UCSF School of Medicine
Vice Dean's Office at ZSFG

Winter 2023
Advancing health worldwide in the heart of the City
“The secret of change is to focus all of your energy not on fighting the old, but on building the new”
Happy New Year!

I’m excited to welcome the new year, which promises to be historic. This Spring, in addition to celebrating our 150th anniversary, our sesquicentennial, we will open the Research and Academic Building, the first UCSF building on our campus. Thus, we look forward to momentous occasions on both sides of our partnership, celebrating our historic, 150-year partnership with the City and County of San Francisco and welcoming the inauguration of a new building, which deepens our partnership with UCSF and represents the culmination of 20+ years of planning.

On this historic anniversary, my team is engaged in planning several activities. I’m eager to receive your suggestions about our legacy; the leaders we have nurtured, the patients we have served, our educational innovations, clinical advances, your favorite memories, and other measures of impact. Please send me your ideas and suggestions:

The Research and Academic Building represents the University’s investment in our academic work and will house faculty and staff who are currently working in “red brick” buildings scattered around the campus. The space has been configured to accommodate a range of wet lab investigators, dry lab investigators, medical education space, offices, workstations, and conference rooms. The configuration of the building will be novel, compared to the current department- or division-specific configuration, and offers the opportunity for new collaborations because we will be in the same space - for the very first time. I hope that our physical proximity, in a new building which was specifically designed for our community, with significant input from our researchers, will accelerate our research and scholarship, strengthen our relationships, and inspire our learners.

However, change can be hard, even when it is exciting, and I recognize that there are mixed feelings about the impending move. To ensure a successful transition, I’m relying on the wisdom of the work groups who shaped the building’s design, on the dedication of the Real Estate team which is constructing the building, and all members of our campus, from whom I ask a healthy and repeated dose of forbearance. The new building may not be perfect nor the realization of everyone’s dreams, but it will be a beautiful new facility in which we can come together, in a novel way, to conduct our groundbreaking, impactful scholarship, interact with colleagues, and create the better future to which we are passionately committed. That is my hope and I look forward to working with every member of our community to realize the potential represented by the new building. For years we’ve been deeply engaged in planning and now it’s time to prepare for the next chapter. Pa’lante, vamos juntos!

Elena Fuentes-Afflick, MD, MPH
Vice Dean
UCSF School of Medicine, ZSFG
Recognize a UCSF colleague today!
Letting Go

My knee hurts as we walk, but it’s so
nice to be outdoors. You’ve grown,
for the rest of our lives you’ll be taller
than me. Every life’s like composing
a song. Even if the melody’s familiar,
it’s never just the same—each refrain
with its own mistakes or mistimed notes.
Then you say, so casually, that you felt
you had to let go of wanting to be
perfect in order to start making friends.
Those flaws that let us be human.
I met two parents in emergency,
their daughter so close to your age.
She had never learned to eat or talk
or walk, all the taken-for-granted things.
And what did they keep saying? How
her whole life, all she had ever done
was teach them what it means to love.

Highlights of ZRAB Amenities
The outside of the building is nearly complete and construction inside the ZRAB is moving forward. Soon these spaces will transform into modern, state-of-the art, building amenities.
Selected Feature Highlights
ZSFG ED leads national study on COVID messaging
“With approximately 160 million visits to EDs annually, broad implementation of our messaging platforms in EDs could lead to greater COVID-19 vaccine acceptance and delivery to tens of thousands of underserved patients whose primary health care access occurs in EDs.”

The ZSFG Emergency Department led a national study to develop and test ED-based measures (messaging platforms) that would address COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy and increase vaccine uptake in ED patients. They found that delivery of COVID-19 vaccine messaging platforms resulted in significantly greater vaccine acceptance and uptake within 30 days with higher effect sizes in Latinx persons and participants without primary care physicians.
Updates and Events at ZSFG
ZRAB monthly Town Hall webinars
UCSF Research and Academic Building at ZSFG (ZRAB) town hall webinars will occur monthly through June 2023. The ZSFG Dean's Office, ZRAB Project Team and others will offer updates and information about the move into the new building. The first Town Hall will be held on January 27 from 12:10-1:00pm. Visit the ZRAB website for dates, times, registration links and more information.
Construction is almost complete, with the team installing casework, benches, furniture, and project-provided equipment in the interior. Work outside the building includes installation of the metal panels making up much of the exterior on the east side, concrete pours for sidewalks on the north and west, and construction of a terrace wall at the southeast corner.
Preparations for the move continue to ramp up with completion of space assignments, lab equipment placement meetings with the VOC Associates team, and workstation relocation planning with information gathered by the departmental RAB Transition Leaders (RTLs) using the IT Move Matrix.
Check in with your RTL if you need information or guidance for your group on what you should be doing right now to be ready for the move. Additional details can be found in the monthly project updates from the Vice Dean’s Office at ZSFG. Report concerns or ask questions about the project by emailing or calling 415-514-7661.
Dean's Seminar Series
The ZSFG Dean's Seminar Series on first Fridays from 12:00-1:00pm offers monthly presentations on first Fridays at noon featuring researchers for those interested in research.
UCSF at ZSFG Faculty Experience Town Hall recording
UCSF Faculty Experience at ZSFG Director, Starr Knight, MD, presented findings of the FY22 ZSFG Net Promoter Score results, reviewed campus initiatives and responded to audience questions with Elena Fuentes-Afflick, MD, MPH, Vice Dean at ZSFG and Susan P. Ehrlich, MD, MPP, Chief Executive Officer at ZSFG.
Fun Fact
Did you ever wonder about the painting in the hall near the cafeteria entrance?
Inpatient Care Team (oil, 1976) was a permanent gift from San Francisco General Hospital employees to the Medical Center and its patients. The painting was commissioned by the Personnel Committee, representing all employees, on the recommendation of John Brooks, Chairman. It was purchased on behalf of the committee by an anonymous donor.

At the time, we were informed that "none of the models who posed for the painting are SFGH staff members. They are friends of the artist, wearing borrowed SFGH uniforms. Because the artist, Donald W. Brodeur, had been a patient at SFGH himself, he had first-hand contact with many members of the 'real' patient care team. His warm feelings about their care and concern are expressed in his painting.“

Newsletter: sfgh News Vol. 5, No. 3 February 1977
Inpatient Care Team, Donald Brodeur, 1976
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