Empowering Relationships with Feng Shui & Art

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Art & Our Relationships

The art that we have hanging on our walls has a lot to say about our life and our relationships. Often times, we chose art because we love the vibrancy of colors or the energy of the images that are portrayed. Over time though, we can become misaligned with them.

When I lived in Houston, one of my clients invited me to do a consultation at her home after she had been doing a lot of painting and rearranging in the hopes of inviting in a new romantic partner. I started to notice a pattern that was subconsciously sending the opposite desire through some of her art and her furniture choices.

When we came to her dining room, she had just purchased a print of a whimsical round table and chair with a bottle of wine and a place setting. As I was looking at it, I was suddenly struck by the elephant in the room. The artwork she had chosen was of a tiny table with a single chair and a single place setting. Once I pointed this out, along with the other patterns I had noticed throughout the home, she realized that she had inadvertently chosen art that matched her current single status instead of an image that would hold the space and room for two.

Once we are able to see our spaces from more of a Feng Shui perspective and interpret the quiet but persistent image that we are sending to the Universe, we can make better choices in order to direct our desires with more purpose and intention.

Another thing to consider is their placement. When you understand the way the Feng Shui bagua aligns with your living space, you can make sure to chose images that match the elemental energy of the area. For example, if you have a gorgeous water image that you want to place in an area of your room, home or business that is enhanced by the Fire element, you will inadvertently be impacting the area's fame and reputation area. Water puts out fire in the destructive cycle of elements. A better choice would be to chose an image that "feeds" the Fire element, like Wood which follows the creative cycle of elements.

When we say that Feng Shui is about the art of placement, this is what it means. The placement is not limited to furniture. It encompasses the placement of the rooms, the colors within those rooms, the artwork, and finally yes, the furniture. Feng Shui is ever-changing, just like the chi that surrounds us. If we want to get the most out of our spaces, then using Feng Shui correctly is the key.

Feng Shui Art Recap

  • Make sure that your art matches your intentions.
  • Observe the image itself and make sure that you still love it. If not, let it go.
  • Take note of the colors, the scene, the images. Is it is war scene? Is it uplifting or depressing?
  • Do the colors and elements of the image match the bagua location?
  • Is your art sitting on the floor and leaning on the wall? If you just moved in, you get a pass. If you have lived in your current location for more than a year, it's time to ask yourself why you haven't hung it on the wall.
How to Video -  External Blessing Ceremonies

Chinese Firecrackers

I love the versatility of using Chinese Firecrackers as a Feng Shui cure. In fact, I love this particular set so much that I have had it since I got to visit Professor Lin Yin's Temple in Berkeley, CA. in my early days as a Feng Shui student.

The benefits of using Chinese Firecrackers is especially protective when placed above our front door. For many years, I used them there to protect again burglaries. When the first room that is seen is a bathroom or a bedroom, they can be especially helpful.

One thing to keep in mind is that they do not have to be visible in order to be effective, but it is important to always use the Three Secrets Reinforcements on any cures that you have in your home. As Professor Lin Yin used to say, "a cure without the Three Secrets will have a 10% effectiveness, but a cure with them will have 110% effectiveness." Why would you want 10% when you can have 110%? Our thoughts are creative and they play a huge role in our Feng Shui goals.

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