“Non-Cystic fibrosis bronchiectasis is a chronic, progressive respiratory disorder characterized by irreversible and abnormally dilated airways, persistent cough, excessive sputum production and recurrent pulmonary infections”. Etiology varies and includes post-infectious (39%), primary ciliary dyskinesia (30%) airway malformations (8%), primary immune deficiencies (6%), isolated asthma (3%), isolated aspiration (2%) and others. Global prevalence is unknown, but in the USA, it appears to be increasing yearly. Common symptoms are chronic cough (45%), recurrent pneumonia (25%) and recurrent wheezing (11%).
A single tertiary care center study describes the clinical and functional features etc. of 138 children diagnosed with NCFB between 2010-2019.
NCFB presents clinically at 3 years of age (median). Microbiological examination reveals Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Streptococcus aureus and H. Influenza organisms, commonly. Lung function testing demonstrates stability (mostly) of airway obstruction over time.