July 2021
Are the Kids Alright? Reopening Schools Series Kicks Off July 22

The last school year was one of the most difficult for many students and families.The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, reckoning with racial justice issues, and other challenges have extraordinarily affected the educational experiences of students throughout Georgia.

For the second year in a row, Georgia Appleseed is teaming up with the Truancy Intervention Project and the Georgia Coalition for Equity in Education to offer a three-part series on the return to school to help provide guidance, support, and community in the face of these challenges. Read more about each virtual event and register at the links below:

Reopening Schools Series 1 “How Are the Children?” A Social Justice Town Hall
Date and Time: Thursday, July 22, 2021, 6:00-7:30 p.m.
Via Zoom. Register:

Reopening Schools Series 2 Road to 100%: Overcoming the Challenges and Barriers to School Reengagement
Date and Time: Thursday, July 29, 2021, 12:00 Noon-1:30 p.m.
Via Zoom. Register:

Reopening Schools Series 3 Recovering from the Loss: Available Supports for Recovery and Success
Date and Time: Thursday, September 2, 6:00-7:30 p.m.
Via Zoom. Register:

Questions? Contact Lashawnda Woods-Roberts at

Amplifying Youth Voice: A Conversation with Dr. Beverly Tatum

Georgia Appleseed's Good Apple: Amplified! virtual fundraiser on April 23, 2021, featured keynote guest Dr. Beverly D. Tatum, who was interviewed by Kyndall Carpenter, Emelie Jamison, and Chase Kelly about the importance of youth voice in justice work, how race affects education, and how adults and young people can work together toward a better future.

We hope you find this interview as inspiring as we do. Watch now!
Join Our Team: We're Hiring!

Georgia Appleseed is looking for a few talented, passionate individuals to join our team.

Senior Managing Attorney
The Senior Managing Attorney will oversee our FAIR (Fairness, Advocacy and Individualized Representation for Children in Foster Care) Project. Read the full job description here.

Angela B. Royal Fellow and Program Manager
The Angela B. Royal Fellow and Program Manager will be responsible for a broad range of program and administrative supports. Read the full job description here.

Communications and Development Manager
The Communications and Development Manager will oversee organizational communications and marketing and manage essential components of the organization's fundraising efforts. Read the full job description here.
The FAIR Project: Supporting Georgia’s Kids in Care

Georgia Appleseed's efforts to transform Georgia’s foster care system just received an important boost. With increased funding, we are growing our foster care programming with new Georgia Appleseed staff and new partnerships with Georgia Legal Services, the Georgia Department of Family and Children Services, and others.

In the coming months, you'll hear more about the FAIR (Fairness, Advocacy, and Individualized Representation) Project and our efforts to support these children who face unique barriers to school success. Our holistic approach advocates for legal and policy innovations to the foster care system, grows the community of advocates for children in care through trainings and education, and provides direct legal representation for children in care facing suspension or expulsion from school. We hope you will support these efforts. Working together, we can break the intergenerational cycles of poverty and criminal justice involvement that often entrap children and their families in the foster care system.

Questions about the FAIR Project? Contact Caroline Durham at
A Summer of Building Assets: The Power of the Intern

This summer, the Georgia Appleseed team includes four remarkable interns who each bring their own unique and remarkable insights to their work.
  • Jacqueline Estes Adams, MSW student at University of Georgia
  • Ari Colston, a dual degree student at Emory Law School and School of Divinity
  • Elizabeth Phillips, a senior at Auburn University (Mass Comm and Political Science)
  • Megan Toomer, a second year at Emory Law School

Through their research, we are deepening resources for creating safe spaces for LGTBQ+ youth, expanding equity work on healthy housing across Georgia, and building resources that will be integrated into the trainings for the coming year. 
Additional Reading
Additional Resources

Below are a handful of links that we hope will help connect people to the resources they need at this time:
  • Help Guides for Children with Behavior and Learning ChallengesEasy-to-read guides on school-based topics including discipline, learning disabilities, and more. Las Guías de ayuda de Georgia Appleseed para niños con problemas de comportamiento y aprendizaje ya están
  • Tribunal Representation—Caseworkers and caregivers can request pro bono representation for kids in care who are facing school disciplinary hearings.
  • (866) 399-8938—This COVID-19 Emotional Support Hotline is available to all Georgians from 8:00 a.m. to 11 p.m. daily.
  • 211—Calling 211 or searching the website can help you find food, pay housing bills, access childcare, and more.
  • Atlanta Legal Aid—This resource list includes information about court closings, emergency food help, and more.
  • Georgia Department of Education—This DOE site includes links to school closure information and online learning resources.
  • Voices for Georgia’s Children—Voices has put together a robust list of news and resources around COVID-19, including financial resources, food assistance, closures, guidance on talking to children about the pandemic, and more.
  • Deepen Your Work by Engaging in Meditation for Change Agents: Caroline Durham, our Legal and Policy Director, has been leading meditation programs for lawyers, activists, and change agents for more than 10 years. Her meditation practice began more than 15 years ago while serving as a public defender. Take a moment to ground and strengthen your work life by joining us. No experience necessary. For more information, contact Caroline at
  •—This site provides excellent resources for teachers and parents on language skills and literacy.
Georgia Appleseed Needs Your Support

At Georgia Appleseed, we focus on dismantling the school-to-prison pipeline and advocating for healthy housing because we believe these areas are powerful leverage points for meaningful, systemic change.

If you would like to join us in creating systemic change, please make a donation today.
If you are interested in volunteering with us, please fill out our pro bono interest form