
Please be sure that your calendars are marked for the following dates.

Click here for campus-specific details.

Match Day

March 17 11:15 am

AΩA/ GHHS Induction

May 1 | 5 pm

MD Hooding Ceremony

May 4 | 2 pm

Students should arrive by 1 pm for rehearsal.


May 7 2 pm 

All students should arrive by 10 am for rehearsal.

Applications for the PC-ACT Program Closing Soon

The deadline to apply for the 2023 Primary Care Accelerated Track (PC-ACT) Program is Sunday, February 5. This unique program allows students interested in practicing primary care in a medically underserved, rural area of Georgia the opportunity to complete their studies in three years.

Learn more and apply now

Applications for the Nathan Deal Scholarship Program Now Open

The Nathan Deal Scholars Program is currently accepting applications for its 2023 cycle. The program was created to recognize outstanding student leaders committed to Mercer's mission and practicing primary care in a rural, medically underserved Georgia county. The deadline to apply is March 3.

Learn more and apply now

S.O.A.R.S. Annual Student Research Symposium

January 27 | 1 - 3 pm | Large Classroom (COL) | Skelton Library (MAC) | AUD (SAV)

The Student Organization for the Advancement of Research and Service (S.O.A.R.S.) invites all faculty, staff, and students to stop by their second annual student research symposium to learn more about the research MUSM students have conducted.

5K & Family Fun Day for Maternal Health Awareness

March 25 | 9 am | Savannah

Join Shaquita Greene, MS-3, as she promotes Maternal Health Awareness. This event aims to start the conversation about maternal and women's health in a fun and unintimidating way. The event will take place at 1850 East Montogomery Crossroad, Savannah, GA. The race will start at 9 am, and the family fun portion will begin at 11 am. Tickets currently cost $25 and will increase after February 14. All proceeds will go to Healthy Mothers, Healthy Babies Georgia.

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Student Affairs Page

Visit the Student Affairs and Services webpage for quick access to the student handbook, library resources, career counseling resources, and more!

MUSM Student Calendar

Stay up to date on campus events, interest group meetings, and more with MUSM's student calendar.

Email Signature Format

To maintain consistency and protect the School’s identity, we developed a MUSM email signature and standards. All faculty, staff, and students must follow our email signature standards when using their Mercer email. If you need help updating your email signature, the instructions are below.

Instructions for PC | Instructions for Mac

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