Henry Aaron and Other Saints
I have been a fan of the Atlanta Braves since the early 1970s. I grew up in Connecticut, but I cheered for Atlanta because they were usually in last place and I seem to have a thing for underdogs. (I’m a New York Jets fan too.)
Plus, I have always been a fan of Henry (Hank) Aaron, partly because my middle name is Henri. I became more of a fan as he neared Babe Ruth’s home run record and faced racist threats from many people.

I still have a book I bought in grade school, along with lots of old baseball cards.

When the Braves won the World Series on Tuesday night for the first time in 26 years, I was very happy. The Braves persevered this season, overcoming many challenges to win it all.
But my happiness is tinged with melancholy.
  • In-person services at 9:00 (piano) and 11:00 (organ), with a LIVESTREAM at 11:00. (click)
  • Pastor Charlie Berthoud preaching on Isaiah 25:6-9: "Comfort Food"
  • Children's Time with Marge Resan
  • Follow our blog to read Pastor Jeff's weekly reflections.
  • CLICK HERE to learn about Children's Sunday School from 10:00 until 10:50 each Sunday.

Congregational Meeting
THIS SUNDAY at 10 am
in the sanctuary

The Nominating Committee is bringing a full slate of candidates for election to serve as officers.
  • Deacons 3 yr terms: Margie Coons, Emily Lanphear, Jess Salmonowicz, Steve Resan, Chris Turner
  • Deacons filling 1 yr terms: Michael Carlson, Frankie Leisering
  • Elders 3 yr terms: Mark Soderberg, Monica Mark, Jennifer Morgan
  • Elder filling 1 yr term: John Guequierre

Please join us!
Fall Generosity Campaign Continues

The fall Generosity Campaign asks people to support Covenant’s ministry with their time, talents, and treasures.

Members and friends will receive a packet of info in the mail. Please contact the church office if you have not received an informational packet in the mail.

Here is a quick snapshot of where we currently stand financially:
2022 Campaign: 133 pledges = $616,384.00
2021 Campaign: 145 pledges = $656,793.00
2020 Campaign: 143 pledges = $613,136.00

Bring your auction donations to the church office between November 7 and November 14.

Let your imagination be your guide! Your creative donations will be welcome additions to the auction.

Preview of the auction donations begins Monday November 22.
Worship Livestreaming Tips

Bookmark our YouTube channel so that you can pull up our livestream with ease every Sunday at 11:00! youtube.com/c/CovenantPresbyterianChurch

You can also find all past worship services with this link.

The steps for bookmarking are a little different depending on which browser (Chrome, Safari, Internet Explorer, etc.) you're using and which tech you're using (phone, tablet, or desktop). If you need help, you can Google "how to bookmark on [browser name]."
COVID Safety
We continue to have in-person worship. To be as safe as possible, the entire left side of the sanctuary is now socially distanced seating, with every other pew taped off. We are also asking people to sing quietly to limit germ spread.

Masks required for all people, regardless of vaccination status.