Tap Into Grace
Let's Read: 2 Corinthians 12:9
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The apostle Paul talked about a secret frustration in his life, which he called "a thorn in the flesh." Scholars have debated whether it was a physical condition, such as an illness or eye condition, or something else. Whatever was bothering him, Paul prayed three times for God to remove it. One translation says he "implored" God to take it away.

That means that Paul gave it his best argument."God, I've served You. I've been my best. I've prayed for others, and they've been healed. God, please take it away." But what's interesting is that God never removed that thorn. Rather, God's answer to him was: "Paul, tap into My grace. It's sufficient for you. You are well able to enjoy your life in spite of this secret frustration." 

Is there something you've implored God to change but nothing's improved? If God is not removing it or changing it, don't let that steal your joy. Tap into His grace. It is sufficient for you.

"Father, thank You that You are sovereign and know what is best for me. I'm not going to let a secret frustration sour my life. In Jesus name, Amen!

Our prayer for you in this season is to eagerly await what the Lord will do for us, in us and through us during these very special 30 days. Our heart is to spread the hope of Jesus to the world around us. Invite your family and friends to this daily devotional, save the image below, and share via social media!
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Prayer & Devotional Tips
Before you even begin your devotionstart with a prayer asking God to share His wisdom with you. The Bible says in James 4:8, “Come near to God and He will come near to you.” By reaching out to God at the beginning of your devotion, you'll be more likely to feel His presence.
Prayer Requests & Testimonies
Our prayer for you over the next month is that your passion for God and His Word will be ignited, and that you will develop a hunger for His presence that is greater than ever before! We pray you make a spiritual investment and seek clarity in the areas of spiritual, personal, family and community. Don’t ever settle for anything less than a life full of passion and spiritual zeal for God. Keep the fire for God burning in your heart and do whatever it takes to feed your spiritual hunger for God.

Each day of prayer and fasting, we encourage you to keep a daily journal. Write any revelations that God gives you about yourself and about life in general. Share your prayer requests and your testimonies. Let's go into the War Room together!
Fallbrook Church | 281.444.2733 | www.fallbrookchurch.org