On August 22, Church Council held a meeting. Here is a summary of that meeting:

Marti Wayland, Chair, Finance Committee provided a financial summary through June 30 which was provided by Jeff Norwood, Treasurer:

May income $51,750; May expenses $65,079; May net loss $(13,329).
June income $93,425; June expenses $89,867; June net income $3,558.
June YTD income $453,486; June YTD expenses $417,025; YTD net income $36,461.

The bank balance as of June 30th was $588,524, $100,000 of which is restricted. $488,524 remaining for operations is a very strong balance.

Jeff Norwood will report on July at the next Church Council Meeting.

The church has been given $42,000 by a member for the roof replacement. A separate account has been opened for this money and future gifts.

Marti also reported that Finance is working closely with Stewardship on the credit card fee issue and communicating to the congregation the forthcoming option to cover your own credit card fee when giving online. Approximately $2,500 in credit cards fees have been incurred to date. Marti reported the PPP funds are completely forgiven and that a “clean” audit report was received. The only notable item in the report relates to changes in regulations, not the result of our recordkeeping. As previously mentioned, the Preschool made a generous $12,500 donation to the church.

Marti shared that the 2022 budget process will begin in September. October 1 is the deadline for having budgets submitted. The Finance Committee is asking for two versions from each budget manager: 1) a modest/bare bones budget, and 2) a “desired” budget.

Penny Selman, Staff Parish Relations Chairman, gave an update on several staff positions within the Church. As recently announced, Andrew Chauncey will serve as the new Director of Music, beginning September 12th. Katie Edgemon is currently serving as interim Nursey Coordinator, and Fred Wildman has retired as Director of Facilities. These two positions are being advertised, as well as Wednesday Night Meal Coordinator and Audio Visual Coordinator.

Concerns were expressed about the potential positions being hired and the budget. With several staff changes and hiring rates not necessarily the same of previous incumbents, there is room in the current budget to absorb the positions posted. The group discussed the challenges with finding a replacement for Fred Wildman given the current shortage in contractors. The Committee recognizes that the maintenance budget may increase if contractors are hired to conduct work previously done by Fred.

Dick Emrath, Trustees Committee Chairman, reported that classrooms were ready for school to begin this past Monday. Three heavy (400+pound) partitions were removed. Four smoke detectors need to be replaced, as they intermittently sound and are currently on the work list to be fixed. A door in the Children's area was previously approved and purchased but the door is awaiting a part. There is currently a shortage of this part at the manufacturer. The recent roof repairs withstood the recent rain. Dick plans to examine the drains next week. Yard maintenance work weekends will be scheduled for the end of September.

Lee Ann Adams, Stewardship Committee Chairman, reported things were slower this summer for the Committee, but will be ramping up this fall with the upcoming mailer. 
The giving campaign will take place the first 3 weekends in November.

David Tonahill, Preschool Board Representative, reported that parent/teacher introductions happened this past week, and that Preschool is full. Kim has a full staff and school opens on August 23. The Preschool plans to spread mulch on the Church grounds.

Rebekah Ducote, Director of Discipleship, reported that Faith in Motion (couch to 5k) had 16 people in attendance this past Saturday. She also reported that the summer celebration had great attendance with approximately 100 people ranging in age from 2 to 90.

Henry Allen, Youth Parent Advisory Board Representative, reported a great turnout at Pruett’s Sunday evening for a youth parent fellowship. His focus is on parent engagement. 

Bill Thornton, Associate Pastor, explained that the upcoming capital campaign would need full support of Church Council from a leadership standpoint. Members should be prayerful about their role in the campaign, which needs to begin soon. The donation of $42,000 is a great start. This campaign is mostly focused on replacing our current roof on the Sanctuary and other parts of the building as well.

Rachel Dow, Director of Children’s Ministries, reported on two successful events - the family picnic and back to school bash. The kids had a great time and many new families are engaging.

Josh Kilbourne, Senior Pastor, reported on a close call last week with Covid and contact tracing. That incident reinforced the importance of the Covid safety protocols that are in place. The nominations process will begin soon for 2022. Charge Conference will take place on November 21st, which is also consecration Sunday.

Pastor Josh also shared a devotion focused on Romans 12:10-13. 10 Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves.11 Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord.12 Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. 13 Share with the Lord’s people who are in need. Practice hospitality.  

Pastor Josh I emphasized how relevant these words are to us now and that God is calling us to live into this vision.

Our next Church Council meeting will be September 26 at 7 pm.

In Partnership,
Greg Cullum
Chair, Church Council
Church Council is the governing board for Signal Crest business and is made up of representatives from all ministry areas of the church, lay leaders, committee chairs, and at-large members. Your 2021 Church Council representatives can be found by clicking here.

To better understand the governance of both the United Methodist Church and Signal Crest UMC, please click here for more information.

Approved Church Council Minutes may be found here: