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Our Rosary group started on Aug 15, on the Solemnity of the Assumption of our Blessed Virgin Mary, and we will conclude on Thursday, October 7, on the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary.

We strongly encourage everyone to join in this powerful 54-Day Rosary Miracle Novena.

This is a commitment to pray one rosary per day for 54 days for this sole intention: For the grace of profound repentance & conversion to Christ Jesus both in the Church and in the world to open up the flood gates of Divine Mercy upon all people. (There will also be a pause for personal intentions.)

This is a a response to a nationwide call by thousands of Catholics, as spearheaded by major Catholic organizations and ministries.

Join our St Antoninus Rosary group!

Download prayers here:
First 27 days- Petition Prayers:

2nd 27 days- Thanksgiving Prayers:

Here is the calendar: Click.

Our Rosary prayer time every day is at 7 pm on Zoom.

To join:
One click link:

Meeting ID: 823 8386 9993

Passcode: Rosary

One tap mobile
+13126266799,,82383869993# US

For audio only - phones
    +1 929 205 6099 US
Are there special Rosary prayers attached to the Novena? Yes.

The Rosary prayers recommended for this novena are very simple but powerful.

Each Hail Mary is a rare and beautiful rose which we lay at Mary’s feet.

We offer spiritual snow-white roses for the Joyful Mysteries, blood-red roses for the Sorrowful Mysteries and Royal-purple for the Glorious Mysteries.

These spiritual roses, bound in a wreath of Spiritual Communion, are presented with brief prayers in between the decades.

For example, in the 1st Joyful Mystery, we pray this, addressing our Blessed Mother: "I bind these snow-white roses with a petition for the grace of humility and humbly lay this bouquet at your feet."

Another example: in the 3rd Glorious Mystery, we pray: "I bind these royal-purple roses with a petition for the grace of receiving the Holy Spirit and lay this bouquet at your feet."

Or in the 4th Sorrowful Mystery: "I bind these blood-red roses with a petition for the grace of patience in adversity and lay this bouquet at your feet."

There are brief meditations before each decade, directed to our Blessed Mother as we reflect on the life, death and resurrection of her Son.

How to pray this Novena
The 54-Day Rosary Novena consists of one Rosary each day for the first 27 days “in petition”; then, one Rosary each day for the next 27 days in “thanksgiving.” Thus, this Novena simply consists in praying one Rosary every day for 54 days, technically 6 sets of 9-day novenas.

In this Rosary novena, we are not following the usual schedule of when each mystery is prayed (i.e., Joyful Mysteries on Mondays, Sorrowful on Tuesdays, Glorious on Wednesdays, etc.).

Rather, anytime we pray this novena, no matter when during the week, we start with the Joyful Mysteries, then Sorrowful Mysteries, then Glorious Mysteries, and then back to the Joyful Mysteries… and repeat this cycle of 3 mysteries (Joyful, Sorrowful and Glorious) continuously during the 54 days, regardless of the day of the week. 

Thus, in this 54 Day Novena we bagan with the Joyful Mysteries on (Sunday) August 15, then Sorrowful Mysteries on (Monday) August 16, then Glorious Mysteries on (Tuesday) August 17, and then back to the Joyful Mysteries on (Wednesday) August 18, and so on, until we reach October 7, the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary and the final day of the Novena.

It is recommended that we pray for only one collective novena intention throughout the 54 days (though you we will pause for personal intentions)

Note: this Novena was create following an apparition in 1884, thus before the Luminous Mystery became part of our Rosary prayers. It is therefore recommended that we pray the Luminous Mysteries every Thursday, but separately and for another intention.

Here are calendars for the each month covering the novena. The rotation of Rosary Mysteries are indicated for each of the 54 days.
Origin of this 54-Day Rosary Novena
In Italy on March 3, 1884 (the same year Pope Leo XIII penned the prayer to St. Michael) young Fortuna Agrelli experienced an apparition of the Blessed Virgin Mary as our Lady of Pompeii, accompanied by St. Catherine of Sienna and St. Dominic ( see image).

Fortuna was suffering from 3 incurable diseases. Doctors had classified her case as hopeless.

Upon seeing Our Lady, Fortuna exclaimed “Queen of the Holy Rosary, be gracious to me, restore me to health! I have already prayed to Thee in a novena, O Mary, but have not yet experienced Thy aid. I am so anxious to be cured!”

“Child,” responded the Blessed Virgin, “you have invoked Me by various titles and have always obtained favors from Me. Now, since you have called Me by that title so pleasing to Me, ‘Queen of the Most Holy Rosary’, I can no longer refuse the favor you petition; for this name is most precious and dear to Me. Make three novenas, and you shall obtain all.”

On another occasion, Our Lady appeared to the young girl and said, “Whoever desires to obtain favors from Me should make three novenas of the prayers of the Rosary, and three novenas in thanksgiving.”

Obeying Our Lady’s instructions, the young girl was healed and restored to perfect health and thus began the tradition of the Miraculous 54-Day Rosary Novena.

Our Lady of Victory, Queen of Heaven and of the Most Holy Rosary, pray for us who have recourse to Thee!
Why are we praying this Miraculous Novena at this time?

Children, great tribulations are getting near so that you prepare spiritually; do not let go of the Holy Rosary, because it is the greatest protection that Heaven has given you.” – St. Pio of Pietrelcina

“Grab your rosaries! We are going into battle!”

This cry is not likely what a unit commander would shout to soldiers hunkered down in trenches anticipating enemy confrontation. But it has been and still is the cry of the most astute warriors actively engaged in battles in the spiritual realm where all battles of every kind are actually rooted.

For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places (Eph 6:12).

In the year 1221, tradition holds that the Blessed Virgin Mary appeared to Saint Dominic who was combating a popular heresy in France called Albigensian. As stated in this article by Edward Sri in Franciscan Spirit:

“Mary gave him the rosary, told him to teach people this devotion, and promised that his apostolic efforts would be blessed with much success if he did.”

Throughout the last 800 years, history proved Our Lady true to Her promise, benefiting all devoted to the Most Holy Rosary. One of the most notable responses was in the mid-16th century Muslim Turks, who were intent on expanding their empire and inflicted ritual cruelties on the defeated populations, set fire to churches, took many of its women and young boys and girls for shipment to their harems and beheaded the elderly people who were left behind.

When it was learned that an enormous Muslim fleet was headed to the Gulf of Lepanto, the much smaller Christian fleet advanced to meet the enemy. For months Pope Pius V had urged Catholics to say the daily rosary on behalf of the morale and good fortune of the Christian forces and, above all, for a successful outcome to a highly risky preemptive strike planned against the mighty Turkish fleets.

The night before the battle, the young 22-year old admiral of the Christian Holy League fleet, Don Juan of Austria and many of his men spent much of the night in prayer. The fate of their civilization depended on their good fortune the next day. Their defeat would have meant a Muslim invasion into all of Europe.

Heaven responded. On October 7, 1571, in what has been called the The Greatest Sea Battle in History, the Christian fleet was remarkably victorious over the Turkish Ottoman Empire. In thanksgiving, Pope Pius V declared October 7th the feast of Mary, Queen of Victory.

In an encyclical in 1883, Pope Leo XIII, who was also particularly devoted to Our Lady of the Rosary, points us today in the direction we should fly. He wrote:

“It has always been the habit of Catholics in danger and in troublous times to fly for refuge to Mary. This devotion, so great and so confident, to the august Queen of Heaven, has never shone forth with such brilliance as when the militant Church of God has seemed to be endangered by the violence of heresy … or by an intolerable moral corruption, or by the attacks of powerful enemies.”

Did Pope Leo say, “intolerable moral corruption?”, “heresy?”, “powerful enemies?” Are these not what what we are facing today?

 O august Queen of Heaven shine forth!

We need your help and protection, O sweet Mother, our great intercessor before the throne of God!

The world is in unprecedented chaos, desolation and darkness: the ravages of Covid-19, the ongoing violence and murders in our cities, the disruption of schools and businesses, the worldwide economic upheaval, and striking at the heart: the diabolical attacks upon the integrity, the morality and the orthodoxy of the episcopacy of our Church, the faith in the Eucharist, on the general practice of the faith, and the constant attacks upon the institution of marriage and the undermining the authority that parents have in raising up godly children.

Through this 54-Day Novena, we unite with thousands and thousands of Catholics nationwide praying for one parish intention: For the grace of profound repentance & conversion to Christ Jesus both in the Church and in the world to open up the flood gates of Divine Mercy upon all people.

This 54-Day Miracle Novena will end precisely on October 7th - the Feast of Mary, Queen of Victory, also called Our Lady of the Holy Rosary.

We come before the Lord, and with faith, hope, and prayers of repentance and reparation in our hearts, we proclaim God’s sovereign victory as we take hold of the mantle of Our Lady.
337 South Orange Ave, Newark NJ 07103 
Rev. Joseph A. Meagher (Pastor)