The Academic Support Network is excited to offer one-on-one technology support to any student interested in improving and practicing their technology or online learning skills.
Here’s how it works:
Ask for a referral from a staff or faculty member
You will be contacted by phone and email to introduce you to your student Tech Buddy for up to the first 6 weeks of the semester
You and your Tech Buddy will work together to identify and work on tech-related goals.
Get help with:
Using a computer (Windows, Chrome, or Apple/Mac)
iLearn, MyGav, & Gavilan student email
Connecting to the internet/using a mi-fi
Applications and programs (e.g. Zoom, Google Drive,
Microsoft Office)
Tips & tricks for succeeding in online classes
And more...
Laptop / WiFi Lending Program
Gavilan College has a limited number of laptops and WiFi hotspots to loan to students.
Distribution will take place beginning Saturday, January 23 and will continue in both Gilroy and Hollister over several days in the coming weeks.
You must have registered for Spring 2021 classes.
You must need the laptop of WiFi Hotspot in order to do your classwork
Fill out the request form at the button below.
A college representative will contact you with dates and times to pick up equipment.
Do not come to campus to pick up equipment until you are contacted by Gavilan staff.
Please read and follow directions carefully, as they include COVID-19 protocols for coming to campus safely.
Online Health and Wellness Resources: Wellness Central is a free online health and wellness resource that is available 24/7 in your space at your pace.
Students enrolled in credit courses have access to WellVia, a telehealth and telemedicine service provided via telephone and secure video by board-certified physicians. The first consultation is FREE of cost to the student.