During Covid-19, our policy is for all people to WEAR MASKS and SOCIAL DISTANCE for the duration of any worship/fellowship where we are gathered in person!

Weekly Devotions

Pastor Dave offers weekly devotions called "Church Where You Are" for individuals and families.  If you are unable to be at worship on Sunday, or if you are simply looking for a weekly family devotional, "Church Where You Are" is located on our Bethel website each week.

Worship on Sunday, September 20


Join us THIS SUNDAY (September 20 @ 9:30am) for OUTDOOR WORSHIP.  Our worship will also be streamed live via our Facebook page, YouTube channel or via the LIVE WORSHIP link to the Bethel website and will be available after the live stream in all three places. 


Weather permitting, we will start holding outdoor worship every Sunday, starting September 13 at 9:30. Pastor Dave will make the call to cancel outdoor worship by Saturday evening in the event of inclement weather.

Volunteers are needed to help Dave Shoberg set up for outdoor worship each week. Volunteers are asked to be there at 8 am.

Volunteers are also needed to help Edie McGoff with traffic control, setting up the table (hand sanitizer, communion cups, offering baskets, song sheets), taking temperatures (using a touch-less thermometer) and clean-up after.

If you are willing to help, please email Pastor Dave.


The Jones/Joyner Music Fund honors the outstanding ministries of two individuals:  Larry Jones and Vernon Joyner.  Both led Bethel's music ministry.  The fund was established after Larry's sudden passing in the late 1990s, to support modest scholarships for university music students to play during worship and provide funds to add musicians for special services.  When Vernon Joyner retired, the fund was rededicated in recognition of his tremendous contribution to our music program.  Through the generosity of the congregation, this fund has brought us many talented musicians who have enhanced our worship music each Sunday.  

Our current Jones/Joyner scholars are flutist Charlene Romano and bassist Alex Kimble.  

Please consider contributing to the Jones/Joyner Music Fund, as funds are running low. 

4 Week Study of Revelation

Pastor Dave will be offering a special four week study of the Book of Revelation on consecutive Thursday evenings in September at 6:30 each evening.  The dates are as follows:  September 10, 17, 24, and October 1.  Follow the below Zoom each week to join the conversation and study.

Topic: Revelation Study via Zoom
Time: 6:30pm
Meeting ID: 875 8643 5273
Passcode: 304105

Shrimp Boil

Covid can't stop us! Over 200 meals were served at our Annual Shrimp Boil! 

Thank you to all who helped and everyone who purchased meals!

"God's Work Our Hands" Sunday 

God's Work. Our Hands. Sunday at Bethel. Our youth washed cars and raised over $500 for Caroline Furnace Lutheran Camp. We made 30+ meals for CCAP (with decorated bags). And we did a little sprucing up around our campus!

CCAP is in need of people to sign up for lunches and dinners, as well as a Food Pantry Coordinator and a Driver Coordinator.

CCAP is currently looking for donations of gently used winter clothes. Click here for a detailed list of items needed, or call 540-662-4318.
 Donations are currently accepted Monday-Friday 11 AM to 1 PM.

Bright Futures - School Supplies

Due to COVID-19 Bright Futures Frederick/Winchester has decided the safest way to have "Stuff the Bus" this year is to create two donation options for those interested in donating school supplies. All donations will help provide supplies to students in need.

At Bethel, we are collecting school supplies for Frederick County schools via our partnership with Bright Futures. There will be a collection box at worship on Sundays we are worshiping outside (September 20 and 27).

We will be collecting through the month of September. 

Here is a list of needed items:  

Dry Erase Markers
Wide-ruled Composition Books
Two-pocket Folder, with and without prongs
Plain colored (yellow, orange, blue, green, black,
white, red, etc).
Three-ring Binders (1" and 2" most needed)
Large Backpacks with multiple compartments
(Middle and High School Students)

You can also make a virtual donation which will help with items needed:

$5 Donation Purchases: Markers, Highlighters
$10 Donation Purchases: 3-Ring Binders, Earbuds, Composition Notebooks
$15 Donation Purchases: Large Backpacks, Folders with Pockets,
Dry Erase Markers, Headphones

WILD Women's Ministry
Wild Women Coffee time is held weekly on Wednesdays at 9:00 am

Join Women's Coffee Time

Meeting ID: 830 3166 2845
Passcode: Jesus4U
Save the dates for the Women's Retreat @ Graves Mtn. Lodge (November 6-8)

Bethel Women's Book Club:  

This month's book is "It All Comes Back to You" by Beth Duke. We will meet on September 23rd at 6pm at the Bethel pavilion. Please wear a mask and bring your own dinner and something to drink.

The October book is "The Overdue Life Of Amy Byler" by Kelly Harms.

Thank you so much for your continued support of mission and ministry at Bethel!

To make an offering, please use one of the methods described below:
1. Mail to Bethel at 2077 N Frederick Pike, Winchester, VA  22603
2. Use the Give Now button on our website.

3. Donate via text, by sending the dollar amount you wish to give, including a dollar sign, (ie: $50/$50.00) to 844-946-2995.

Contact Us: 
Bethel Lutheran Church  
Office Hours:  The office will be closed until further notice.

All In-person worship services, activities and meetings are canceled until further notice.