forgiveness,

the Beloved's absolute acceptance,

God's serenity in the face of your betrayal,

God's accompaniment in your troubles.

You won't accept them without a fight.

You're not wrestling with what's happening;

you're wrestling with your feelings about it:

not the problem but its difficulty,

not the suffering but how you take it personally.

The angels are not your world, but yourself.

So wrestle. Grab them firmly.

Feel their breath on your neck,

their body against yours,

the weight of their intent.

Let your sweat mingle.

Learn their moves.

They're your sparring partner,

not out to destroy you

but to shove you into the face of God.

Who knew divine intimacy

could be so hard?

Steve Garnaas-Holmes

Unfolding Light

Ohio Wooly Bear, an example of perseverance!

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