Volume 12 Issue 5 | Wednesday, Oct. 21, 2020
Throughout this publication, you will see the following color-coded dots accompanying each article. They represent which strategic goal the article addresses.

• Focusing on Learning • Connecting the Community • Securing the Future

In this issue:
  • Superintendent's greeting
  • Parent Teacher Conferences
  • Safety reminders
  • District news
  • Art Feature
  • Board of Education news
  • Thank you
  • Community News
  • Calendar

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Greetings from Superintendent Dr. Kevin Russell
Dear District 58 Community,

This week we began the careful and methodical process of returning to a sense of school as we remember it in March. It was truly remarkable to be part of the first day back in our schools after six months away. I saw a lot of happy students (even through their masks) and observed teachers doing what they do best. I want to again thank parents, students and staff for all of their efforts in adapting to this new schedule and this new instructional model. I also want to thank parents for putting their trust in us. As I’ve said repeatedly, the health and safety of our students and staff is our highest priority. As I walked the halls yesterday and today, I was proud to see everyone following the safety rules and doing their part to keep our school community safe. I urge you to continue these practices.
As we emailed parents on Monday, the state of Illinois last week reported its highest number of positive cases in a single day since the pandemic began. This puts the state at the “substantial” level and represents a 34 percent increase. For those under age 20, the number of cases in the state increased 46 percent. These numbers fluctuate greatly from week to week. We are monitoring the situation continually and working with the DuPage County Department of Health and District 99 and their associated districts very, very closely. If we see two consecutive weeks of increasing cases in the “Substantial Community Transmission” or red level, we may be forced to move back to a fully remote learning environment.
Please help us by doing your part. Please Wear Your Mask. Watch Your Distance. Wash Your Hands. These are our main preventative strategies for stopping the spread of COVID. We all share the responsibility for keeping each other safe. Please help us keep our students in school by following our safety guidelines and having students stay home when they don’t feel well.


Dr. Kevin Russell
Back to school onsite
We were thrilled to welcome back students for hybrid learning in our schools on Tuesday. Students in hybrid adjusted to the new routines and rules, met new friends and enjoyed being back in the classroom. Remote students continued their studies and many met new friends in their online classrooms.
Save the date for Parent Teacher Conferences
Due to the adjustments in the school calendar to transition to onsite hybrid instruction later this month, we have postponed the original dates for parent-teacher conferences. The new parent-teacher conference dates are:

Tuesday, December 8 from 5-8:00 p.m.
Thursday, December 10 from 5-8:00 p.m.
Friday, December 11 from 8-11:00 a.m. 

Conferences will be conducted virtually via Zoom. We will share sign up details and links at a later date. Given the move to hybrid learning in October, the later Parent-Teacher Conference dates will allow teachers to obtain additional feedback and assessment data in order to provide you a fuller picture of your child’s academic performance.
Safety Reminders
As we return to onsite learning, please remember these health and safety reminders: 

  • Daily, families will be emailed and must fill out a health screening form each day of onsite instruction certifying that their child is fever free and symptom free. 
  • Students must wear a mask each day. If they do not wear one, they will be provided with a mask.
  • Parents and guardians must wear a mask and keep social distance while they are on school property.
  • No visitors are allowed in the building except essential visitors. If you do need to enter the school building, you will be asked to take your temperature and certify that you are free of COVID-19 symptoms.
A video for families to learn more about the new Math Curriculum

District 58 has adopted new math curricular resources for students in grades K-8, which are being fully implemented this year. To provide information about these exciting new programs, we will be sharing brief informational videos. The first video focuses on the K-5 curriculum, Bridges in Mathematics
Progress Reports
Students will receive a Progress Report, not a Report Card, for the phase of remote learning. This adjustment was made due to the shortened period of instruction (6 weeks versus 12 for a usual marking period) and the transition to hybrid learning this week. The Progress Report will stand alone and will not factor into future formal report cards in Trimester 2 and 3. Trimester 1 concluded on Oct. 15. Trimester 2 will begin Oct. 20 and will conclude on March 5 as originally planned. 
MAP assessments

Students in grades 2-8 took the MAP assessment remotely earlier this month. The District will be cautious in interpreting the data due to the unique circumstances of remote learning. Individual data will be sent to families during the week of Oct. 26; District-level data will be shared at the Board of Education's Curriculum Workshop on Monday, Oct. 26.

Meal program revised

Monday, Oct. 20 was the final day of the Wood-Grove Feeding Our Future Cooperative meal delivery program. With students back onsite, the District will provide meals to any interested students to take home after their morning or afternoon at school, and also will offer a pick-up option for students who are learning remotely. Families can pick up six breakfasts and six lunches for any child under 18 at O’Neill Middle School from 7-8 a.m. every Monday morning. The program is funded by the USDA, and will continue to the end of the school year.
Day Care Options
The District has worked with the Downers Grove Park District, Champions and the Downers Grove YMCA to provide day care before and after school and for those in remote learning. Each organization has differing program models for families. Here are links to each organization.

COVID transparency

We are committed to transparency in District 58. We will continue to send information to parents on suspected and positive cases of COVID-19 in their respective schools. We have created a new page titled COVID-19 Communications on our website that details communications related to positive cases of students and staff in the District. 

Reminder: No visitors to our school buildings
Visitors to the schools are limited to only visits for essential purposes. If you do need to visit one of our schools, the Longfellow Center or the District administrative center, you will need to wear a mask and certify that you are free from any symptoms of coronavirus, and have your temperature taken. Thank you for helping keep our school community safe! 

Schools highlight Hispanic Heritage Month
Take a look at the Hispanic Heritage Month Newsletter created by our EL coordinator, Rozana Johnson (Qirjaqi). The newsletter features information about a District 58 family-owned ice cream shop, Superintendent Dr. Russell reading about famous Hispanic heroes, and how our schools celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month.

How fun can we make math?
Lester students were treated to the math problems and games of Greg Tang, New York Times Best Selling Author and math missionary. Tang served as a guest teacher in Mrs. Beard's third grade classroom. Students were engaged and excited to problem solve, make sense of numbers and their relationships with one another. The third graders even solved some algebra!  

Get the scoop at Highland
Check out the work of Highland 5th and 6th graders as part of the Scoop Club. The goals of this unofficial club are to increase the sense of community and connectedness in the school and share news. It also helps students enhance their communication skills, organization and tech skills. The two-year old club meets asynchronously and is led by teacher librarian Angela Vahle. Students serve as anchors and hosts for feature bits such as Fun Fact, On This Day in History, Book Recommendations, Cook Show and others. View the video.
Puffer pride

The school updated its main entrance and foyer over the summer and fall months to welcome students back this week.
The fun of Fall

This week, preschool students started talking about Fall and the many things they like about the season, like eating apples, picking pumpkins and jumping in leaves.
Yea, supplies!

First graders at El Sierra were thrilled to bring and use their school supplies on the first day of hybrid learning on site. 

First grade Takashi Murikami inspiration
First graders are learning about the repetition of shape and color and practicing overlapping items and coloring. The artwork pictured here are by (l to r) Evelyn Phillips, Henry Puffer; Anaya Saraf, Belle Aire; Josey Mihalik, El Sierra. They drew inspiration from Japanese artist Takashi Murikami, who used pattern, repetition and color to create art.
Self portraits and self identity

Self portraits are often a work in progress and a study of self identity while also exploring different materials and techniques.

The works pictured at right are by (l to r) Ella Prena, 6th grade, Belle Aire; Ezekiel Binek, 6th grade, Henry Puffer; Audrey Graves, 7th grade, Herrick; Brayden Zimniewicz, 6th grade, Indian Trail; Ava Langley, 7th grade, Herrick; Noelle Mayer, 6th grade Kingsley.

Art changes perception
Fifth grade students were working on combining two objects to make something new and surprising. Here (l to r) are works created by Rebecca Milano, Kingsley; Oscar Avila, Lester; and Mika Urbanowicz, Belle Aire.

October Board Briefs

Board reviews tax levy and updates to Return to Learn Hybrid Plan

The Board met Oct. 14 for its regular business meeting.

  • The Board heard a brief presentation on the tax levy process. Assistant Superintendent for Business Services Todd Drafall noted that the District is limited in what it can levy due to tax cap legislation and as a result can only borrow a small amount ($1.4 million) to fund capital improvements without a referendum.

  • Superintendent Dr. Kevin Russell gave an update on the Return to Learn plan. He noted that 84% of students have selected a hybrid schedule, while 15% will remain in full remote.


Upcoming Board of Education meetings
  • Wednesday, Oct. 21 at 3:45 p.m.: Legislative Committee meeting via Zoom
  • Monday, Oct. 26 at 7 p.m.: Curriculum Workshop at Indian Trail School
Halloween Windows
The Rotary Club of Downers Grove is holding its annual Halloween window painting event in downtown Downers Grove for children in grades K-6. It will be held 9 a.m. – noon this Saturday, Oct. 24. No registration is required but donations of canned food are suggested. The event is first come, first served. Pick up your supplies at the Downtown DG Management Corp. 933A Curtiss St. Learn more here.

Thank you!
Thanks to Phillip’s Flowers and FTD, who provided bouquets to our middle school staff and faculty on Oct. 21. The effort was part of the Society of American Florists’ Petal It Forward goodwill initiative for essential workers. At left, Herrick Principal Amy Read distributes bouquets to staff. At right, O'Neill Principal Matt Durbala announces the surprise to staff.

Free flu vaccines and face masks

Free flu vaccines and free face masks are available for low income and uninsured DuPage County residents. Here are vouchers for the vaccines in both English and Spanish. Click here to learn more.

District 58’s E-flyer Program helps us “go green” by permitting approved non-profit organizations to post flyers online. Here are flyers from October. Go to our webpage to see all e-flyers.
Friday, Oct. 23
No School

Monday, Oct. 26, 2020
Curriculum Workshop
Tuesday, Nov. 3
No School: Election Day

Monday, Nov. 9
Board of Education Meeting
Downers Grove Grade School District 58, 1860 63rd St., Downers Grove, IL 60516
Community Relations Office: 630-719-5805 I |