February 17, 2023

Silver Beaver Nominations

Do you know an extraordinary Scouter? The Silver Beaver Award is for Scouters of exceptional character who have provided distinguished service within the Spirit of Adventure Council. Nominations for Awards, including Silver Beaver are due April 1st. The Silver Beaver Awards will be presented as well as Veteran Awards, Venturing Awards, and other recognitions at the Annual Council Recognition Dinner.

Please submit all forms and applications to Angela Rzeszut or delivered to the Woburn Service Center (2 Tower Office Park, Woburn MA 01801).

NESA Outstanding Eagle Scout Award

The Spirit of Adventure Council is now accepting Nominations for the, NESA Outstanding Eagle Scout Award (NOESA). This prestigious award is granted by the local Council’s NESA committee to Eagle Scouts who have demonstrated outstanding achievement at the local, state, or national level. The NOESA recognizes Eagle Scouts whose efforts have made a positive impact in the community. This Award will be presented at the Eagle Recognition Dinner scheduled for Sunday, May 21, 2023 at DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel in Danvers.

The deadline for nominations is Friday, March 17, 2023. Nominations may be submitted via email to or mailed to the Council Service Center at:

The Spirit of Adventure Council

 2 Tower Office Park

 Woburn, MA 01801

Attn: Jenny Trickett


Along with the Nomination Form please submit a separate page outlining how this individual has demonstrated they have met the requirements for this award. 

Nomination Form

NEBC STEM Camp (4/18-4/21) 1st-5th Grade - Day Camp Session

Cars, planes, and boats, oh my! Learn about physics, chemistry, and engineering through fun, hands on activities. Participants will make gliders and paper airplanes, learn about buoyancy through improvised boat-building, and work throughout the week on their own model race car: from design to painting to racing it against their groups on Friday. Parents and guardians are welcome to come in on Friday afternoon to check out the awesome creations of their campers, and then stick around for a traditional closing ceremony full of songs, skits, and recognition of the work down by all the campers.

Register Here

20% OFF

Off all future cabin bookings at T.L. Storer or New England Base Camp, just complete your booking between Feb 1 - Feb 28.

Be sure to enter code

CAMPNOW2023 at checkout to save!


Calendar of Events


2/21 - Inventing Merit Badge Online

2/21 - Woodwork Merit Badge – Woburn, MA

2/21 - Family Life Merit Badge – Woburn, MA

2/22 - Music Merit Badge Online

2/23 - Personal Management Merit Badge  – Woburn, MA

2/23 - Painting Merit Badge – Woburn, MA

2/27 - Reptile & Amphibian Merit Badge Online

2/27 - Citizenship in the Nation Merit Badge Online

2/27 - Basketry Merit Badge Online

2/28 - Sustainability Merit Badge Online

2/28 - Citizenship in the World Merit Badge Online

2/28 - Law Merit Badge Online

3/1 - Fingerprinting Merit Badge Online

3/4 - Rank Knots – Woburn, MA

3/4 - Gardening Merit Badge – Woburn, MA

3/7 - Plant Science Merit Badge Online

3/7 - Athletics Merit Badge Online

3/8 - Personal Fitness Merit Badge Online

3/13 - Citizenship in the Community Merit Badge Online

3/14 - Disabilities Awareness Merit Badge Online

3/15 - Family Life Merit Badge Online

3/18 - Art Merit Badge – Woburn, MA

3/21 - Citizenship in the Nation Merit Badge Online

3/22 - Personal Management Merit Badge Online

3/26 - Weather Merit Badge Online

3/28 - Public Health Merit Badge Online

3/29 - Music Merit Badge Online

4/1 - Yo-Yo Adventure  – Cranston, RI

4/2 - Weather Merit Badge Online

Spirit of Adventure Council

Customer Service Center 

2 Tower Office Park

Woburn, MA 01801

(617) 615-0004


New England Base Camp

411 Unquity Rd.

Milton, MA 02186

(617) 615-0004

Contact Us