Tuscany-Canterbury Neighborhood Association Works for You
Events Happening In and Around
Dumpster available for Tuscany-Canterbury neighborhood

Dumpster can be used for anything but hazardous waste.

October 19 9:00-12:00
at Tuscany & Linkwood

October 19

Baltimore Running Festival
October 19th is the Baltimore Running Festival, complete with runners from Baltimore, across the nation and the world. The full Baltimore Marathon comes near Tuscany-Canterbury including Wyman Park Drive around mile 5 and 6, and miles 18-23 including Clifton Park, up Harford Road and Hillen Roads, around Lake Montebello, all of 33rd Street, down Guilford Avenue to 29th Street. The above map shows the route.  Be advised it will be hard drive in these areas during the marathon (between 8:30am-1pm) so please plan accordingly , and cheer on the runners!
October 20 4:00 Free Fall Concert
Court in the Community: Juvenile Justice
October 23 6:30-8:30 PM
Calvert Middle School Building

This event is sponsored by the Guilford Association and the Office of the State's Attorney. See flyer for more information.  The session will be held at the Calvert Middle School in the Middle School Assembly Hall and Atrium. The address is 4300 North Charles Street Baltimore, MD 21218. Please note the address on the flyer is incorrect. Parking is available at Calvert's Charles Street lot.
4200 St. Paul Street Website Email for more
October 20 3:30 PM
The Thirteen Choir
Sunday, October 27 10:00 - 2:00

Huck Finn Day Youth Fishing Event: Volunteers and Participants Welcome

Stony Run between Wyndhurst Avenue and W. Cold Spring Lane
The Maryland Chapter of Trout Unlimited (MDTU) will sponsor the sixth annual Huck Finn Day, a fishing and environmental education event for children 15 years old and younger on Stony Run between Wyndhurst Avenue and W. Cold Spring Lane. on Sunday, October 27, 2019, from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. MDTU’s tent will be set up at the base of Oakdale Rd. adjacent to Stony Run Park, where their volunteers will provide fly-fishing and fly-tying demonstrations. This section of Stony Run will be stocked with 300 rainbow trout. 

Children interested in fishing must have their own equipment and be accompanied by a parent or guardian. There will be a free raffle for spinning rods. At the end of the event at 2:00 p.m., the stream will then be open for fishing to “children of all ages” with a Maryland fishing license and trout stamp. A fishing license is not required for children 15 years old and younger. A two fish limit is set for all those who wish to take fish.
If you would like to help stock the stream or assist in MDTU’s youth outreach, please contact Tom Gamper at (410) 685-3582, e-mail:  
November1 5:30-7:00
Neighborhood First Friday Get Together
Alizee Bistro Bar, 4 West University Parkway
November 6 7:00-8:30    
 Tuscany Canterbury Board Meeting
Broadview Apartments, 105 W 39 th Street, Lower Level Game Room

All are welcomed.

 November 13 7:00
General Neighborhood Meeting

Calvert Middle School Building
September 29, 2019 – January 19, 2020
Baltimore Museum of Art

Generations: A History of Black Abstract Art
Generations: A History of Black Abstract Art offers a sweeping new perspective on the contributions black artists have made to the evolution of visual art from the 1940s to the present moment. Artists featured include pioneers of postwar abstraction once overlooked by history, such as Norman Lewis, Alma W. Thomas, and Jack Whitten, as well as artists from a younger generation such as Kevin Beasley, Mark Bradford, Martin Puryear, Lorna Simpson, and many others.