Peñasco ISD is hosting a drive-thru haunted house with candy for all kids!
The event will be take place the evening of Halloween, Saturday, October 31. We will have a prizes for the best decorated car! (No costume prizes since we don't want kids out of their cars.) All kids will receive a bag of candy at the end of the route.
Does your organization or group want to set up a spooky scene along the drive-thru route? We'll have prizes for best scene!
Want to donate candy? Please leave all candy donations at the elementary school office by Thursday, October 22, so that they can be packaged into bags well before the event.
Want to donate spooky stuff? We need stereos for spooky music, projectors for spooky images, a fog machine, lights, and volunteers to build the haunted house.
We might even have a drive-up spooky movie! If you have projects or screens or ideas for how to make this work, please let us know!
The event will require masks and follow all social-distancing guidelines.
Questions or ideas? Contact Michael Noll:, 575-779-1466.