This Sunday 10AM (Click to join live)

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This Week's Message:

Adult Bible Class - Sunday 9AM

Katy Scafe - Teacher

Fellowship Room / Coffee & Donuts Provided


Please bring coats, hoodies, sweatshirts, etc. to the church this Sunday (2/26) so we can prepare them for delivery and distribution. Thank you for expressing God's love, we really appreciate your kindness and compassion! Alicia Carrillo, Coordinator

This Saturday, February 25th 9:00AM & Sunday, February 26th - following service. Jamie Oberg, Instructor

Whether you need First Aid, CPR, and AED training that satisfies OSHA-mandated job requirements, or you just want to know how to keep your loved ones safe, this class will be offered here at FWC at a reduced rate to cover materials, books and your certification card.

Upon successful completion of this courses, you will earn a certification that satisfies OSHA-mandated workplace requirements and is valid for 2 years.

Sunday, March 26th

Following the service in the Fellowship Room / Lunch & Child Care Provided

All member are encouraged to attend

Family Worship Center
6395 S. Clarkson Street
Centennial, CO 80121
303.347.9706 //
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