Learn about what you should be doing in the month of NOVEMBER. A selection of Garden Tips (Lawn & Turf, Trees & Shrubs, Flowers, Fruits & Nuts, and more) can be found by clicking on GARDEN TIPS.
By the end of this year, your Tulsa Master Gardener's will have completed the landscape planting around almost 40 Habitat For Humanity homes. The purpose for the landscape planting Habitat For Humanity homes is to provide colorful gardens for the added enjoyment and warm welcome for the families when they move into their new home. 

For each home, a dedicated crew of Tulsa Master Gardeners will select plants, landscape with borders, condition the soil, apply weed preventer, fertilize, and mulch, then add colorful flowers and shrubs in the front of Habitat For Humanity homes.

This partnership has been in place for many years and above are some photos of homes which have been planted just this year. Earlier this year, Habitat For Humanity recognized the many years of efforts of dedicated Master Gardener volunteers by presenting to the Tulsa Master Gardeners the “Jimmy Swindler Spirit Award”.   
From Green Country Master Composters
The November Compost Connection article is based on backyard basic composting and how to get started. There are three basic reasons to compost leaves (which is a timely topic for the month of November). They are:

1. Creating a healthy soil
2. Growing healthier plants
3. Reducing yard waste

The first external resource material we will highlight this month is the OSU Extension Fact Sheet: L-252 "Don't Bag It" Leaf Composting. 

Another source for beginning backyard composting is OSU Extension Fact Sheet: HLA-6448 Backyard Composting in Oklahoma. 

This fact sheet gives good basic information on starting your compost pile. It includes several varieties of easy-to-build beginning compost piles which can be made out of wood pallets, a garbage can or barrel, posts and chicken wire, as well as several other good ideas for beginning composters.

Basic tools for beginning a compost pile include a good shovel and a good pitchfork that is easy for the composter to maneuver. These tools get lots of use and should not be too heavy or large.

Beginning composters might also want to purchase a basic compost thermometer. This will be necessary to determine if a compost pile is too cold (which means you need to add ingredients) or too hot (which would kill basic good bacteria and invertebrates). A basic compost thermometer can be purchased for $20-25 from a big box store, a local nursery, or online. 

A good pair of gloves are a necessity. Your working compost should be turned periodically. A simple aerator is helpful. A screener helps sift larger particles out of your finished compost when its ready for use. And, of course, you need organic materials (leaves, grass clippings, small twigs, etc.) for the type of compost pile you want.

There are many helpful sources for the beginning backyard composters, such as your local county extension office. You may start with tulsamastergardeners.org and click on the "lawn and garden" link. Also, you can go to the OSU Fact Sheet link and type in your specific question.
Another suggested OSU Fact Sheet is PSS-2911 Compost Turning: The Key to Quick Composting. The Tulsa Master Gardeners website has many good fact sheets from which to choose.

Start your compost bin / pile small and basic, and you'll be able to create a successful soil amendment to add to your garden, yard, or house plants!

We hope this is helpful to your endeavor. Good Luck, Composters!
it's that time of year that certain plants may need to be moved around (outside to the garage, outside to inside, etc.). And, we know how heavy those monsters can be, particularly if the soil is the least bit moist. Here are a couple of options for a plant mover that your Tulsa Master Gardeners like to use to save their backs.

DISCLAIMER: While we do not intentionally promote any particular retailer/seller, to help you locate this tool check out Amazon or your local garden center or nursery.

It’s that time of year again when some of us find ourselves engaged in an annual ritual of preparing our houseplants for the haul back indoors. For most houseplants, this means ending their summer vacation when night temperatures fall below 45–48° F.

As simple as this task may sound, it turns out that this is a project that needs some organizing. Follow the steps in WINTERIZING HOUSEPLANTS to ensure a successful transition from outside to inside.
As an avid gardener, you likely have already gotten your spring-flowering bulbs planted. They have been available in the nurseries for about a month now. However, if you have not done so yet, NOW is the time to get 'er dun.

Click on SPRING BULBS for all of the information you need to know about selection, planting and maintenance.

pine wilt
Pines are valuable assets and many times an anchor in the home landscape. They provide texture and structure in a winter garden and a source of shade, habitat, and food for wildlife year-round. Their purpose ranges broadly from the smallest specimen to the largest windbreak or privacy hedge.

As pleasant as they are to view and to smell, they can succumb to some fairly common diseases and pests such as: pine wilt, dothistroma needle blight, diplodia tip blight, and pine tip moth if not properly treated.

Click on PINE TREE DISEASES to find out what causes these problems and what your as the homeowner can do to prevent them from occurring or reoccurring. Additional resource information is also available at the end of the article.
While for some it's too early to be thinking about Christmas, it's not too early to be thinking about Christmas Cactus. To get this cactus to (re)bloom at year end, there are steps that can and should be taken at this time to ensure that happens.

The linked article will highlight actions that could have actually started last month, but actions taken right now can help to have blooms at year end when blooms anywhere at that time are hard to come by. And, did you know, there are actually two kinds of this cactus?

Click on CHRISTMAS CACTUS to learn about the two types and to find out what to do right now to help it rebloom. If it seems like a little too much effort, you can likely find one blooming at your nursery during the holiday season, then save it and take these steps next year to get it to rebloom then.
Integrated Pest Management, commonly known as IPM, is an environmentally conscious strategy to prevent, avoid, or reduce a pest problem in our lawns, vegetable and flower gardens, trees, and shrubs. Knowledge is the key to IPM. Knowing your plants and their common pest problems will help you choose the best methods for your garden. Monitor your plants regularly as it is easier to stop pests before they become a problem.

The elements of IPM include good cultural practices, mechanical and physical controls, biological controls, and chemical applications. You have options by combining various methods to determine what works best for your garden. For more information on this amazingly clever way to prevent disease and pests through environmentally sound practices, click on IPM.
It’s that time of year when most of the summer warmth and color is over but cold, rainy, windy days have not yet fully begun. What a great time to get out in the garden and do some fall and winter flowerbed and garden preparations! Now is the time to prepare for next season.

Over the years, we have had some great articles written on this subject, so here's a collection of them for your choosing. They all contain great tips for fall/winter garden prep, including both DO's AND DONT's.


Since 1983, the Tulsa Master Gardeners have been serving the public by offering research-based horticultural information to residents of Tulsa and the surrounding area. The Tulsa Master Gardener Foundation is a 501 (c) (3) organization. As such, it receives no city, state or federal funding for its Tulsa community outreach programs. In fact, the Tulsa's Master Gardener programs are self-funded by its own fundraisers, from member donations, and from public donations.

The main Tulsa Master Gardener fundraiser is its Annual Spring Plant Sale that is held each April. Other fundraisers include the Garden Tour and Garage Sale in June. And, one of the most important income sources that sometimes gets overlooked are the personal and corporate donations. These are so important in helping us to meet our financial obligations and we want you to know they are very much appreciated. 

MG Endowment Fund
The Tulsa Master Gardeners have been around for over three decades and we plan to be around for many more decades. Furthermore, we are considered one of the top five Master Gardener county programs in the entire nation. We are because of the size of our Foundation membership, the number, diversity and activity level of our various community outreach programs, and our overall financial strength! 
So, we are pleased to announce, in partnership with the Tulsa Community Foundation, the Master Gardener Foundation has established an Endowment Fund to ensure our long-term financial strength. Our plans are to build this fund for many years before making any withdrawals from it. Please consider us as you make your annual gift giving as well as longer-term estate planning decisions. Remember, all donations are fully tax deductible! 
If you wish to make a tax-deductible donation to help fund the long-term success of the Tulsa Master Gardener program, click on  
If you wish to make a tax-deductible donation to help fund the Tulsa Master Gardener program's annual expenses, click on
We thank all of you for having been such faithful contributors both in the past and in advance for your future consideration and participation! Proud to be a part of the Tulsa area - such a giving community!

Judy Feuquay

The Oxley Foundation

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