Geotechnical investigations are used to evaluate the physical characteristics of the underlying soil and help determine appropriate excavation methods. In early 2019, a preliminary investigation indicated that blasting would be recommended at the E. 40th site.
Next week, another contractor will be on-site to perform an additional round of geotechnical work and provide a second opinion.
We want to ensure we are able to provide a thorough analysis of site characteristics to the contractor who will eventually determine the type of excavation that will be used.
In our experience, contractors are sometimes reticent to use blasting because of extra safety requirements and specialized staffing who have to be on site to monitor the work. However, if the rock is too hard, mechanical excavation could be even more difficult, longer and louder than blasting.
If blasting is to be used:
- We will be very proactive in informing and preparing neighbors with information about when, where and how blasting would take place
- Only proven and safe methods will be used
- Steps will be taken to prevent damage and minimize impacts on neighbors and the environment
We know neighbors are very interested to learn more about the excavation and construction process and timeline. We expect to have these details in the spring of 2021, once we hire a construction contractor through the public bidding and contract award process.
Construction is expected to begin in mid-2021. As we get closer to breaking ground, EWEB will develop and share with neighbors a Construction Mitigation Plan that outlines strategies for noise management, dust control, neighborhood safety, and other construction impacts, and also establishes methods for frequent communications with residents.
Neighbors will be given at least three months notice prior to construction activity starting.