School Newsletter
October 19, 2020
From the Principal


We have big news this week. The Chick Inn (our chicken coop) now has three occupants. The ladies seem to be enjoying their new home. They were raised by the Tuscano family and are now living at Trivium. On Fridays, the chickens have a walk-about in the elementary halls to greet our students. They are learning to walk on the slick floor quite well and are a welcomed sight for a last day of the week boost. Hopefully we have some fresh eggs headed our way soon.

The end of the nine weeks is approaching and so are parent conferences. If you would like a conference with a teacher, they all have a Sign-Up Genius for you to request a meeting this Friday. This Friday is also a student holiday, so we hope you enjoy your three-day weekend.

We continue to disinfect, wear masks, and keep our distance, and we are doing well. Our students are enjoying being back at school and learning, and we are enjoying having them at school. For those who are remote, we love seeing your faces on Zoom and chatting with you also. Thank you for your continued support.

Proud to be a Knight,
Marsha Cawthon
Daily Health Check-In
Dr. Owl QR Code
New Check-In Procedure
We are now using Dr. Owl for the mandatory daily health checks. Please click the link below, scan the QR code, or download the Dr. Owl app on your phone to complete the daily health check-in before students arrive on campus each day.

Knightly Choices Week
Knightly Choices Week is Trivium's version of Red Ribbon Week. We empower students to make choices that help them reach their goals! Our daily dress up days along with engaging lessons in Morning Meeting and Advisory class make it a favorite week each year. All grades K-10 are invited to participate in the dress up days including our remote learners.
Carpool Reminders
  • Please follow the correct path, and watch for people walking through the parking lots to enter our building and our neighbor's building.
  • Place car in park and wait for a carpool worker to signal you to move.
  • Absolutely NO cell phone use in car line.
  • Do not get out of your car or signal to your child to come to your car without an adult.
  • When your child is loaded, please pull your tag down to signal you are ready to go.
  • Do not wait to turn left at the exit light. The creates a backup in the line.
  • Please visit this link for complete carpool instructions and map:
Curriculum Corner
Students in grades K-3 participate in a fantastic phonics program called Secret Stories. Since last spring, we have struggled with finding a way to make this program accessible for our remote learners. We are excited to announce that starting in quarter 2, all of our Trivium students will have access to this engaging phonics instruction.

What is Secret Stories?
"Secret Stories® is a brain based approach to traditional phonics instruction that accelerates learner access to the reading and writing code. Secret Stories® provides the logical explanations for letter sound behavior that learners brains crave. These logical explanations are shared in the form of “secret” stories, which are the secret reasons WHY letters make all of the crazy sounds that they do when they get together in words. The “Secrets” work seamlessly with any reading series or phonics program, fitting snugly between the teaching of reading and writing."

K-2 Remote Teachers
Our super hard working remote teachers, Mrs. Jacobs, Ms. Sapera, and Mrs. Barnum, are all smiles with their new Secret Stories portable tri-fold placards! These will be sent home with our K-3 remote students for the 2nd quarter to help them participate in this phonics program.
Knight Watch
The Texas Charter School Academic and Athletic League, in an abundance of caution, has announced that fans will not be allowed to attend the football and volleyball games this fall. This is not the way we wanted our season to go, but we will follow all the safety precautions that the league is mandating. We are checking out different possibilities to live stream the games and will keep you posted.

We are still planning on having our forthcoming activities the week of November 9-14 and will be selling forthcoming shirts and mums/garters again this year. You can purchase the shirts for $14 online at The last day to order is this Thursday, October 22. Thank you for all your support!
Stay tuned for more information coming soon about this year's Forthcoming!
The Showcase
We have been BUSY in Ms. Merchant’s class! Over the last few weeks, Trivium Theatre has been studying character development, stage presence, blocking, and the art of scene writing—all while social distancing. These young actors and actresses are INCREDIBLE, with major “light bulb” moments occurring through performance exhibitions as students form a better understanding of the craft, whether on stage or through behind-the-scenes technicalities that bring Theatre to life.

Theatre Production has been rehearsing for Trivium Theatre’s first show of the year scheduled for 10/21—a monologue showcase! Students have studied scripted monologues AND created their own original monologues to share in their presentations. This performance will be recorded in-house (during class) and posted on Trivium’s YouTube page, so be watching!

Many of our Theatre students are also enrolled in Speech & Debate classes, where we have been focusing on our Persuasive Speech Unit. Last week, students shared commercial advertisements of their original products. It was a fun and educational time for all! (Don’t be surprised if your student looks at products a little differently the next time you go shopping!)

If you are enrolled in your student’s Schoology courses, be sure to check out these presentations, as many of them have been filmed and posted with more to come! Get excited—it’s going to be a great year!
Secondary theatre students prepare for upcoming performances.
COVID-19 Response
Thank you to students and staff for doing a great job following our COVID-19 protocols! In the first six weeks of school, we still have had only one positive case on campus.
Beginning of Year Assessments

Beginning of year assessments are underway. Teachers will use the data gathered from these assessments to plan instruction based on students' needs. Assessment results will be communicated with parents at parent/teacher conferences on October 23.

mCLASS Reading: Students in grades K-2 are taking an early reading screener called mCLASS Texas Edition. This is a 1-on-1 interview style assessment. This test will give teachers important information about your child's reading readiness and profile.

mCLASS Math: Students in grades K-1 are given the mCLASS math screener, which is a 1-on-1 interview style assessment covering foundational math concepts like counting and numeracy. 

ESTAR/MSTAR Math Screener: Students in grades 2-8 are taking the ESTAR/MSTAR Universal Screener, an online assessment that covers grade level content and is intended to help quickly identify students that may be at risk and need additional interventions and supports in math.

HMH Reading Growth Measure: Students in grades 3-8 are taking a reading growth test through the HMH curriculum. This will provide some initial information for teachers about your student's reading abilities.

Words Their Way: Students in grades K-6 are taking a Words Their Way diagnostic test to see what their spelling needs are. This information will help teachers place students in the appropriate spelling groups.

BOY State Assessment: Students in grades 4-10 will take a math and English assessment to obtain data on skills mastery from last year. Teachers will rely on this information for curriculum planning.

MAP Growth Testing: Students in grades 2-8 will start taking the MAP Growth Test for Reading and Math at the end of October. Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) is a computerized adaptive test that provides our teachers with information to improve both instruction and learning.
Upcoming Events
  • October 23 - Virtual Parent/Teacher Conference Day/Student Holiday
  • October 24 - Start of Flag Football Season
  • October 26-30 - Red Ribbon Week
  • October 26 - Start of Volleyball Season
  • October 28-November 6 - Book Fair
  • October 30 - End of 1st Quarter
  • November 2 - Start of 2nd Quarter
  • November 4 - College T-shirt Day
  • November 5 - Report Cards/Skills Mastery Sheets Sent Home
  • November 9-14 - Forthcoming Week
  • November 23-27 - Thanksgiving Holiday
Phone: 469-854-9007
2205 E Hebron Pkwy, Carrollton, TX 75010