November 9, 2020

Dear Mercy Parent/Guardian,

COVID-19 positive cases both in Oakland County and across the state of Michigan continue to rise as had been predicted with weather changing and activities moving inside. We continue to closely monitor these numbers and will respond accordingly if we need to change our approach. It is important that we base any decision on our continuity of in-person instruction on the guidance we are receiving from the local health department and other community health experts.

We know that in-person learning is most beneficial to our students, and we are committed to maintaining our hybrid model while it is safe to do so. Various local schools are temporarily returning to online learning due to COVID-19 outbreaks they are experiencing within their schools. It is important to note that with the rising number of Mercy HS student COVID-19 positive cases and quarantines, none have been attributed to in-school exposures. Our hybrid model allows for social distancing, strict adherence to mask wearing, hand washing and sanitation of spaces. We have also limited and modified many school sponsored activities to keep students safe. To date, these practices are working well and we will continue their practice.

We place extreme importance on your partnership to ensure your daughter is safely engaging in social activities. We ask for your continued support with reporting, as well as keeping your daughter home when she or any family member is ill or symptomatic, or awaiting COVID-19 test results.

We ask for your continued prayers for the health and safety of our entire community as we all look forward to the return to our traditional Mercy school life.

In Mercy,

The Administrative Team