Those On Our Hearts
Maura, Pat, Darquise, Rose, Frances, Don, Teresa, Joan, Barbara, Bill, Brigid, Howard, Nellie, Marianne, Liz, The Reverend Don Beyers and the parish of St Anne's, Toronto; The Reverend Gary van der Meer, The Reverend Dr. Caroline Ducros, Gordon, Gregory, Kerry and all who minister at St John's.
Our Diocese
The Area Parish of Prescott-North Glengarry: Holy Trinity, Hawkesbury St. John’s, Vankleek Hill St. Michael and All Angels, Maxville With the Parish of Grenville/Calumet And the Chapel of St. Paul’s, Fenaghvale The Venerable Frank Kirby, Interim-Priest-in-Charge.
Diocesan Archives, its volunteers, and for our Diocesan Archivist Dr. Glenn Lockwood.
Our Bishop, The Right Reverend Shane Parker, our Metropolitan, The Most Reverend Anne Germond and our Primate, The Most Reverend Linda Nicholls.
Our Companion Diocese in Jerusalem & the Middle East
We pray for St. Matthew’s Church, Zababdeh, West Bank.
We also pray for the Theodore Schneller Chapel, Amman Jordan, and for the School for Boys
The Anglican Diocese of Jerusalem, The Evangelical Lutheran Church in Jordan and the Holy Land, for peace in the Middle East and Archbishop Hosam Naoum.
Anglican Church of Canada (ACC)
The Rt. Rev. Anna Greenwood-Lee, Bishop, and clergy and people of the Diocese of British Columbia
Evangelical Lutheran Church of Canada (ELCIC)
The dean, council, and congregations of the Lower Mainland Region of the British Columbia Synod.
The Anglican Communion from Aba to Zululand
The Church in Wales.
Parish Prayer Group
Funeral for Joan Bérubé.
We give thanks for Joan's life. You are invited to the Celebration of Life service in the chapel at St John's
Wednesday, October 6 at 11:00 a.m.
This St John’s Worship Video anticipates our in-person worship service on Sunday, October 3, 2021.
The opening meditation on God’s Creation takes us along the floating boardwalk in the Mer Bleue Bog, part of the National Capital Greenbelt. This video includes extensive footage from the first National Day of Truth and Reconciliation.
We are pleased to welcome Major the Rev. Canon Catherine Askew as Honorary Assistant Priest at St John’s. In this week’s interview, Catherine reflects on her work as a chaplain in the Canadian Forces, her life experiences as a Status Indian of Cree and English inheritance, and the significance of this first National Day of Truth and Reconciliation. This brings us to a critical reading of the featured scriptures from Genesis 2 and Psalm 8, challenging a comfortable reading and pushing us to do the work at hand, for Truth and Reconciliation, and also for liberation for all of us.
You are welcome to join St John’s for in-person worship as we enter more deeply into these themes.
We hope you will join us for in-person worship. Check out our safety practices and register:
Welcome and I’m looking forward to meeting you!
The Reverend Gary van der Meer
Pastor & Rector
Thursdays at 10am
You will have noticed that we have moved the Wednesday Morning Zoom Hour to Thursday. We are gathering in person to make the most of the opportunity to be together. Our time begins with prayers at 10:00 a.m. followed by Coffee, Tea and Refreshments at 10:30 a.m.
If you’re not able to come in-person, you’re welcome to join us on Zoom. Technology is a learning curve, but we have made a lot of progress. Come on Zoom at 10:00 a.m. to join the prayers, or at 10:30 for the visiting time (same link for both).
I hope this will turn into a St John’s Community Gathering Day, including volunteers at The Shop, visitors from the Foot Clinic, and… we need volunteers to fold the bulletins so they are ready for Sunday! We also look forward to holding Open Doors on Thursday, with the church open for visits, prayers and tours. I’m looking forward to seeing many of you on our Community Gathering Day.
We need volunteers for many roles: greeters, readers, intercessors, servers, communion administrators and especially sidespeople/ushers. If you have participated in these roles in the past, we need you and we hope you will come back! Please let us know your availability by contacting Sherrie Dagg:
Once you see the safety of our worship practices, we hope you will be interested in joining one of these volunteer roles. Please contact Gary+ for a conversation about your interests:
Please Note: The deadline for changes to the bulletin is Wednesday Noon (12:00pm). Please remember to log in to St. John's Online Roster ( to confirm prior to the Wednesday deadline. If you are unable to carry out a worship responsibility please find someone to replace you and submit name by email.
Walk with St John’s and friends as we enjoy the changing colours in Gatineau Park. This hike includes a celebration of the Eucharist in the woods. Bring your camera, appropriate weather jacket, and picnic lunch snacks to share. The hike will conclude by warming up in a pub.
Please Note:
We plan to meet for the hike, rain or shine! But if it really is rainy, please join us for breakfast at Zak's. Should this happen, we will reschedule this hike on Saturday 23 October. This Elgin Street Discovery Walk planned for that date would also be adjusted. So please join us - we have enough space if you need a ride!
Meet at St John’s at 9:00 a.m. to share rides, departure at 9:15. Saturday, October 2.
In addition to this hike, please join us for discovery walks in the geographic St John’s parish:
Saturday, 23 October – Discover Elgin Street
Saturday, 6 November – Discover Somerset Street
Saturday, 20 November – Discover Bank Street
Each walk will conclude with coffee and conversation: What did we see? What did we hear? What did we learn?
Meet at the church at 9:00 a.m. to start walking at 9:15
Please join us for a tour of Temple Israel hosted by Rabbi Daniel Mikelberg. This is an opportunity for shared interfaith learning and growing friendship.
Wednesday, 13 October, 10:00 a.m.
Please join us this fall as we read together and welcome guest speakers about what we are reading. We are starting with White Fragility by Robin Diangelo.
The book’s subtitle helps us to know what to expect:
“Why It’s So Hard for White People to Talk about Racism.”
Please join us on Zoom:
Opening Session: Starting to Read, Key Concepts, and What to Expect. Wednesday 20 October, 7:30 p.m.
Concluding Session: Discussion of Challenging Sections and What we have Learned.
Wednesday 10 November, 7:30 p.m.
Looking ahead in November we plan to read Courage & Complicity, a story from the Residential Schools by St John’s parishioner Claudette Languedoc. In December, we look forward to welcoming Dr Herbert O’Driscoll, former rector of St John’s, for a discussion of his book “I Will Arise and Go Now: Reflection on the Meaning of Places and People.”
We look forward to welcoming Claudette Languedoc and Herbert O’Driscoll for these sessions.
For the Centretown Emergency Food Centre
October 3rd 1pm-4pm
Walk For The Centre is back!
Over 9,000 people used the food centre, pre-pandemic, in 2019 - they know what hunger is and can truly do with your help.
Please support this year's Virtual Walk For The Centre on October 3rd, between 1-4pm. It will be a virtual event again with people walking in different locations in Ottawa in support of the cause.
How do I sign up?
You can join St. John's team or register as an individual.
How do I donate?
We also accept cheques! Please send your cheque to CCSAC, 507 Bank Street, Ottawa, K2P1Z5 ( with a note that it's for the Walk).
What happens on October 3rd?
Walk 2km to 4km as an individual or a team in your neighbourhood, on a favourite nature trail or even on your treadmill.
October 21, 12:30 to 1:15
Help deliver hope in our communities by participating in Building a Community of Hope, our 2nd virtual fundraiser and silent auction. Together, in 2020, we raised $79,000 to help five social service agencies serve people struggling with poverty and mental health issues. This year we are expanding our reach to support seven agencies: Centre 105, Centre 454, Cornerstone Housing for Women, Ottawa Pastoral Counselling Centre, Refugee Ministry, St Luke’s Table and The Well.
You are invited to join The Right Reverend Shane Parker, Community Ministries staff and participants, community leaders, and volunteers for a virtual tour of the seven social service agencies.
Experience the positive changes they have made throughout the pandemic to serve the most at-risk people in our communities. ·
Connect with them to hear about how they will deliver services as they transition into a post-pandemic world.
Help St John's inspire and engage our Church Community, the Community of Centretown, and the greater Ottawa Community. Our goal is to grow St John's' online presence in the hopes to attract new members and to build stronger relationships with people, organizations, and businesses within our community. And we also want to celebrate submissions from you, our parishioners!
For those of you who are new to social media, we recommend that you sign up for a facebook and/or instagram account and follow us by clicking the icons below. If you already have an account, please check our pages each day and "like" our posts!
The more "likes," "shares" and comments we receive, the more our posts will be shared with the wider community.
Ideas for submissions:
- Fall Harvest
- Photographs taken on walks in the area
- Cooking/Baking photos
- Artwork
- Recipes
- Inspirational Scripture & Quotes
- Christian Jokes
- Travel Pictures
- Pictures of Past Events/Occasions
- Pets & Animals
Let's flood our social media with a rainbow of colour and inspiration from St John's!
If you have a photo/submission you wish to share, please send it to Kerry at
Submissions will be featured in future newsletters and on our Facebook and Instagram pages.
Thank you for "liking" and "sharing" our posts!
Please click the icons to link to our social media pages.
(From Top Left): Alex Bissett, Autumn’s Bounteous Harvest - Parkdale Market
(From Bottom Left): Truth and Reconciliation Day - Parliament Hill - Edwin Stretch; Dawn - Deer Sighting - Kerry Bradley; Dusk on the Farm - Kerry Bradley.
Title Photo - Rev. Gary van der Meer
To see more submissions, check out our Facebook & Instagram pages!
154 Somerset Street West, Ottawa, ON K2P 0H8
The Reverend Gary van der Meer, Rector
The Reverend Dr Caroline Ducros, Transitional Deacon
Dr Gordon Johnston, FRCCO, Organist and Choirmaster
Detlef Dransch, Rector’s Warden
Stephen Giles, People's Warden
Anishinabe aking ate awaso kikinawadjichigan.
This land we are upon is the traditional territory of the Algonquin people.