Tuscany-Canterbury Neighborhood Association Works for You

May 2019
In this issue
What's Happening in Tuscany-Canterbury
  • New website for Tuscany-Canterbury
  • Residential Parking Permits
  • Neighborhood Association Meeting June 4
  • Nominating Committee Report: Election of officers and board member
  • Neighborhood Gardens 
  • Dumpster Day:  Saturday, May 18, 9:00-12:00

Safety Suggestions & Crime Updates 
  • Monthly Neighborhood Crime Statistics
  • Package Thief
  • Outdoor Lights

Construction Around the Neighborhood
  • The Ambassador
  • Overhill Road near Linkwood
  • Tuscany Alley
  • The Colonnade

Neighbors Have Asked 
  • Update: Stony Run & Stoney Ford
  • Crosswalk on University Parkway at Tudor Arms
  • Parking lines on 39th Street

Sale Prices of Homes & Condos ( April)

Neighborhood Business Updates for April
  • Hopkins Deli 15% Discount 
  • Sam’s Café: Now Catering Available
  • Ambassador Dining Room – Lunch Buffet
  • Alizee American Bistro – 1/2 price specials

Did You Know?  
  • Age Breakdown in Neighborhood

Monthly Calendar of Events (more information below or go to the website)
  • Dumpster Days: May 18
  • HAPPY BIRTHDAY 100 to Ken Seay  May 25th
  • Sherwood Gardens Bulbs May 25th
  • Residential Parking Permits:  June 4 and June 8
  • Annual Membership Meeting: June 4
  • First Friday June 7

If you are not a member of the Tuscany-Canterbury Neighborhood Association, we hope you will join. If you know someone who is not a member, send them this newsletter and ask them to join . Information at end of newsletter.
The New Tuscany-Canterbury Website Just Launched
Tuscany-Canterbury Neighborhood Association launched an updated website this week. It was time to update the site and give it a modern look since there had been no major changes to the look of the website for 9 years.

The Home Page : A slide show of unique and awesome pictures showing a variety of neighborhood pictures that scrolls across the top of the Home Page.  The website creates a beautiful feel for our diverse and unique neighborhood.  These pictures can be changed throughout the year and seasons. The home page also makes it easy to renew your dues with an easy click button or to subscribe to get the E-newsletter.

The format of the website is also different.  It has only 3 major sections to make it easier for everyone to view the webpage on a computer, tablet, or phone. 

About the Neighborhood :  This section is for people near and far who want to know more about Tuscany-Canterbury.  It is designed to show people interested in the neighborhood what a true treasure it is to its 4000 diverse residents. 

News and Projects :  A calendar of events in and around the neighborhood are included and all the current and past newsletters for a decade are in this section. Information about current projects such as the Stony Run park and trail and the Calvert School addition is kept up to date.

Neighborhood Association :  This is where you can find out specific information to Tuscany-Canterbury as architectural guidelines, snow plans, residential parking permit information, association by-laws, etc.

TCNA Communications Committee, Co-chairs Steve Summers & Dave Baker
Time to Renew Residential Parking Permits
The Community Pick-up is a service that Tuscany-Canterbury Neighborhood Association provides for residents of the neighborhood who use Residential Parking Permits.  Not all neighborhoods provide this convenient pick-up.

Starting May 20, 2019 residents may go online and pay for their renewal. Please visit the PABC website above to complete your purchase, then retrieve the permit at our community pick up. Please allow three business days between online purchase and community pick up date.

permit parking sign

"The Parking Authority of Baltimore City, as a quasi-governmental agency, runs our information technology (IT) systems on separate servers from that of Baltimore City. As a result, our systems are unaffected by the current issues faced by many Baltimore City public agencies." Message from Parking Authority May 17, 2019.

Community Pick Up for 2019:  Required documentation must be presented to collect your permit (see website for accepted types of documents).  Remember, only prepaid permits will be available, and no permits can be purchased at these pickups.

Tuesday, June 4, 2019
  • Time: Starting at 6:00 (immediately prior to the TCNA Annual Membership Meeting)
  • Location:Calvert Middle School, outside the Assembly Hall, 4300 Charles Street

Saturday, June 8, 2019
  • Time:10:00-2:00
  • Location: Lobby of the Residences at the Colonnade, 3801 Canterbury Road

Starting June 11, 2019 ,you may also purchase or pick-up permits at the Parking Authority office, 200 W. Lombard Street, Suite B, Baltimore, MD 21201. The office accepts checks, money orders, and credit/debit cards. No cash. 

Required Documentation

  • Must be presented each time a resident obtains a permit.
  • Current vehicle registration with an eligible address in Area 21 AND Proof of Residency

Questions about the Tuscany-Canterbury Pick-up? Contact TCNA Volunteer Ellen Silbergeld, TCNA’s Area 21 Residential Parking Permit Representative,
Tuscany-Canterbury Association Meeting, June 4
Calvert Middle School

6 PM   Pick-up Residential Parking Permits 

7 PM Association Meeting begins
      Election of Officers and Board Members for FY 2019-2020 (see below)
      Treasurer’s Report FY2018-2019
      President’s Report 
      Jillian Storms, Special Speaker: architect Clyde Friz and the influence he had in the
creation of the Tuscany-Canterbury neighborhood

8 PM   Neighborhood get-together and meet your new board officers, board
members, and other neighbors. (Wine donated by the Hopkins Deli and food set up by TCNA events committee, Ann Christopher, Chair)
TCNA Nominations Committee Report 2019-2020 Ann Christopher, Chair


Presidents           * Andrew and Luciene Parsley*  (Tuscany Road)
Vice President      Garth Thompson  (Ridgemede Road)
Past Presidents     Anne Perkins and Linda Eberhart (Tuscany Road)
Treasurer             Bill Bass (Cloverhill Road)
Secretary             * Alison Moliterno*   (Cloverhill Road)


*Bonnie Boland* (The Colonnade, Canterbury Road)
Ann Christopher (Tuscany Court)
Julia Frazier (Canterbury Road)
Paul and Maria Gallo  (Tuscany Court) 
Hannah Mazo (Ridegmede Condo, Ridgemede Road)
Rosalyn Mansouri (Winthrop House, Charles Street )
Mona Mohammed (Winthrop House, Charles Street) 
Jo-Ann Orlinsky (St. James, Charles Street) 
*Rose Reis and Brian Weeks* (Cloverhill Road)
Steve Summers (Ridgemede Road) 
Chris Whitaker  (Tuscany Road) 
*New officers or board members

If you see two family members listed they have agreed to share one position on the board.
Special thanks to .....

  • Sue Talbot for over 14 years of service on the board and as president
  • Ron Shultz for serving as secretary for the past two years as secretary
  • Brooke Murdock, Dave Baker, Gretchen Anderson as board members

May 18
Highfield at Canterbury
If you miss the neighborhood dumpster day, you can call 311 for a bulk trash pick-up (3 items) or take it to 2840 Sisson Street.
Tuscany-Canterbury Public Gardens  
Chris Whitaker, TCNA Chair, Streets & Greens Committee
Tuscany oval at Ridgemede
39th Street at Canterbury - The First Neighborhood Garden
Ridgemede garden
Years ago Tuscany-Canterbury had no public gardens.  These areas were just patches of dirt, weeds, and maybe some grass that was not usually mowed.

Kenna Forsyth and volunteers formed a Garden Committee, planted, and maintained the gardens.  After many years it was decided that Tuscany-Canterbury Neighborhood Association would pay for a person to maintain the gardens (since the average age of the garden committee was at 75 years old).  Without their initiative, these gardens would not exist.  Continued thanks to the Garden Committee for starting this project.

Since that time a fourth area was added last fall, near the large bridge in Stony Run.  

The responsibility of the gardens is now part of the Streets and Greens Committee. The work of the gardens is a combination of volunteers and allocations from TCNA dues to maintain the gardens. Watering continues to be done by nearby neighbors.

A special thank you goes to new neighbors, Amy and Patrick Mutch on Tuscany Road for the work to get the Tuscany triangle in beautiful shape and the work of board members Chris Whitaker and Garth Thompson for the mulch work at some of the gardens.  

As the plants grow near the gardens at the large Stony Run bridge, thanks should be given to neighborhood landscaper designer, Jonna Lazarus.  She donated her services to created the gardens in that area. The cost of  preparing the land, adding boulders, and planting the new garden was paid by the Tuscany Canterbury Neighborhood Association and the Lake Roland Garden Club.

Garden below is at the Linkwood and Stoney Ford Road by the Stony Run Trail
Safety Committee 
Paul and Maria Gallo, Committee Chairs,
Past 30 days
Some neighbors have requested updates about crime data in the neighborhood.  Tuscany-Canterbury is one of safest areas in Baltimore. Specific information can be found at  crime reports
During the past 30 days the reported crimes in Tuscany Canterbury were:  one stolen car on Linkwood Road; larceny on 3800 block Canterbury and on Tuscany Road: robbery 100 block W 39 th Street, package thief in neighborhood stealing packages from condos and porches (see below for more information)

4 cars were broken into and 2 cars had their windows broken during the night of May 16. This was very unusual. Usually there may be one or two incidents in an entire month. Major Gibson has agreed to have more cars patrol the area during the overnight shift.
Message from
Major Richard Gibson
Northern District

“Recently I spent the evening driving through the Northern District, I cannot stress the importance of turning on your exterior lights from dusk to dawn in order to deter burglars. The use of motion-activated lights is equally effective as well. Please share this message with your neighbors!. Together we can make a difference. Let’s make it more difficult for opportunistic thieves to come into our neighborhoods and take property. Please use the 9 pm routine we have started: lock your vehicle and house doors, hide valuables, and turn on your exterior lights. Trust me – it works.”
Package Thief Caught on Home Security Camera in Tuscany-Canterbury

For the past several weeks there have been reports of a person stealing or attempting to steal packages from the condos and from the porches of homes in the neighborhood. The picture below was captured on the evening of May 6 on the porch of a home on Tuscany Rd. 

If you see this individual in the neighborhood, please contact the police by calling 911 immediately.

The police are aware of these incidents and the thief is known to them. A detective has been assigned to this issue. Anyone who had a package 'missing' and you have NOT contacted the police, please call 911 AND also let a TCNA board member know. Give them as much information as possible, including any photos from home security cameras or eyewitness reports of the perpetuator’s description. 

We want the police to have as much as information as possible to make an arrest and secure a conviction.
If you see this person in the neighborhood,
call 911

Ambassador Apartments Construction Update
Outside work is finished.  The final construction for repairs to the second level of the underground parking garage will be delayed until the later in the year.  This work will  not affect the sidewalks or streets around the Ambassador.

Many neighbors have commented that it is a beautiful job that matches the architecture of the building and the neighborhood.
Construction Site at Overhill and Meadow Lane in Stony Run Park
This is where we are this month.  Construction work on the alley was finished last week.  Now restoration work on the park can be completed.
Last month
Construction at Residences at the Colonnade 3801 Canterbury Road
This construction project will last until the end of the year.  It includes repairing the mortar around the bricks and replacing some bricks as needed.  The work will only be done on the north side of the building (the side that faces the Ambassador) at this time .
Alley Reconstruction between the 300 block of Tuscany and Ridgemede Roads
Phase 1: Digging up and removing all the old concrete. DONE.
Almost ready for the new concrete
After three years in the planning and approval process, reconstruction of the alley began on May 6. The work is scheduled to take 15 work days (not counting any rain days).  

The first part is completed and all the old concrete has been dug up and removed. The next phase is to ensure that the water will flow either toward Linkwood or to Ridgemede and not toward the homes or condos.  The next step is the pouring concrete.

The last and an important phase is for 7 days - no cars, people, trash trucks, bikes, or anything else can use the alley. The concrete must cure completely so it doesn’t crack.  

This work has created many parking problems for residents in this area because 45 cars needed to find other places to park. Thank you to everyone for understanding this short term problem.
Neighbors Have Asked?
If you have a neighborhood question or issue that you cannot resolve (by calling 311 or checking the TCNA website), please email and we will try to answer your question or help resolve the issue.

Linda Eberhart & Anne Perkins
Co-Presidents TCNA
UPDATE:  Several months ago, the issue of drivers being able to locate the condos on Stony Run Lane had become serious.  What has happened?
The solution was the creation of a new sign and new street markings.  The new sign at Stony Run Lane and Stoney Ford Road now shows that Stony Run Lane continues to the right and Stoney Ford Road goes to the left. The white dotted lines on the street help guide a driver or walker to Stony Run.  Special thanks to Councilmember Mary Pat Clarke convened a meeting of police, fire, and street folks to solve the problem so that emergency vehicles could find the correct address
New yellow lines on Linkwood Road are great but when will the parking lines get painted on 39 th Street?
The plan was for those lines on 39 th Street to be painted last summer after the street was repaved.  It did not happen.  It is scheduled to be done this summer or fall. 
Has any progress been made about the dangerous crosswalk issue on University Parkway just west of Linkwood Road at Tudor Arms by the Carlyle Apartments?  

It is a very dangerous crosswalk, but there is no time frame for when the work will be scheduled to solve this problem.  
April 2019 Sale Prices of Homes & Condos in Tuscany-Canterbury
Thanks to board member and realtor, Julia Frazier, who provides this information for each newsletter. To see previous sales go to TCNA website where the previous newsletters are available.

Address and Sale Price
  • 230 Stony Run Lane (#5G). $154,900
  • 3801 Canterbury Rd (#401) $750,000
  • 4000 Charles S (#805) $73,000
  • 101 W 39th St (#C3) $146,000
  • 3922 Cloverhill Rd $428,000
Note:  This data represents real estate activity from April1 to April 30, 2019 in the Tuscany-Canterbury neighborhood.  The information is deemed reliable, but not guaranteed.   
Source;  This information is gathered from BRIGHT MLS, Inc and is provided courtesy of Julia Martin Frazier of Monument Sotheby's International Realty, 4800 Roland Ave, Baltimore, MD 21210 Cell: (410) 908-1760; Office: (443)708-7074 email: julia@
Neighborhood Restaurants Updates
Hopkins Deli  May 2019
15% off in-store purchases ( except tobacco products) for TCNA members

This discount is offered to TCNA members for the month of May. Take this portion of the newsletter or show the cashier this on your phone and you will get the discount. The discount is good for the month of May, in-store purchases only, for any item except tobacco products.   Any questions see Zafar Igbal, (manager) or Lucky Singh (owner)
Sam's logo
Sam’s Canterbury Café
Catering now available
Visit their website for more information about their catering and menu options.
Free Delivery and Set up 
Ambassador Tenants: FREE
         Within 5 miles: FREE
The patio is now open!
New hours: Tuesday-Friday 7-4, Saturday & Sunday 8-3 
Daily Lunch Buffet: 11:30am-2:30pm and with a view of the beautiful gardens.
at the Colonnade
Sunday night:  Half-price burger night
Tuesday night: All Pasta ½ price
Wednesday night:  12oz. New York Strip
Steak $14.00
Neighborhood map
Did you know
Age Breakdown for the total population (about 3900 residents) in Tuscany-Canterbury.

Events Happening in Tuscany-Canterbury
May 18 9:00-12:00 Neighborhood Dumpster Available
Canterbury Road at Highfield

May 25  Wish George Seal Happy Birthday
George will be 100 years old on May 25.   George is an Ambassador Apartments resident and First Friday veteran. His Tuscany-Canterbury neighbors hope to be able to toast him at our next get together on June 7. 

June 4 7:00 TCNA General meeting & Residential Parking Permit
Pick-up before meeting starting at 6:00; Calvert Middle School auditorium

June 7   5:30-7:00  First Friday 
Alizee 4 W University Parkway

June 8    10:00-2:00  Residential Permit Parking Pick-up
Residences at the Colonnade (lobby) 3801 Canterbury
Other Community Events of interest
 ( These events have been recommended by members of TCNA.  If you have any events that you would like to be included please email by the first of the month.) See links for more information. 
May 19  3:30
Chrystal F Williams
Second Presbyterian Church Community Concerts – 4200 Saint Paul Street
Sponsored by The Johns Hopkins University

Mezzo-soprano Chrystal E. Williams has been described by leading critics as “strong and so assured” and “poised, polished, in complete command of the vocal calisthenics.” Her program, accompanied by pianist Laura Ward, includes a wide variety of works, ranging from art song to Americana music and spirituals. 
Johns Hopkins University hosting NCA Women’s Lacrosse National Championships at Homewood Field
May 24 Games at 5:00 and 7:30PM
May 26 Game at 12:OO 
May 25 7:00-11:00 AM
Sherwood Gardens
Annual Tulip Dig
30 cents per bulb 
Bring a pitchfork and bag or bucket to carry home your bulbs.
(pre-dug bags of bulbs also available for purchase) 
June 1 11:00-9:00
June 2 11:00-6:00
Wyman Park Dell
29 th and Charles Streets
Annual Charles Village Festival
June 7 & 8 9:00-7:00
Household Hazardous Waste Collection 
2840 Sisson Street
Drop off items such as oil-based paints, pesticides, herbicides, car and household batteries, drain cleaners, pool chemicals, and more. Latex paint is NOT hazardous waste, it can be dried up and the cans put out for regular trash collection.
June 9  7:00 Chamber Music by Candlelight 
Second Presbyterian Church Community Concerts
4200 Saint Paul Street
Members of the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra perform chamber works in a beautiful candlelit setting, and stay to mingle with the musicians after the performance at a free post-concert reception.Concerts and parking are free.
visit for website for complete program information.
Tuscany- Canterbury
Neighborhood Association (TCNA)

TCNA has two membership meetings a year, one in November and the other in June 7:00 with a social following the meeting), at the Calvert School Middle School building.  Members and non-members are welcome.  Residential Permit Parking Permits are distributed from 6:00-7:00 prior to the June meeting.

Board meetings are held 6 times a year in July, September, November, January, March, and May  Meetings are held at the Broadview Apartments (105 W 39 th Street at the lower level Game Room).  All are welcome.  Time is provided at the end of the meeting for comments .

Officers: 2018-2019
Co-President: Linda Eberhart (Tuscany Rd)
Co-President: Anne Perkins (Tuscany Rd)
Vice President:  Garth Thompson (Ridgemede Rd)
Secretary: Ron Shultz (Linkwood Rd)
Treasurer: Bill Bass (Cloverhill Rd)
Past President:  Sue Talbott  (Charles St)

Board Members
Gretchen Anderson (Cloverhill Rd), Vice-Chair Streets & Greens
Dave Baker (Stony Run Lane), Co-chair Communications
Ann Christopher (Tuscany Ct), Co-chair Events and Membership
Julia Frazier (Canterbury Rd)100 th Anniversary & Calvert School Liaison Committees; Representative to North Baltimore Community Coalition
Maria & Paul Gallo  (Tuscany Court) Safety Committee & Representatives to Northern District Police Community Council
Hannah Mazo  (Ridgemede Rd), Co-Chair Events and Membership
Rosalyn Mansouri (Charles St), Coordinator of First Friday
Mona Mohamed (Charles St), Website Manager
Brooke Murdock (Stony Run Lane), Chair, Calvert School Liaison Committee
Jo-Ann Orlinsky (Charles St), Coordinator with Condo Associations
Steve Summers  (Ridgemede Rd), Co-chair Communications
Chris Whitaker (Tuscany Rd), Chair Streets and Greens
Tuscany-Canterbury Neighborhood Association        
Membership Form    ____ New Member _____ Renewal  

All residents, businesses, and institutions within the neighborhood are invited and encouraged to join the Tuscany-Canterbury Neighborhood Association (TCNA).

To join or renew by mail, simply fill out this form and mail it with your dues to P.O. Box 26223 Baltimore, MD 21210   OR   you may also go on-line and use the convenience of Pay Pal.

If you are getting a family membership and a second person in your family wants to get email alerts and the E-newsletter, please also use the “second name” line.

Businesses and institutions, please indicate your corporation name on the last line and use the first “name” line for a personal contact name and email.

NAME ________________________________ 

EMAIL ______________________________

SECOND NAME _________________________ 


ADDRESS ____________________________________________




ANNUAL DUES  __$30 Individual ___$40 Family  ___$100 Business/ Institution

Make checks payable to “TCNA” and mail to:  P.O. Box 26223 Baltimore, MD 21210

If you are a current member we will send you a reminder when your dues need to be renewed. If you aren't sure if you have renewed, email Hannah Mazo, membership chair.