January 2023 Issue

President’s Message 

Happy New Year!

I hope the new year has started out well for you and your family. I also hope that during this winter season, you are staying safe and warm.

On December 28, I had the wonderful opportunity to give greetings and congratulations during the Caribbean Association of Home Economists 50th Anniversary Celebration. The virtual event had 120 participants from around the Caribbean and the US. Gwendolyn Hustvedt, IFHE President, Joyce Cotner, IHES President, and Lorna Saboe-Wounded Head, AAFCS President, also participated in the event. It was interesting to hear more about the CAHE history and to learn about the work of the 12 Association presidents. The featured speaker was Dr. Geraldene Hodelin, IFHE President of Honour, who challenged and inspired the group to not only celebrate, but to create future golden opportunities for CAHE. As sister organizations within the Region of Americas, we look forward to continuing to build partnerships

with our Caribbean colleagues and students to strengthen the profession of home economics.

There are several events you may be interested in participating this coming year. The next IFHE-US Zoom event will be on Saturday, January 28. It will be a discussion led by Kim Kamin, Director of Professional Development and Program, on the book, “I am a Girl from Africa” by Elizabeth Nyamayaro. Our World Home Economics Day celebration will be on Saturday, March 25 with the focus on the international theme “Waste Literacy.” Kim has more information about these professional development

opportunities in this newsletter.

Mary Kaye Merwin, Director of the IFHE Development Fund, has been working on the IFHE-US Sharon McManus Cultural Event to be held in Baltimore on Thursday, June 22. She has been working with Jacqueline Holland at Morgan State University to organize an event on campus to learn more about the family and consumer sciences program and the history of Morgan State as well as its international program. More information will be available soon.

All best wishes for a healthy and prosperous 2023 – we look forward to seeing you at many of the IFHE-US events this year.


Sue Buck

President, IFHE-US

2023 IFHE Dues Update

All IFHE-US Members whose dues expired December 31, 2022 have been sent an email reminding them to pay 2023 Dues soon. IFHE Membership Dues are based on a calendar year (January – December), so regardless of when you paid the 2022 1-Year dues, they only go through December 2022. If you have a question about your dues, please email me at the address below. Those who have paid in December via the IFHE-US website after receiving my email will be sent a receipt in January acknowledging payment.

There is information in the brochure about the IFHE Young Professionals Network (YPN) which is open to all. YPN embraces the ideas of being young in age, young in profession and/or in the organization, or young in mind. To be included in the YPN list serve, check the box below the membership form. For more information on YPN, contact Kathryn Carroll, IFHE-US YPN Director, at

While the 4-Year Dues Option is still available, there is NOT A REDUCED FEE other than for members in Developing Countries. It is available for you as a convenience of not having to pay annually. Those paying the $500, 4-Year Membership now will have dues paid through 2026.  

Dates should be announced soon on when the Request for Abstract Submissions will be due for the 2024 World Congress held June 24-29 in Ireland. By having your membership paid early, you’ll be set to submit when that is open.

Luann Boyer

IFHE-US Director, Finance


Join or Renew Membership Online or by Mail

Saturday, January 28, 2023

12 noon Central Time    

1 CFCS PDU Available


We will be discussing the book, I am a Girl from Africa by Elizabeth Nyamayaro. Reading the book is not required to attend/participate.


A “profound and soul-nourishing memoir” (Oprah Daily) from an African girl whose near-death experience sparked a lifelong dedication to humanitarian work that helps bring change across the world. (From Amazon) Ms. Nyamayaro was saved by a UN worker and Ms. Nyamayaro went on to work at the United Nations. 

To sign up for the event and receive the Zoom link (sent about a week before the webinar), please register using the link below. If you have questions about the event, please contact Kim Kamin,

Register for the January 28 Professional Development Event

IFHE-US Professional Development Event

Saturday, March 25, 2023, noon Central Time

Theme: Waste Literacy

Join your colleagues as we celebrate World Home Economics Day and learn about ways to cut back on waste. Additional details coming soon!

WASTE LITERACY is our topic for 2023 World #HomeEconomics Day!

See the official IFHE announcement (linked below) & start making preparations for this international event on March 21! More information about this international event is available on the IFHE website at

Announcement of 2023 World Home Economics Day

RECORDING Available:

Advancing Equity in FCS:

A Follow-up to the

IFHE World Congress Session

Dr. Duncan and Dr. Holland provided a thought-provoking session to help us think about our frame of reference as we work with different audiences.  If you were not able to attend the webinar, the information below will allow you to enjoy the information that was shared.


Access the recorded webinar using the link below (Passcode: MPSW59#F). A link to the resources that were prepared for the webinar is also provided.

Link to the Recorded Webinar
Access Webinar Resources 


When: Thursday, June 22, 2023

Time: 5:00 - 7:30 p.m.

Registrants will board a bus at the hotel at 5:00 p.m. for a short ride to Morgan State University, one of our nation’s historic Universities with a long history for inclusive and diverse audiences and program offerings. We will be meeting in the top floor of one of their newest buildings with a panoramic view of the Baltimore Harbor and city skyline. We will enjoy a meal planned with their food service program featuring Maryland specialties.

Professor Dale Green who has a family history dating back to the establishment of the university will share with us the history and programs of the university.

There is a maximum of 60 for this event, so plan early and watch for more details on cost which will include transportation, program, meal, and a contribution to the University to support their programs and students. 

Young Professionals Network (YPN) Update

The IFHE-US Young Professionals Network (YPN) hosted a young professionals mixer during the 2022 World Congress, with 17 members in attendance. Special thanks to IFHE President Gwendolyn Hustvedt for graciously allowing the IFHE-US YPN to host the mixer in her presidential suite. Colleagues from the U.S., Ireland, Sweden, and New Zealand, among others, enjoyed an evening of refreshments and fun conversation.

If you are a young professional who will be attending the 2023 AAFCS Conference in Baltimore, Maryland please join us for our next YPN Mixer on Monday, June 26th at 7:45pm. We will gather in the lobby of the conference hotel. Hope to see you then!

See what's happening on our social sites:

Did you know we have a Facebook and a Twitter site for IFHE US? We do!

Please join us below to stay connected.

Facebook  Twitter  

IFHE US Board of Directors

President: Sue Buck (

President-Elect: Rachel Schichtl (

Director of Finance: Luann Boyer (

Director of Professional Development: Kim Kamin (

Director of Communications: Lori Myers (

Director of Young Professional Network: Kathryn Carroll (

Recorder: Sandra Poirier (

Director IFHE-US Development Fund: Mary Kaye Merwin (

Nomination Chair: Cheryl Empey (

AAFCS Global Perspectives: Kim Kamin (

IFHE United Nations Chair: Anita Ferron (

XXIV IFHE World Congress Co-Chairs: Bev Card ( and Janine Duncan (

IFHE-US Diversity and Inclusion Statement
IFHE-US values diversity, inclusiveness, sensitivity, and accessibility. We promote respect, dignity, and equality for all global individuals and families. We are committed to human well-being through education, health, safety, and sustainable living for all people. As we act with integrity and respect intercultural values and ethics, we will be able to empower and improve every-day living for all.