Keeping King's Chapel's members and friends connected each week while we are "Physically Closed but Spiritually Open."
Spotlight On: 
Block Party |  Hosted by Amanda Picket of  the Community Action Committee | Friday 5 PM | Zoom 

This Friday the Community Action Committee (CAC) is hosting the Block Party. Come hear from CAC Chair Amanda Pickett about upcoming events such as a) Book club facilitated by Amanda and David Waters with "How to be an Anti-racist",  by Dr. Ibram X. Kendi,  b) Sandwich making for common cathedral  the first weekend in September, October and November and c) working with the Electoral Justice project of the Adult Religious Educations's Environmental Action Initiative.    

Contact by 4 PM Friday for login information. 
From the Minister 
My Dear Friends--
Seventy-five years ago today, in the course of World War II, the United States dropped the world's first atomic bomb on Hiroshima, Japan, killing 140,000. Days later, the atomic bomb dropped on Nagasaki would kill 70,000. Fifty-two years later, on a late summer morning much like this one, I reported to my first assignment as a young sailor, the USS John S. McCain, a Navy destroyer homeported in Yokosuka, Japan. One of the places I would visit early in the course of that first tour was Nagasaki. I remember walking the grounds of the Peace Park there, struggling to reconcile the beauty of the place with the horror of what had taken place there on August 6, 1945. 

Continue reading David's message HERE.
King's Chapel Welcomes All to our Sunday Services  

Morning Light Service 
Sundays from 9:00-9:30 AM on Zoom 
Come join us for an intimate service of contemporary music and prayer as we gather to listen to the Word, share our joys and concerns, and abide with one another in fellowship. The music is led by Roland Skip Lewan from the piano, incorporating elements of jazz and improvisation.  

Contact Laura Zeugner Administrative Assistant, for login information.

Morning Prayer Service
New virtual services posted by 11 AM on Sundays on YouTube

Each week we film the elements of our traditional Morning Prayer service, featuring beautiful music, stately prayers, and our ministers' reflections on the week's lessons. Our choir members and music director Heinrich Christensen provide newly recorded material as well as occasional pieces from our past recordings and CDs, as we explore the virtual new frontiers of making music. 

Visit our King's Chapel From Home page to view the most recent service or explore the King's Chapel YouTube channel.

Parish News

King's Chapel Commemorates 75th Anniversary of Hiroshima & Nagasaki
For centuries, King's Chapel's Revere and Son bell has rung for both celebrations and commemorations. At 8:15 AM today, Minister for Education and Membership David Waters rang the bell to commemorate the atomic bombing of Hiroshima that happened on this day 75 years ago. On Sunday, David will also ring the bell at 11:02 AM, commemorating the day the United States dropped the second atomic bomb on the Japanese city of Nagasaki. Watch the video of David's reflection on today's anniversary and bell ringing HERE.
Holy Communion from Home

David Waters, Minister for Education & Membership shares with our young...and older...friends at King's Chapel how we celebrate Communion Sunday, and how we can virtually celebrate Communion together during our worship services from home! See the video HERE

Joy away

Joy continues to be away until August 24.  While on vacation David, 
Heinrich, and Gretchen will be available to take good care of you all. Be in touch with them directly if you have any needs, and they can reach Joy if the need is urgent. 
Musical Notes

Music in the Time of COVID - Introspections #3
Composer Graham Ramsay's notes on this movement:
As darkly unsettling as Introspections numbers 1 and 2 may be, number 3 is quirky and perhaps equally disturbing in a very different way.  This very short 55 second movement was also born at an early morning hour after I had awakened from a dream state.  The predominant feeling I was having was one of disorientation and disconnection, of intermittent and disrupted thought, difficult to pin down.  What I composed was this brief, spritely idea that never fully develops or shows itself.  I wanted to suggest a façade, something that is at its core not what it presents itself to be.  And just as it begins to take shape, it ends.

Read more HERE
Chapel Restoration Project Continues
The work continues at the chapel, and the contractor is finding that this project happened none too soon! They have begun to take apart the railing at the tower roof and they are assessing the repair needed.  
The columns have now all been opened to assess the interior structural repairs, and they have begun to remove the concrete so that they can more easily access the wood. 
The painting that they have done on the upper columns and underlying ceiling of the tower has come out beautifully. We are pleased with the work they have done to date and looking forward to seeing the end result! 
Conversations with the History Program | Today at 5:30 PM | Zoom

Bible Study  | Weekly on Wednesdays 6:15 PM | Zoom
Coffee with the Clergy Weekly on Thursdays 10 AM | Zoom
Conversations with the History Program: James Freeman | Thursday August 13 | 12 & 5:30 PM
Save the Dates 
Theology on Tap: "The Tower of Babel and the Work of Ongoing Creation" | Wednesday August 19 | 6 PM | Zoom
Looking Back

Lecture: Loyalism, the Church of England and the American Revolution with Peter Walker
Thank you to all who attended last Thursday's history lecture by Professor Peter Walker of the University of Wyoming. We were delighted to see an audience of 40 people!  Those who missed the virtual event can view his presentation HERE.
On Monday, August 3, King's Chapel members gathered via Zoom to kick-off an effort at taking action to address electoral justice. Stay tuned for clear and specific action items for those who would like to participate. Email Dorie Seavey at if you were not present at the meeting but would like to be added to the mailing list. Also, check out
Community Action Committee News
A team of members of King's Chapel made and delivered 150 lunches for common cathedral's service on the Boston Common on Sunday Aug 2.
Many thanks go to the sandwich makers, Rita Horgan, Mary Katherine Morn, and Emanuel and Carol Genovese, who each lovingly made 50 sandwiches and filled lunch bags. Gary Riccio, Amanda Pickett, and Stephen Courtney have participated in the previous sandwich making this summer.
These lunches are greatly appreciated by the attendees at the service and other people on the Boston Common who are food and housing insecure; their lives have faced increased difficulties while living on the streets during this COVID pandemic. The recipients have great trust in common cathedral staff who have built a remarkable presence and caring community over time, always reminding them that they are beloved by God. It is a gift for us to be there for them with our food.
We need 3 people to each help make 50 sandwiches in their homes and fill lunch bags with a sandwich, snack bar and chips for our next volunteer days of Sunday Sept 6th. and Sunday Oct. 4th.  All food is provided by our Community Action Committee. Please contact Carol Genovese by phone or email with any questions and to sign up. It is a blessing to be able to do this.

In This Issue
Sunday Services 

August 9th | Morning Light |9 AM | Zoom
  • The Rev. Joy Fallon, Senior Minister
  • David Waters, Minister for Education and Membership
  • Skip Lewan, piano
  • Mary Katherine Morn, Zoom assistant
  • Eleanor Van Alen, Lector
contact for login information
August 9th  |  Morning Prayer |  11 AM via YouTube
  • The Rev. Joy Fallon, Senior Minister
  • David Waters, Minister for Education and Membership
  • Heinrich Christensen, Music Director
  • Emily Bieber-Harris, soloist
  • Amanda Pickett, Lector
  • Bob Fitzgerald, Mike Begeron, and John Bowman,  Lay Readers

  • 1 Kings 19:9-18
Did you miss Sunday's Virtual Service?  If so, click here to see the full service. 
From the Bench

Our soloist this Sunday is Emily Bieber-Harris who will be doing the work of at least three people, dipping her toes as a performer and producer in the wonderful virtual world of video, both in  singing a Gounod duet with herself, "O Divine Redeemer", and in a couple of new filming approaches to our hymns. You will also get a couple of organ variations on one of said hymns, "Immortal, Invisible". 
Giving to King's Chapel
Our stewardship giving to King's Chapel continues even as we are not physically together each week. This includes our annual pledges and gifts as well as our ongoing contributions to the Sunday plate. If you have not yet sent in your pledge or gift please  do so now and help us in this moment when we truly need it. If you are used to putting money in the Sunday Plate each week to support our community partners and our operating budget, you still can. The loss of this income, about $30,000, has an immediate impact on our community partners and our bottom line. Consider a monthly donation to the Sunday offering--maybe $50,$60,$75, $100 to make up for the lost weeks of attendance. Embracing our stewardship role is a way to joyfully and thankfully support the daily ongoing work that keeps King's Chapel thriving. Thank you. 

Staying Connected with King's Chapel
While we are physically closed we are spiritually open and are working to find ways to continue our connection with you, our beloved members and friends.  

Ways in which you can reach us are:

Morning Light Worship via Zoom, 9-9:30 AM each Sunday. Contact Laura Zeugner at for login information. 

Morning Prayer services are posted each Sunday at 11 AM on our website at 

Prayer Connection
King's Chapel is a praying church and we have added a new link to our website page to make easy any request you may have: .   Requests sent here will be received by Joy Fallon, David Waters, and Cynthia Perkins, Prayer Circle Chair. If you prefer, also know that you can always reach out to any of us individually. 
Internet Fraud - Protect Yourself

During the COVID-19 Pandemic, churches across the nation have seen a steep rise in incidents of internet fraud and scams, especially using ministers' names and targeting church members. So far in the last two months, we've had twenty or more. Please watch out for these. I promise, we will never ask you to send us gift cards.  We will never ask for your personal identifying information or bank account info.  If we ever purport to say that we can't be reached by phone, be suspicious. 
Some other hints to protect yourselves: Double check the "from" address to see who really has sent it, and double check the email of the person to whom you're supposedly replying. Verify suspicious emails by phone, especially if the email says not to call. Click the link below for more information on how to protect yourself and your family from internet crime. 

Contributing to Between Sundays

Our e-newsletter is sent each Thursday afternoon.  Want something in Between Sundays? Feel free to email with a written piece and/or pictures before Wednesday at 5 PM.