Stay up to date on what is happening in Baldwin County School District by reading October's edition of the Baldwin Beat!

October 16, 2020

In The News
October's Pursuit of Excellence Winners
Congratulations to the following employees who are the October 2020 recipients of the Pursuit of Excellence Award for the Baldwin County School District.
Ms. Frances Cornett
School Nutrition Manager
Lakeview Primary School

Ms. Cornett was nominated by Lakeview Primary School's Principal Tracy Clark. Ms. Cornett joined the Baldwin County School District team in 2012. She transferred from her management position at the Early Learning Center to her current management position at Lakeview Primary School. Since making the transfer, she has graciously embraced the responsibilities of feeding more students and managing a larger kitchen staff. Ms. Clark had the following to say about Ms. Cornett’s performance: "Ms. Cornett is a great asset to Lakeview Primary School. This year, we knew there would be challenges on how to safely feed our students due to the pandemic while following our school safety protocols. Before I even asked, she had already developed a plan so that all of our students could be served in the classroom. It doesn't matter what I may ask, she is more than willing to help if she can. She has worked tirelessly to make sure that our teachers know exactly what they need to do for breakfast and lunch. Mrs. Cornett is a true leader among her staff. You can tell that her staff has the utmost respect for her and her leadership. Even when she is not there, her staff members know exactly what needs to be done. In the short time that she has been at our school, she has worked to make our breakfast and lunch program the best it can be. We are lucky to have her and her whole staff working with us." Ms.Cornett, thank you for modeling excellence!
Mr. Christopher Stanton
School Nutrition Assistant Midway Hills Primary School

Mr. Christopher Stanton was nominated by Desserae Milner, School Nutrition Manager at Midway Hills Primary School. Mr. Stanton joined the Baldwin County School Nutrition program in September of 2018. In just a short time, Mr. Stanton has flourished and grown as a leader in his role. He is commended for his ability to be a team player, his willingness to lend a helping hand, and stepping up to the plate to help out wherever he is needed. Ms. Milner is quoted as calling Mr. Stanton “a lifesaver” especially during this school term in the middle of a pandemic. His co-workers and managers are very proud to work alongside him. Mr. Stanton, thank you for being a shining example of excellence!
Ms. April Hartzog
Assistant Principal
Baldwin High School

Ms. April Hartzog was nominated by Baldwin High School teacher Barry Reese. Ms Hartzog is in her third year as an Assistant Principal at Baldwin High School. Her previous experience includes working as an Instructional Coach, also at Baldwin High School. Mr. Reese commends Ms. Hartzog for her visibility in the school building and the special interest that she takes in the well-being of the students, faculty and staff. He goes on to explain that Ms. Hartzog is always ready to assist when needed, doing so with a smile and kind words. In the words of Mr. Reese, Ms. Hartzog is a true “inspiration”. Ms. Hartzog, thank you for your example of excellence!
Mrs. Keisha Simmons &
Dr. Tammie Shinholster
Teachers at Midway Hills Academy

Both Midway Hills Academy teachers were nominated by Diondrea Whipple, a fellow teacher at the school.

Mrs. Simmons returned to Baldwin County Schools as a classroom teacher in 2019. She completed her student teaching with the district and we are fortunate that she decided to return to the district after teaching in a different county. Mrs. Simmons is commended for her willingness to transfer to a 4th grade teaching position for this school year. She was originally assigned to teach 3rd grade. Ms. Whipple states that Ms. Simmons has made learning experiences for remote learners a successful and smooth transition. In addition to her dedication to her students, she is praised for being a team player and sharing her ideas. Mrs. Simmons, you are a model of excellence!

Dr. Shinholster returned to the Baldwin County School District in 2015 and has over 17 years of experience in education. She has worked as a regular education teacher and last school year she was transferred into the position of STEAM teacher. Dr. Shinholster was recognized by her colleague, Ms. Diondrea Whipple. Ms. Whipple commends Dr. Shinholster on her willingness to be flexible and transferring from her teaching assignment as the STEAM teacher into her current assignment teaching 4th grade. There was a need to have another 4th grade teacher due to the number of remote learners and Dr. Shinholster made the transition without hesitation to ensure that the students had an experienced, qualified teacher. Dr. Shinholster is described by Ms. Whipple as being open and receptive to different ideas and as being a real team player. Dr. Shinhoster, you are a shining example of excellence!
School Nutrition Department Recognized by School Board for National School Lunch Week
At the October 6th Board of Education Meeting, the Baldwin County School Board recognized Susan Nelson, Baldwin County School Nutrition Director, and her staff for the hard work the team has put forth in providing nutritious meals to our students. The recognition is part of the school district's observance of National School Lunch Week, slated for October 12-16 this year.

President John F. Kennedy created National School Lunch Week (NSLW) in 1962 to promote the importance of a healthy school lunch in a child’s life and the impact it has inside and outside of the classroom. The COVID-19 pandemic has without a doubt shown just how incredibly important school meals are for students and their families. During this annual weeklong celebration, school nutrition workers and students around the country will find new ways to safely celebrate in their schools and districts with special menus, events, student activities and more. The 2020 NSLW theme Now Playing: School Lunch! will put a spotlight on hit menu items that kids love while capitalizing on the popularity of movies to appeal to students in all grade levels.

Because the national observance will take place during Fall Break, the Baldwin County School District will celebrate our school nutrition employees the week of October 19-23 in conjunction with National Farm to School Month and Farm to School Week. Please join us in thanking this incredible group of employees for all their hard work.
Early Learning Students Celebrate Family

Three year old students in Mrs. Cleveland and Mrs. Stephens' class finished up their unit on Home and Family with pictures. Students learned about what makes up a family and discussed what makes their families special.

BCSD Celebrates Georgia Pre-K Week with Video Messages
In honor of the 10th anniversary of Georgia Pre-K Week, the Baldwin County School District created a unique and innovative way to thank our Pre-K faculty and staff and encourage our youngest learners to read. School district leaders and staff got together to create video messages for our Pre-K students in lieu of our traditional class visits to Pre-K classrooms to share in the experience of reading a book. The idea derived from Lori Smith, Director of the Baldwin County Early Learning Center. She challenged our district staff to think of imaginative ways to reach our Pre-K students amidst the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and we rose to the challenge. The collection of video messages were shown to Pre-K classes at the Early Learning Center Thursday, October 8th. The Georgia Pre-K Week video messages along with the Early Learning Center were also featured on 13WMAZ news for the School of the Week segment. To view our fun and creative Georgia Pre-K Week video messages click below.

Baldwin County Schools Celebrate National Principals Month
October has been designated as National Principals Month to recognize the essential role principals play in making a school great. The Baldwin County School District is fortunate to have an amazing group of principals leading our schools. These outstanding leaders show a true commitment to leading our young people to a prosperous future. They support and guide our teachers and staff, resulting in productive learning environments for our students. Whether they lead an early learning, elementary, middle, or high school, our principals are visionaries who lead us in providing the best possible education to future generations—and when a global pandemic turned education on its head, they rose to the occasion.

Many of our students see their principals as role models, and our school leaders have set great examples for children to follow. They are team leaders, coaches, counselors, collaborators, cheerleaders, and so much more, all in one. Our principals know that when good school leaders excel, their actions can change the lives of students, staff, and an entire community. Thank you to each of our principals for their leadership and for going the extra mile for our students! We appreciate you!

In observance of National Principals Month, we will highlight the phenomenal principals in our school district throughout the month of October. Join us in celebrating their dedication and commitment to our students by letting them know how much you appreciate them. Visit our school district's website and social media pages throughout the month to learn more about these great school leaders.
Midway Hills Primary Teacher Ms. Molly Williams Surprised with WMAZ My Teacher is Tops Recognition
Midway Hills Primary School teacher Ms. Molly Williams had no idea that a routine staff meeting would bring her to shed tears of joy. Ms. Williams was surprised with the WMAZ My Teacher is Tops award. She was nominated by her student Carter Green. She is in her third year of teaching at Midway Hills Primary and is currently teaching kindergarten. My Teacher is Tops is a recognition program sponsored by 13WMAZ. Each week, the news station shines a spotlight on teachers who make a difference in the lives of their students. Congratulations Ms. Williams for receiving this honor! We are so very proud of you.

Principals Honored at School Board Meeting
The Baldwin County Board of Education recognized Baldwin County Schools and each school leader at the October 6th school board meeting. Principals were honored with gifts and certificates in recognition of National Principals Month. In addition, all of Baldwin County's K-12 schools were recognized for meeting the necessary standards to be Accredited with Quality by the Georgia Accrediting Commission, Inc. for the year 2020-2021 school year. School Board Chair Lyn Chandler and Baldwin County School Superintendent Dr. Noris Price were presented with a certificate of recognition on behalf of Baldwin County Schools K-12 meeting the necessary accreditation standards. Click the link below to view photo gallery of principal recognitions from the board meeting.

Baldwin High School Football Season Starts with Senior Night & a Win Against Westside
The Baldwin High School football season officially began Friday, October 9th with a Home game against Westside High School. The Baldwin Braves' season started strong with a 35-28 victory against their opponents from Macon. The game began with Senior Night. Senior Night is a time when we recognize our Senior football players, football cheerleaders, color guard, band members & volleyball players. Seniors were escorted by family & friends as their academic plans & aspirations for after high school were announced to spectators. Congratulations Seniors! The Baldwin County School District is so proud of your accomplishments & we look forward to celebrating more successes as the school year continues. To view photo gallery from Senior Night click the link below.

Oak Hill Middle School Observes National Hispanic Heritage Month
Oak Hill Middle School teachers and students participated in the observance of National Hispanic Heritage Month. September 15 to October 15 is National Hispanic American Heritage Month which honors the cultures and contributions of both Hispanic and Latino Americans who have positively influenced and enriched our nation and society. In observance of National Hispanic Heritage Month, Dr. Kachari Davis, 6th Grade Assistant Principal, challenged 6th Grade teacher Mrs. Shinholster and her students to creatively educate others about the beauty and richness of the Hispanic and Latino culture. The middle school debuted a student presentation online. Lailyann Delgado Arizmendi created a presentation on her home country of Puerto Rico! Click below to view presentation and to learn more about the Puerto Rican culture.

Midway Hills Academy Students Map Out Their Way to Learning
Mrs. Jenkins and Mrs. Atkinson's third grade classes learned map skills by completing a map skills activity using a grid map in the library!
Lakeview Academy Bids a Heartfelt Farewell to Mrs. Victoria Basilio
Administrators, teachers and staff of Lakeview Academy ended the month of September with a heartfelt retirement reception for their favorite Media Clerk, Mrs. Victoria Basilio. Mrs. Basilio served as Media Clerk for the school district for 21 years. She transitioned to Eagle Ridge, now Lakeview Academy when Davis Elementary was closed in 2005. Dr. Shawne Holder, Principal of Lakeview Academy says what she will miss the most about Mrs. Basilio is her dedication to promoting the great things happening at Lakeview Academy. "Promoting Lakeview Academy was a passion for Mrs. Basilio who was our social media and public relations contact. She made all of us feel proud to be an Eagle." The lady of honor received a great surprise gift from her LVA family at the retirement reception. Mrs. Basilio was given a rocking chair as a retirement gift on behalf of everyone at the school. She is looking forward to traveling and spending more time with her husband and her two granddaughters. Thank you Mrs. Basilio for being a constant ray of sunshine in our school district. You will be missed greatly.
Lakeview Primary Students Have the World in the Palm of Their Hands
In Mrs. Shuman and Ms. Allen's Montessori class, the students began learning about the Earth! They learned that the Earth is a sphere and it is made up of land and water. To help solidify this concept, the class worked all week to create paper mache globes! First, they wrapped a balloon with paper mache using newspaper, flour, and water. Then, after letting their globes get nice and dry, they painted on blue for water and finally added green land.
Georgia College Early College Student Writes About Zoom Math Experience
Georgia College Early College (GCEC) continues to cultivate great student leaders who led by example.Teah Lossifov wrote a letter about her math zoom experience at GCEC. She has become a regular math tutor after school and teaches several of GCEC students twice weekly to help with the workload.
BCSD Remote Learning Parent Survey Available
We are asking our parents to take this short survey to help us collect feedback about their experience with remote learning. Learning from home has created an entirely new approach to education, and we want to hear how it has been working for you and your family. Your feedback is critical in helping the Baldwin County School District make adjustments to the way we are teaching our remote learning students. Your responses will be anonymous. Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey so that we can better serve our students. To access the survey, please click the following link below. The survey deadline has been extended until Friday, October 23.

Donate Now to Support our Schools!
The Baldwin Charter School System Foundation serves as the primary fundraising tool to fund the REACH Scholars program, providing thousands in scholarship opportunities for students who represent the first of their families to have the opportunity to attend college. The foundation also supports employee and student recognition programs. Please support our schools, students, and teachers by making your tax- deductible contribution today.

Infinite Campus is the Baldwin County School District's new student information system and gaining access is easier than ever before. Simply follow the link to two videos that provide step by step instructions on how to create an account and login. You can also find this information by clicking the "Infinite Campus" link under the parents tab on

Download the MyStop App Today!
Never worry about where your child's bus is ever again! Thanks to the new and innovative technology that the Baldwin County School District has invested. As a result, parents of our students can now get real-time updates of their child's bus location through the MyStop app, which is available for download in the iTunes or Android marketplaces. 
MyStop provides parents, and parents only, a live look at their child's bus while in transit using GPS technology. Parents can see the exact location of the bus as it's moving along its route and can even provide an estimated time of arrival. 
District Social Media Links
Follow the links below to all of the social media networks for our respective schools in the district. Our Facebook and Twitter accounts are the best ways to stay up to date with the latest news and happenings in all of our schools. Give us a like or a follow and help share all the good news that is happening in the district every day!

Click the link below to access the Baldwin County Board of Education Board Meetings, Policies, Communications, and About Us. Our District Strategic Plan/School Improvement Plans are currently being revised for 2018-2023.     

Baldwin High School
Early Learning Center
Georgia College Early College
Lakeview Academy
Lakeview Primary
Midway Hills Academy
Midway Hills Primary
Montessori Academy
Oak Hill Middle School