
Yogic Living Newsletter

April 2022 - Volume 2

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“The secret of chanting is in the listening, not the voicing. A circuit is completed between mind and heart that opens intuition and gently increases the volume of the still small voice within.” 

~ Stephen Levine ~

As a collective, we’re facing unprecedented challenges and opportunities on a personal and global scale. While the teachings of Kundalini Yoga speak directly to the change of Age, most of us feel in our own minds and bodies the grip of rapid and drastic change. 

In the midst of such change, we need tools that are widely accessible, deeply healing, and able to shift our consciousness from the illusion of separation into the wholeness of which we’re a part. With the remembrance of wholeness comes peace.

This week we journey into the beloved and medicinal world of mantra. The beauty of chanting is that it is so accessible - doable by anyone, anytime, anywhere. And as we celebrate this cornerstone of our practice, let us do so with reverence for the Siri Guru Granth Sahib, the Holy Book of the Sikhs, from which many of these mantras are sourced.

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Mantra: A Bridge Between Worlds

Consider the vastness of our global practice community, and that each of us has our own unique reason for finding our way to the mat. With a body of teachings as rich and diverse as Kundalini Yoga, there is beauty in the invitation to choose what resonates, and engage the tools that speak to our soul. Some of us come for the exercise, finding that the rhythmic and repetitive movement energizes the body and gives us what we need to keep up, despite trying times. Others find peace within the meditations or a community that feels like home.

But it’s hard to find a Kundalini yogi that hasn’t been, in some way or form, transformed by the power of sound. In this post, we journey into the beloved and medicinal world of mantra and explore the ways in which mantra serves as a bridge between worlds.

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Long Sat Nam's: Meditation to Completely Neutralize Tension

This simple and elegant meditation can neutralize tension and put you into an extremely relaxed state. Practicing it for 40 days is said to revitalize your glandular system and re-establish glandular equilibrium. Enjoy the practice of chanting for 11-31 minutes - or for whatever time period feels right for you.

Practice Here
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Antar Naad Mudra Meditation

This beautiful meditation uses the mantra Sa Ray Sa Sa. You are invited to sit in Easy Pose, with a light jalandhar bandh. Keeping the spine tall, allow the arms to extend straight and rest over the knees. Make Buddhi Mudra with both hands (touch the thumb tips to the tips of the little fingers). The other fingers are relaxed but straight. Become completely still, physically and mentally, like a calm ocean.

Practice Here
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Want More? Explore These Other Kriyas and Meditations that Feature Mantra

Kriya for Healing the Self

Meditation for Protection and Projection from the Heart

Meditation on Rama

Meditation to Think Before You Speak

The Magnificent Mantra

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How I Conquered My Aversion to Chanting

When I was introduced to Kundalini Yoga, an aspect I felt uncomfortable with was the use of mantra. I was reluctant to join in with the class or use mantras in my personal practice. It wasn’t until I took on the challenge to practice 40 days of chanting the Adi Shakti mantra that I experienced the amazing power of this technology.

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Your Contribution Matters

Maybe a new teacher in Thailand is looking for a particular kriya. Or a lifelong student in Chicago wants a recipe for the weekend. Or someone who’s struggling in Australia needing to hear about seva and the solstice celebration. 3HO is for everyone, everywhere looking for connections to resources, inspiration, and community events as they engage in the path of Kundalini Yoga in their life.

Every day, someone gets on a yoga mat for the first or the thousandth time and uses 3HO resources — videos, posts, lives — to guide their practice. We are grateful for your support, as we expand our digital resources.

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