H+ Academy presents:
When: November 14, 2021 @ 10AM US PST
Where: Zoom
November 2021 | Issue 1 of 2: News, Announcements and More!
yesterday - today - tomorrow
November 14, 10:AM PST online - Zoom
Get your tickets @ Eventbrite!
H+ Academy Roundtable @ Zoom featuring David Orban, Evo (Evonne) Heyning, and Jon Lebkowsky.

This 60-minute Roundtable discussion and debate will be followed by breakout Workshops. You can join any or all of them! H+ Academy Register here!

And stay tuned for more to come!

ANNOUNCING: Transhumanit Image Competition 2021
Goal of Competition
Humanity+ member Leonid and the Associaton of French Transhumanista have an unquestionably exciting idea!

Bring in the arts! Create an image with photos, painting, computer graphics, multi-media, virtual, fine arts and architecture, to design and beyond!

The main thing is to promote transhumanism in a constructive and original way through an image. The goal is to represent a positive image of transhumanism. Several prizes will be awarded for a total of 1,500 €.
Advocate for a Positive Future: Join Humanity+
Healthy Masters Conference Recap
CONGRATUATIONS to Dr. Nuno Martins for chairing and hosting this one of a kind conference!

Last weekend was an AMAZING

Nov 6-7 Videos online soon. Thank you chair and host Nuno!

The Cryonics Industry Would Like to Give You the Past Year, and Many More, Back

By Peter Wilson, 2021

"The business of cryopreservation—storing bodies at deep freeze until well into the future — got a whole lot more complicated during the pandemic." LINK
"Why do most people believe life is getting worse?"
By Max More, 2nd Quarter 2021 | Vol 42, Issue 2


The first course is a full out deep dive into transhumanism. With a solid scope of primary sources, diverse writings, and a collection of new ideas, the "Introduction to Transhumanism" offers a 4-Part curriculum.

Where did the term transhuman come from? How is transhumanism relevent to evolutionary biology and longevity? How did the philosophy become a growing cultural and movement? How were aspects of blockchain, cryptocurrency, encryption seeded in transhumanism? How might be the AI and nanomedicine offer solutions to aging?

The Advanced Transhumanism Master Classes will launch in January 2022!
Advocate for a Positive Future: Join Humanity+
Recommended Reading
Support the stories that are shaping our future!
Stay tuned for our next Newsletter schedule for mid-November. Contact to let us know what projects you are working on that are helping to educate all of us about the future.